
  1. 教学合一:陶行知教育思想与远程教学

    Teaching Learning in One : TaoXingzhi 's Educational Thought and Distance Teaching

  2. 教学做合一&从做事到做人

    " Combining Teaching , Learning and Practicing " & From Acting to Behaving

  3. “政(政治思想)教(教学)合一的联合模式”是教育与管理的新的形式。

    Combing ideological education with professional teaching is a new kind of model of education and management .

  4. 三是教育方法观,即教学做合一。

    Third , the concept of the education method , namely the unity of teaching learning and doing .

  5. 陶行知教学做合一理论在素质教育中的应用

    The Application of TAO Xing-zhi 's Theory of " Combination of Teaching and Practice " to the Quality Education

  6. 编制以教学研合一教师专业工作方式为核心的教师专业发展目标系统;

    Working out goal system for teacher professional development which takes the combination of teaching , learning and research as its core ;

  7. 从做中学与教学做合一对新课改下我国基础教育的适应性比较

    A Suitability Comparison between " Learning from Doing " and " The Combination of Teaching , Studying and Doing " to Our Elementary Education under New Curriculum Reform

  8. 实现这一培养目标的模式就是教学做合一,即社会工作者角色的生活化训练模式、实验室训练模式、社会训练模式。

    The model to achieve this goal is to combine teaching and learning , that is social workers living role training mode , laboratory training mode , and social training mode .

  9. 而这与陶行知的生活教育理论不谋而合:生活即教育、社会即学校、教学做合一。

    But this the life education theory which notifies with the ceramic agrees without prior consultation happens to hold the same view : The life is the education , the society is the school , the teaching does gathers one .

  10. 本文通过对陶行知生活即教育、社会即学校、教学做合一等教育思想的探讨,认为弘扬陶行知教育思想对实施素质教育具有十分重要的现实意义;

    By looking at TAO Xinzhi 's educational views of " life is education ", " the society is a school " and " combination of teaching , learning and doing ", the author believes that TAO 's educational views still has a great significance in implementing quality-oriented education .

  11. 应用高中数学学案导学教学模式有利于数学三维教学目标的最大化和实现教学合一。

    The application of the three-dimensional teaching model is conducive to teaching objectives and achieve the maximum unity of teaching .

  12. 具体而言,就是将多媒体PowerPoint课件与教学案结合使用,集中二者的优势,实现师生的教学合一、课内课外合一、新课复习课合一。

    Specifically , multimedia PowerPoint courseware and teaching combined with the case , the advantages of both centralized and achieve unity of teaching teachers and students , curricular and extra-curricular one , new courses-one recitation .