
  • 网络education commission
  1. 教育统筹委员会对教育制度的检讨。

    The Education Commission s review of the system .

  2. 教学专业议会筹备委员会〔教育统筹委员会〕

    Preparatory Committee on the Establishment of General Teaching Council [ Education Commission ]

  3. 国际语言学家常设委员会语文能力工作小组〔教育统筹委员会〕

    Permanent International Committee of Linguists Working Group on Language Proficiency [ Education Commission ]

  4. 教育统筹委员会组〔教育统筹局〕急症科专家统筹委员会

    Education Commission Division [ Education and Manpower Bureau ] Accident and Emergency Expert Specialty Coordinating Committee

  5. 健康教育统筹委员会

    Health Education Coordinating Committee

  6. 李教授曾担任多项主要公职,包括教育统筹委员会委员及科技委员会委员。

    Professor Li has served as member of the Education Commission and member of the Committee on science and technology .

  7. 教育统筹委员会负责就本港整体教育目标和政策,以及推行政策的先后次序,向政府提供意见。

    The Education Commission ( EC ) is responsible for advising the Government on the overall educational objectives and policies , and the priorities for implementation .

  8. 筹备东京会议排雷技术技术专家会议教学专业议会筹备委员会〔教育统筹委员会〕

    Meeting of technical experts on demining technology in preparation for the Tokyo meeting Preparatory Committee on the Establishment of General Teaching Council [ Education Commission ]

  9. 透过这项研究和教育统筹委员会的教学目的检讨,我们将探讨改善教育质素的方法,以切合社会不断转变的需要。

    This , together with the review of educational aims by the Education Commission , will seek to improve the quality of education so as to meet the changing needs of our society .

  10. 为了面向21世纪的高等教育需要,教育统筹委员会于1999年间开展香港教育全面检讨,并提出建构终身学习的教育体系,其中以高等教育和持续教育的发展为重点。

    To gear Hong Kong education to the new century , the education planning board thoroughly reviewed Hong Kong education in 1999 . It then put forward the idea of constructing in Hong Kong a lifelong learning system which emphasizes higher education and continuing education .

  11. 设立优质教育基金是《教育统筹委员会第七号报告书》提出的一项建议。

    The establishment of the Quality Education Fund ( QEF ) is one of the recommendations of the Education Commission Report No.7 ( ECR 7 ) .

  12. 优质教育基金督导委员会〔教育统筹委员会〕

    Quality Education Fund Steering Committee [ Education Commission ]