
  • 网络Ecclesiastical History;Church history;Historia Ecclesiastica
  1. 他也是中美关系史专家、教会史研究专家。

    He is also an expert in the history of Sino-America relations and Church .

  2. 而马克安是使徒之后奥古斯丁之前最重要的教会史人物。

    Marcion was regarded as the most important personality after Paul before Augustine in the history of christianity .

  3. 在全面关注俄罗斯历史的今天,教会史也许是一个更广阔地了解俄罗斯的新角度。

    Today , when we observe the history of Russia , the history of the Orthodox Church might be a new and broader angle to understand Russia .

  4. 俄罗斯教会史属于俄罗斯文化史的一部分。教会在俄罗斯的历史中始终占有重要的地位,扮演着不可替代的角色。

    The history of Russian Orthodox Church is part of the history of the culture in Russia , as the church has always played an important and irreplaceable role in Russian history .

  5. 中国教会大学史是在华基督教史研究中的一个重要组成部分。

    The history of church-run universities is an important part of the history of Christianity in China .

  6. 中国教会教育史研究述评以中国大陆学术界为分析范围历史社会学视角中的美国大学教育学院研究评《教育学院之困境》

    An overview of the history of Chinese Christian education & Researches based on the mainland ; A Study on Ed Schools from a Perspective of Historical Sociology : A Commentary on " The Trouble with Ed Schools ";

  7. 本文通过研究威尔弗里德主教的生平,探讨教会文化的融合与变迁,并从中反映盎格鲁-撒克逊教会的成长史。

    Through the study of the life of Wilfrid of York , explore the fusion and change of church culture , which reflect the history of the growth of the Anglo-Saxon Church .

  8. 引言部分通过对教会大学研究背景与现状的介绍,论述了本选题的理论意义和现实价值,总结了教会大学史研究中的特点和问题,指出了以往研究中的两点不足。

    In the preface , the author introduces the backgrounds of this subject and the present condition of it , expounds the theory value and practice value of this thesis , and points out the traits and defects in the previous study .