
  • 网络organizational form of teaching;organization form of teaching;teaching organization
  1. 教学组织形式研究的发展及其问题

    The Development and Problem on Research of the Organizational Form of Teaching

  2. 教学组织形式是教学论中的一个重要问题,教学组织形式的总体发展上看是从古代的个别教学到近现代的班级教学制,在这条主线的基础上呈现出多样化的发展格局。

    The organizational form of teaching is an important problem in the theory of teaching .

  3. 本文试图在演示型多媒体教室使用CAI课件与课堂教学组织形式有机结合作几点探索。

    The paper tries to make study in combination of CAI courseware and teaching organization pattern in demonstrative classroom .

  4. 澳大利亚TAFE教学组织形式分析与启示

    Enlightening and Analysis of Australia TAFE Teaching Organization Mode

  5. MMORPG在技术学习与教学组织形式上具有先天地优势。

    MMORPG has intrinsic advantage on technology learning and instruction organization forms .

  6. 卫生管理专业实施SDSR四阶式教学组织形式探析

    Research on SDSR teaching organizational form in health management teaching

  7. 澳大利亚TAFE教学组织形式的主要特点是:实施用户选择的学员组织方式,专兼职教师结合、一切以学员为中心安排教学环境和教学时间等。

    Australia TAFE teaching organization mode has an obvious typical , which takes a student organization mode called custom-choice , combines full-time teacher with part-time teacher and arranges teaching environment and time at student-center etc.

  8. 不管是彭富春微观的教学组织形式,还是MIT宏观的教学改革方案,都显现了大学教学的游戏性。

    No matter it is the microcosmic teaching organization of Peng Fuchun or the macroscopic teaching reform at MIT , university teaching not just allows people to join the games of desire , technology and Tao , but also provides a field for such games .

  9. 对现行教学组织形式&班级授课制的再审视

    The reexamination of the classes and grades system of instruction in schools

  10. 我国不同教学组织形式下教师角色的发展

    The Development of Teachers ' Role in Different Teaching Organizations of China

  11. 教学组织形式和教学手段逐步向现代方式转换;

    Teaching organization and teaching means changed gradually to the modern ways .

  12. 关于高师声乐教学组织形式的探索

    Exploration of the Teaching Organization of Vocal Music in Teachers ' Colleges

  13. 传统教学组织形式存在着的弊端;

    Drawback that the organizational form of traditional teaching exists ;

  14. 课程教学组织形式更加多样化、优化;

    The teaching organization tends to be diversified and optimized ;

  15. 三是要构建丰富多样的教学组织形式;

    Third , construct all kinds of teaching organization form ;

  16. 论以课程为单元的教学组织形式

    On the Organizing Form of Teaching To Take the Course as a Unit

  17. 盲校教学组织形式的改进策略

    Improving Strategies of Instruction - organizing in Blind Schools

  18. 关于现代体育教学组织形式的研究

    Research on Organizing Forms in the Modern P.E Teaching

  19. 教学组织形式机械性有余,灵活性不足,等等。

    The surplus of mechanism and the deficiency of ingenuity for teaching organized form .

  20. 对高校最佳体育课教学组织形式的探讨与论证

    An Inquiry into the Best Teaching Organization Style of PE in Colleges and Universities

  21. 4乒乓球教师能依靠科学的教学组织形式有效提高教学效果。

    The scientific organization of teaching by the teachers can promote teaching . 5 .

  22. 体育教学组织形式以教师为主体,不重视学生个性的发展;

    The PE teaching is teacher-centered , neglecting the development of students ' individual character .

  23. 学习小组是远程开放教育中一种重要教学组织形式,也是山西广播电视大学导学群“六位一体”运行机制中的一个重要组成部分。

    One of the important form of teaching organization in distance learning is Study Group .

  24. 丰富体育课班级教学组织形式;

    To enrich the PE class teaching ;

  25. 小组协作学习是现代远程教育的一种重要教学组织形式。

    Group collaborative learning is an important teaching organizational form of the modern distance education .

  26. 适合成人的教学组织形式探析

    The Organization Form Suitable for Adult Teaching

  27. 教学组织形式的分类问题

    On the Classification of Teaching Organization

  28. 简论习惯和传统对高职教育教学组织形式变革的影响

    On the Habitual and Traditional Impacts on the Reform of Teaching Organization in High Vocational Education

  29. 第三部分分析课堂教学组织形式与教学有效性的关系。

    The third part analyzes the relationship between classroom teaching forms of organization and teaching effectiveness .

  30. 反思课文教学组织形式,形成多种教学形式互补并存的格局;

    Form a pattern of various teaching methods coexisted in class by reflecting the teaching organizational forms ;