
  • 网络educating function
  1. 明代话本小说的教化功能

    The Vernacular Novel ' Moral Function of Education in Ming Dynasty

  2. 《诗经》的教化功能及诗学解读

    The Instructive Function and the Aesthetic Interpretation of The Book of Poetry

  3. 道德教化功能,促进社会的诚信友爱;

    Moral enlightenment function , which promotes the faith and friendly of society ;

  4. 书院祭祀的教育及社会教化功能

    The Educational Function of the Sacrifice in Academy

  5. 传统中国绘画非常注重其认识、教化功能。

    Traditional Chinese painting pays more attention to its function of coganition and education .

  6. 突出政治教化功能。

    The outstanding political civilizes the function .

  7. 而儒家人性理论是片面依赖道德自律的哲学基础,儒家夸大修养教化功能是依赖软约束的历史文化根源。

    The philosophy foundation of relying on moral self-discipline is confucian theory of human nature .

  8. 我国绘画最早强调的是绘画的认识功能和教化功能,两者是完全统一在一起的。

    Chinese painting first to emphasize cognitive and enlightenment functions , they are unified together .

  9. 审美接受在建设和谐社会中具有自我教化功能。

    Esthetic reception is of some self-educated function in the process of building a harmonious society .

  10. 其形成以社会生活为基础,其发展与社会生活相适应,对社会生活具有教化功能、规范功能和调节功能。

    It is helpful to life with the functions of moral teaching , standardization and regulating .

  11. 其次,在青少年的个性发展和社会化的进程中,学校和老师担负着重要的教化功能。

    Besides , schools and teachers shoulder important civilizing function in his personality development and socializing .

  12. 哲学的教化功能

    The Educational Function of Philosophy

  13. 从魏晋南北朝时期开始,画论家又意识到绘画还具有不能与认识、教化功能完全等同的审美功能。

    Starting from the Wei and Jin periods , painters aware of the painting also has aesthetic function .

  14. 西南边疆政区名称教化功能演变研究

    A Study on the Evolution of Civilizing Function of the Administrative District Names of Southwestern China 's Borderland

  15. 本文论述民俗的教化功能,民俗教育在人类社会发展进程中的教育作用。

    This article talks about the cultivational and educational role of the folklore in the process of social development .

  16. 全民健身文化价值的社会功能体现在:一是教化功能;二是化解功能;

    The social functions of all people fitness culture value are educational function , dissociation function and personality sublimation function .

  17. 第四章论述宗族的功能,主要探讨廖氏宗族的祭祖功能、教化功能和互助功能。

    Chapter four deals with the lineage function , mainly discusses the ancestor worship fuction , enlightenment function and mutual aid function .

  18. 然而,人类政策活动的结果却是离人越来越远。刍议流行音乐的教化功能及其异化

    However , the results of human policies are increasingly alienating from human themselves . Pedagogical Significance and Alienating Effects of Pop Music

  19. 在我国,至少在西周时期,统治者更看重的是音乐的政治教化功能。

    In China , at least in the Western Zhou Period , the rulers paid more attention to the function of political education .

  20. 儿童文学的翻译应考虑到儿童的兴趣、理解能力和语言习惯,应提供给儿童阅读的乐趣,而不仅仅是知识和道德的教化功能。

    The author proposes that translated literature for children should provide them with pleasure of reading rather than knowledge or moral instruction only .

  21. 这些都弱化了历史人物的教化功能,也不能很好地发挥历史学科的优势。

    These all weakened the culture function of the history person , and also can 't develop the advantage of the history course nicely .

  22. 问卷调查结果、访谈记录以及参与式观察记录显示:文化共享工程教化功能实效偏低。

    The results of questionnaires , interviews and participating observation records show that the efficiency in the use of cultural sharing project was low .

  23. 其小说民俗文化所体现出来的功能有四个:道德感化功能、宗教净化功能、心灵教化功能以及文化认同功能。

    His novel folk cultures reflected four functions : probation function of moral , religious purification , spiritual enlightenment functions and features of cultural identity .

  24. 本文作者针对体育专业学生的具体情况,对语文课的教化功能、实用功能进行了探讨;

    The writer of this article is aimed at the concrete conditions of physical specialized students , discusses the education and practical function in Chinese teaching .

  25. 重视大学校园文化建设,对大学生德行的规范与德性的养成具有一般文化不可替代的教化功能。

    To strengthen the construction of campus culture in universities is very important because campus culture has more advantages than common culture does in educational functions .

  26. 音乐教育除了其愉悦功能之外,主要就是教化功能,即思想政治教育功能。

    In addition to its pleasing features , the main function of music education is to educate , that is the ideological and political education function .

  27. 宋代文言小说作者这种强烈的劝惩意识,与时代对文学教化功能的重视有直接的关系。

    This strong sense of exhortations held by the writers in the Song Dynasty is directly related to moralizing functions of novels imposed on by the times .

  28. 大众传媒发挥教化功能的方式总体上可分为三种:第一,通过无处不在的传媒将人们包围其中。

    The mass media play the way education function can be divided into three types in general : firstly , encircle people through the ubiquity of the media .

  29. 民俗旅游资源是具有强大吸引力的旅游产品,善于开发、综合性开发,才能发挥其历史功能、教化功能、娱乐功能。

    Custom resources can be tourism products of tremendous attractiveness . Their historical , educational and entertaining functions will be fully displayed if we are good at comprehensive develop - ment .

  30. 面对中国传统文化的式微与网络传播中的东西方文化冲突,文化共享工程的教化功能显得尤为重要。

    In the face of the decline of the traditional Chinese culture and east-west cultural conflict of the network transmission , the cultivating function of the cultural sharing project is particularly important .