
  • 网络educational benefits
  1. 只有在计算教育福利的年限时,才会考虑服役时间长度。

    Length of service was used to apply only to duration of educational benefits .

  2. 论农民工子女受教育福利权的政府保障

    Governmental Protection of Migrant Children 's Rights in Education and Welfare

  3. 然而,未矫正视力的普遍问题仍然没有得到充分认识,全球儿童无法充分享受教育福利以及现有的扫盲支持。

    Yet , whilst the endemic problem of uncorrected vision remains unacknowledged , children across the globe are prevented from accessing the benefits of the education , and literacy support available .

  4. 在毗邻香港的深圳市生活和工作的人口达860万,其中属于固定居民的不到25%。固定居民能优先享受到医疗与教育福利。

    Of the 8.6m people who live and work in Shenzhen , which borders Hong Kong , less than 25 per cent are classified as permanent residents entitled to preferential medical and education benefits .

  5. 目前,情况正在发生变化,教育福利计划和革新项目所提供给富裕生众多的学校的资助正在减少。这些学校在利用学生家长提供的赞助购置计算机。

    The situation is now changing , support provided by the educational welfare program and by project renewal is reducing and parental contributions are being used to purchase computers in schools with many advantaged pupils .

  6. 31岁的罗西每天的工作就是计算五角大楼在养老、医疗和教育福利方面未来的成本。但他说,这份工作不仅仅是鼓捣电子表格数据。

    Rossi , 31 , spends his days calculating the future costs of the Pentagon 's pension , health and education benefits , but says his job involves more than just crunching numbers for spreadsheets .

  7. 户口登记制度将城市与农村人为割裂开来,造成了中国社会发展的二元结构,与户口登记制度相伴随的教育福利政策造成了城乡居民在基础教育起点上的不公平。

    The household registration institution separates the city from the country , resulting into the dualistic structure in Chinese society , and the concomitant education welfare policy leads to the unfair jumping-off point between the urban and rural people .

  8. 农村福利制度的主要内容应包括:农民家庭最低收入保障机制、农村未成年人教育福利、农村老年人和残疾人福利、农村失业及贫困救助福利、农村公益事业财政补贴制度、农民医疗保障制度等。

    The rural welfare system mainly includes income security system for farmers , educational welfare for rural youngster , welfare for rural senior and deformity , welfare for rural unemployment and poor family , medical welfare for rural residents , fiscal subsidy for rural infrastructure as well .

  9. 太多的教育、福利及刑事司法政策都不过是顺势疗法(homeopathy):讲一些什么会见效、听上去很奇妙的故事,更多地依靠信仰,而非证据。

    Too many policies on education , welfare and criminal justice are just so much homeopathy : cute-sounding stories about what works leaning more on faith than on evidence .

  10. 葡侨教育及福利基金总理团

    Board of Governors of the Portuguese Community Education and Welfare Foundation

  11. (美国旧制时的)卫生、教育和福利部

    HEW ( ( Department of ) Health , Education , and Welfare )

  12. 他们无法在城市享受医疗、养老或子女教育等福利,所以最后不得不返回家乡来养家糊口。

    migrants must return to their hometowns to settle down and raise a family .

  13. 到1976年6月,这些准则已为负责卫生、教育、福利的部长批准了。

    By June 1976 , the guidelines had cleared through the secretary of Health , Education , and Welfare .

  14. 医疗、教育和福利体制的改革计划,比人们所普遍认为的更加激进风险也更大。

    Plans to shake up health , education and welfare are more radical and risky than has been widely understood .

  15. 其次,世行必须支持人力资本上的投资,尤其是医疗、教育和福利方面。

    Second , the bank must support investments in human capital , especially in health , education , and welfare .

  16. 我们的重点是促进和维持高质量的教育,福利和一般之间的合作,塞拉利昂在国内和国外。

    Our focus is to promote and maintain quality education , general welfare and co-operation among Sierra Leoneans at home and abroad .

  17. 作为一位公众人物,我希望可以尽自己所能,以身作则,令更多人为儿童的教育及福利工作出力。

    As a public figure , I very much hope that my project can appeal to your contribution to children education and welfare .

  18. 例如,健康、教育和福利部门在20年间几乎每年都遭遇“最后”重组。

    For instance , the Health , Education and Welfare Department has been subjected to a " final " reorganization almost every year in its20-year history .

  19. 人类大量的经验证明,在维系一个社会所有人的健康、教育和福利方面,婚姻是最初、也是最重要的制度。

    Vast human experience confirms that marriage is the original and most important institution for sustaining the health , education , and welfare of all persons in a society .

  20. 在中短期内,最佳的政策将是增加政府在卫生、教育、福利和养老金方面的开支,尤其是在该国最贫困的地区增加开支。

    In the short to medium term , the best policy would be to increase the government 's spending on health , education , welfare and pensions , particularly in the poorest areas of the country .

  21. 虽有一些学者对此进行了研究,但大多侧重于从公共管理学视角来探讨残疾人就业教育、福利保障以及残疾人的康复等。

    Although some scholars have carried out research on people with disabilities , they particularly emphasize the perspective of public administration on the employment , education , social security and medical rehabilitation of people with disabilities .

  22. 有人可能会说,从经济角度讲,无子女夫妇通过纳税无私地资助他人子女的教育和福利(父母们还可以享受税收减免)。

    One could also make the economic case that , with their taxes , childless couples are selflessly subsidizing the education and well-being of other people 's children ( who provide tax breaks for their parents ) .

  23. 政府投放在民生方面如教育、社会福利、卫生等的资源,一直都在增加。

    Government resources allocated to education , social welfare and health have all increased .

  24. 而且,城市也要为自身的医疗保健、教育和社会福利项目寻找资金来源。

    Increasingly , cities also have been forced to fund their own health , education and social-welfare programs .

  25. 你有杰出的组织技巧,这可以是很有用的,尤其是在生意、教育或公共福利中。

    You have wonderful organizational skills that can be useful , especially in business , education , and public welfare .

  26. 要改变过去那种把教育完全作为福利、由国家统包的传统观念;

    We should renew such traditional ideas that education is common welfare and ought to be full charged by the government ;

  27. 残疾人教育机构、福利性企业事业组织和其他为残疾人服务的机构,应当创造条件,开展康复训练活动。

    Departments of education , welfare enterprises and institutions and other service organizations for disabled persons shall create conditions for rehabilitation training activities .

  28. 家庭生活教育仍为福利计划一个重要部分,并以善导子女为主题。

    Family life education continued to play an important part in the welfare programme , with emphasis on good parental guidance to the children .

  29. 联合分析现在已经广泛应用于市场营销、战略、激励机制、金融、教育、社会福利政策制订等各个领域,成为发达国家最流行的应用统计方法之一。

    Its applications have spread to marketing research , strategy decision , incentive system , finance , education , welfare policy , and so on .

  30. 分析提示通过对老人的教育和改进福利政策,老人的生活质量可以得到改善。

    It is suggested that through the education to the elderly persons and the modification of welfare policy , the perception of life quality of aged people could be improved .