
  1. 我国高等教育布局结构及其逻辑研究

    On the Distribution Structure and Its Logics of Higher Education in China

  2. 我国东西部高等教育布局结构研究中南大学学科布局及结构调整研究

    A Study in Discipline Overall Arrangement and Structural Adjustment , Central South University

  3. 重庆市高等职业教育布局结构调整思考

    Thoughts on the Layout of the Structural Adjustment of Chongqing Higher Vocational Education

  4. 扩招以来我国高等教育布局结构发展趋势的研究

    On the Development Trend of Layout Structrure in Higher Education Since the 1999s

  5. 社会公平视域中我国高等教育布局结构优化研究

    Studies on the Structural Optimization of Our Higher Education Within the Social Justice Scale

  6. 河南产业结构调整与高等职业教育布局问题研究

    The Industrial Structure Adjustment in Henan and the Layout of Higher Vocational Education Research

  7. 基于区域经济发展的我国研究生教育布局优化研究

    Study on the Optimization of China Postgraduate Distribution Based on the Development of Regional Economy

  8. 调整工业、教育布局,督导、协助内迁;

    Second , regulating the distribution of industry and education , and supervising and helping immigrating ;

  9. 高等教育布局结构的调整与优化必将有力促进我国社会公平。

    The adjustment and the optimization of the structural layout of higher education inevitably promote our social justice vigorously .

  10. 民国时期,分区设置高校的重要设想和大学区制的试行初步奠定了我国高等教育布局的基本格局。

    The conception about establishing colleges and universities zonally in Republic of China had initiated a basic pattern for higher education .

  11. 高等教育布局在高教发展过程中所起到的基础性、发展性和全局性的作用尤为关键。

    The structure of higher education plays a basic , developmental and global role in higher education development process , which is particularly critical .

  12. 长期以来我国一直是以城市为中心的高等教育布局,国家政策优先满足城市利益。

    For a long time , higher education has been arranged in large cities in China , whose benefits are put in the first place .

  13. 因此,从经济因素出发的优势理论认为,应着眼于区域发展优势进行高等教育布局。

    Therefore the advantage theory from the economic factors is proposed which believesthat higher education should be arranged with a view to fostering regionaldevelopmeflt advantage .

  14. 甘肃省位于中国陆域版图的几何中心,在国家高等教育布局中具有重要的战略地位。

    Gansu is located in the geometric center of China Land territory , and takes an important strategic role in the layout of national higher education .

  15. 影响高等教育布局结构的主要因素是社会的政治、经济、科技、人口、地理状况和高等教育自身的发展逻辑。

    The factors influencing DSHE include politics , economy , science and technology , population , geographical features of a country and the logics of higher education .

  16. 与精英阶段相比,大众化早期高等教育布局的变化及其特点在很大程度上受到了区域经济发展水平的影响。

    Compared with the phase of elite higher education , the changes and characteristics of DSHE in this period are greatly affected by the level of regional economic development .

  17. 21世纪初,随着我国教育布局结构调整的纵深推进,农村义务教育寄宿制学校也得到了快速的发展。

    At the beginning of the 21st century , with the advancement of educational topology structural adjustment in our country , the boarding schools of rural compulsory education have maintained a rapid development .

  18. 依据结构功能主义的观点,高等教育布局结构是高等教育系统与环境关系的集中表现,社会历史环境往往直接通过社会结构影响和制约高等教育的布局结构。

    According to the theory of structural functionalism , DSHE is a symbol of the relationship between higher education and the environment . Usually , a special period of history will directly affect DSHE by social structure .

  19. 我国高校经济类教育布局缺乏层次,不同类型的学校定位差异不明显,与市场的多层次需求结构发生错位,影响了培养质量的不断提升。

    There exists many problems in university economics education such as lacking of levels and the positioning difference among different kind schools , which conflicts with the multi-level needs structure of market and affects the improvement of education quality .

  20. 当然,通过高等教育布局结构优化,促成真正意义上的社会公平,任重而道远,许多问题需要我们在实践中逐步解决,许多理论有待我们去深入研究。

    Certainly , there is a long way to go realize the real social justice through the optimization of the structural layout of higher education , there are many problems for us to resolve in practice step by step , there are many theories for us to study deeply .

  21. 精英阶段我国高等教育布局调整是在社会重大转型时期所进行的有破有立、以立为主的战略性调整,其着眼点在于通过建立新的结构秩序来代替已不适应社会发展的旧的结构秩序。

    In the phase of elite higher education , the adjustment of DSHE was strategic in the period of significant transition in society , and its focus was to replace the old distribution structure , which no longer met the needs of social development , with a new one .

  22. 学校现有16个学院、4个学系、3个教学部,有博士后流动站3个,博士学位授权点44个,硕士学位授权点61个,构成了教学和实践相结合、培养学士—硕士—博士—博士后一体化专业人才的教育布局。

    TMU has 16 academic schools , 4 academic departments and 3 teaching departments . It has 3 post Ph. D movable stations , 44 doctoral specialties as well as 61 master 's specialties , which have formed an integrated education and training system to produce qualified bachelor-master-doctor-post Ph. D medical professionals .

  23. 我市的学校[教育]布局受到了批评。

    The distribusion of schools in our city has been criticized .

  24. GIS在教育资源布局规划中的应用

    Application of GIS in Education Resources Distribution Planning

  25. 美国高等教育资源布局及其配置机制分析

    Research on American Higher Education 's Resources Layout and Disposition Mechanism

  26. 区域高等教育空间布局与教育均衡发展

    Spatial Distribution of Regional Higher Education and Balanced Development of Education

  27. 云南高等教育空间布局问题研究

    Search on the Space Arrangement and Display of Yunnan High Education

  28. 高校经济类教育的布局层次与差异定位

    Research on Location Levels and Different Positioning in Economics Education of University

  29. 高等职业教育专业布局规划的内容、方法与步骤

    The Content , Method and Steps of Speciality Overall Arrangement in Higher Vocational Education

  30. 如何科学地实施高等教育区域布局仍然没有得到明确的答复。

    How to scientifically carry out regional distribution of higher education still does not get a clear answer .