
  • 网络Teaching assistant
  1. 我上大二时做他的教学助理。

    I was a teaching assistant for him as a sophomore .

  2. 我当了物理系的教学助理。

    As a teaching assistant in the physics department .

  3. ShaynePiasta是俄亥俄州立大学教学助理教授,也是这篇研究的作者。

    Shayne Piasta , an assistant professor of teaching and learning at Ohio State University , was an author of the study .

  4. 一位教学助理通常每周工作20小时。

    A TA usually works about twenty hours each week .

  5. 教学助理将负责报告的评分。

    The teaching assistants will grade your papers .

  6. 杰克是大学的教学助理。

    Jake is teaching assistant at the University .

  7. 美国大学教学助理的管理相当成熟和完善,其中必定有值得借鉴和学习的地方。

    The management of teaching assistant in American universities is quite mature and perfect .

  8. 教学助理可以获得收入,或者免去上课的学费,或者两者兼而有之。

    Teaching assistants make at money or get to take classes for free or both .

  9. 我的教学助理和我一起讨论团队和他们的相互作用。

    My teaching assistants and I get together to discuss the teams and their interactions .

  10. 工会已经为那些感到超时工作和低工资的教学助理提供帮助。

    Labor Unions have been working to organize teaching assistants who feel overworked and underpaid .

  11. 我要叫教学助理阻止所有人,走近这片区域。

    I 'm going to ask the teaching fellows to stop anybody from approaching that area .

  12. 威尔是一名囚犯兼这个项目的毕业生,现在他是教学助理。

    Will , an inmate and graduate of the program , is now a teaching assistant .

  13. 我会叫教学助理每人,把最有趣的一两个发给我。

    I will ask the teaching fellows to each send me their one or two most interesting remarks .

  14. 教授每周上一到两节课,而教学助理在其他时间组织小范围的讨论。

    The professor gives one or two lectures a week , and teaching assistants lead smaller discussions at other times .

  15. 教学助理也可以给予学生测试、给学生作业打分、协助做一些实验室工作以及和需要帮助的学生会面。

    They also give tests , great work , provide the laboratory system , and meet with students who need help .

  16. 没有拿到这张纸的请举手,让教学助理拿一份给你。

    Anybody who doesn 't have it please raise your hand and one of the teaching fellows will bring it to you .

  17. 我和我的那些为这些作业评分的教学助理们必须运用我们从经验中获取的判断,来公正地为学生们评分。

    I and my teaching assistants who grade these assignments must use judgment that we have gained from experience to fairly grade the students .

  18. 我教我的学生们软技能,并和我的教学助理一起帮助他们学习这些技能。

    I tell my students about the soft skills , and along with my teaching assistants , I help them learn something about them .

  19. 这是香港中、小学的教育辅助人员(教学助理、电脑技术员)等的讨论区,欢迎加入。

    This is the discussion group of teaching assistants and IT technicians in Secondary and Primary Schools of Hong Kong . Everyone is welcome to join .

  20. 根据政府统计数据,中国有约100万名幼儿园教师或教学助理,其中只有6万名是男性,占6%。

    Of the million or so kindergarten teachers and instructional aides across China , about 60000 , or 6 percent , are male , government statistics show .

  21. 学生:是啊,我以为研究生教学助理在开学的时候就已经在工资名单上了呢。

    Student : Yea , I thought graduate teaching a system for automatically put on the payroll at the beginning of the semester . Secretary : They are .

  22. 同步大规模网络课程并不像大型开放式网络课程那样可以随时观看,它要求学生,教授和教学助理同时在线。

    Unlike Massive Open Online Courses , which can be watched whenever , the SMOC requires students , professors and teaching assistants to be online at the same time .

  23. 教学助理在春季学期的本科政治课的课后测试中发现学生可能抄袭答案的问题后调查开始了。

    The inquiry started after a teaching assistant in a spring semester undergraduate-level government class detected problems in the take-home test , including that students may have shared answers .

  24. 自美国大学系统建立之初,研究生就已经被聘作教学助理,教学助理制度在美国拥有相当长的历史。

    Since the beginning of establishment of the American university system , graduates have been employed as teaching assistants . Teaching assistant institution in the United States has a long history .

  25. 如果你没有这张纸,而又想参加测试的话,请举起手,让教学助理,拿给你。

    If you don 't have this piece of paper and you want to participate , please raise your hand and one of the teaching fellows will bring it to you .

  26. 教学助理制度具有提高研究生培养质量、改革研究生培养机制,培养研究生教学技能和综合能力,保障本科教学质量以及为研究生提供经济资助等多重作用和价值。

    Teaching assistant system has multiple role and value , such as improving the quality of graduates , reforming cultivation mechanism , training graduates ' teaching skills and comprehensive quality , ensuring the undergraduate teaching quality , providing financial support for graduate students and so on .

  27. 借助远程教学机构(DTI)促进企业大学员工发展基于建构主义的有机化学教学助理教学模型的构建

    Staff Development in Corporate Universities Using DTI Construction of Teaching Model of Organic Chemistry Teacher Assistant System Based on Constructivism