
  • 网络policy cycle;policy circle
  1. 从未来发展趋势看,在政策周期维持稳定运行的条件下,股市周期经过充分的调整,将有可能重新出现上扬的势头。

    Watching form the development trend , under the condition of policy cycle keep running steadily , the stock market cycle will probably resume its bullish momen - tum through sufficient adjustment .

  2. 公共政策周期理论强调政策的周期性,认为一项旧政策的实施如果不能与时俱进,为了适应时代的发展而发生改变,它终将被历史所终结,被新的政策所取代。

    Public policy cycle theory emphasizes policy cyclical , and suggests that an old policy if not with the times will eventually be the end of the history , and to be replaced by the new policy .

  3. 但是,货币政策周期现在一下子颠倒了过来。

    But the monetary policy cycles have now abruptly reversed .

  4. 当然,提早脱离宽松货币政策周期并非没有风险。

    True , breaking away early from what Morgan Stanley dubs the monetary policy peloton isn 't without risks .

  5. 我们支持各国拥有自己的战略,用计划贷款的方式,让援款和政府的预算、政策周期相吻合。

    We will support fully owned country strategies , with program loans that align donor support with the government 's budget and policy cycles .

  6. 实际股票收益、通货膨胀与货币政策的周期性

    Real Stock Returns , Inflation and Monetary Cyclical Nature in China

  7. 财政政策反周期运作与北京经济可持续发展

    Fiscal Policies and Continued Development of Economy in Beijing

  8. 历史和现实都证明,贸易政策具有周期性变化的明显特征。

    It is noted that international trade policies have an obvious characteristic of periodic changes .

  9. 换句话说,国内和国际监管机构都应设法减少政策的周期性。

    That said , both domestic and international regulators should look for ways to make policy less cyclical .

  10. 同时,随着通胀回落和政策放松周期启动,宏观经济基本面看来也是利好。

    At the same time , the macro-economic background looks supportive , as inflation is falling and the policy easing cycle has begun .

  11. 研究结果:(1)政策调控周期内最优干预力度应逐渐减小;

    The results indicate that : ( 1 ) the optimal degree of governmental intervention during policy regulation period should be reduced gradually ;

  12. 在我们看来,市场暴跌暴涨的背后,是政策和周期的博弈力量在起作用。

    In our opinion , the market falls suddenly the behind which rises suddenly , is the policy and the cyclical gambling strength is having an effect .

  13. 或许当货币政策紧缩周期结束时(预计在本季度发生),中国消费者将重新开始申办汽车贷款,而比亚迪将趁此机会在2012年东山再起。

    Maybe when the monetary tightening cycle ends , expected to occur some time this quarter , Chinese consumers will start taking out auto loans again and BYD will make a comeback in2012 .

  14. 这些目标包括:减缓监管政策的周期性趋势;审议全球会计标准;加强衍生品市场;审议金融机构薪酬;审议国际金融机构的职能、治理以及资源要求。

    These include : mitigating against pro - cyclicality in regulatory policy ; reviewing global accounting standards ; strengthening derivatives markets ; reviewing compensation practices in financial institutions ; and reviewing the mandates , governance and resource requirements of international financial institutions .

  15. 为此,WTO近建立了颇具特色的贸易政策评审机制周期性的对成员方贸易政策及立法状况进行评议,以保证成员方贸易政策及措施的透明度。

    Periodically appraise the members ' trade policy and lawmaking .

  16. 本文在基本RBC模型的框架下,引入粘滞性价格和内生货币机制,建立包含货币政策的动态周期模型,并且用这个模型模拟了中国经济。

    This paper extends the basic RBC ( Real Business Cycle ) model to a framework with sticky-price and endogenous monetary policy to study the fluctuation of China 's economy .

  17. 新凯恩斯菲利普斯曲线(NKPC)是当前评价货币政策和经济周期分析的主流模型之一。

    The new Keynesian Philips curve ( NKPC ) is one of the mainstreams models for the current evaluation of monetary policy and economic cycle analysis .

  18. 就像查韦斯的高调,该国经济政策也是顺周期的。

    Much like Mr Ch á vez 's rhetoric , the country 's economic policy is pro-cyclical .

  19. 财政政策是反周期性的,在经济景气时会导致盈余,在经济低迷时则会导致赤字。

    Fiscal policy is countercyclical , resulting in a surplus in the good times and a deficit in the bad times .

  20. 这与财政政策作为反周期工具的运用不相吻合,这就意味着财政政策不仅仅是反周期的工具。

    This has some disagree as identical application with fiscal policy against business cycle , the fiscal policy might be not merely regarded as .

  21. 货币与财政政策在上升周期中的收紧,从来赶不上低迷时期放松的劲头。

    With respect to both monetary and fiscal policy , tightening in the cyclical upturns never matched the vigour of the easing in the downturns .

  22. 本文第二部分分析了哈伯勒的国际经贸理论对我国对外贸易结构、贸易政策、经济周期的借鉴意义。

    The second part of this essay is the meaning of Haberler 's theories to our foreign trade structure , strategies and business cycle in China .

  23. 项目模型管理员通常会执行共享网络驱动器上的工作区,并执行本地政策定义的周期性的获取和宣传操作。

    The Project Model Manager generally creates a Business Analyst â™ s workspace on a shared network drive and performs periodic harvest and propagate operations as defined by local policy .

  24. 正如财政和货币政策随着经济周期变化而变化,法规政策也许也应该如法炮制:在失业率高的时候放宽规章,失业率低的时候收紧规章。

    Just as fiscal and monetary policy vary according to the economic cycle , so perhaps should regulatory policy : lighter when unemployment is high , heavier when it is low .

  25. 在整个公共政策的生命周期之中,政策终结是最后一环,但也被认为是承上启下的一环,对公共政策的更新与延续至关重要。

    Public Policy termination is the last part , but it is considered to be a connecting link throughout the life cycle of public policy , and it is important to public policy update .

  26. 近十几年我国经济发展经历了周期性波动,因而进一步地,本文运用金融加速器理论研究货币政策在经济周期不同阶段对高科技上市公司投资的影响。

    The GMM-estimation procedure proposed by Arellano and Bond ( the two-step difference method ) is used to study the effects of the monetary policy on the investment of the hi-tech listed companies through financial accelerator .

  27. 通过研究发现,影响煤炭产业竞争力的主要有五个主成分:国家政策和经济周期、市场力、技术创新能力、高级要素和煤炭铁路运力。

    Through the research , we found that there are five main ingredients affect coal industry competitiveness : national policy and economic cycle , market power , technology innovation ability , advanced elements and coal rail capacity .

  28. 随后,我们分别从财政政策、经济周期波动、利率期限结构和其他宏观经济变量等方面对利率期限结构与宏观经济变量的关联性研究进行了综述。

    Afterwards , studies on correlation between term structure of interest rate and macroeconomic variables was reviewed from such aspects as fiscal policy , periodical fluctuation of economy , term structure of interest rate and other macroeconomic variables .

  29. 宏观审慎管理工具方面,应改进动态拨备制度和差别存款准备金政策等逆周期的信贷调控机制,实施存款保险制度,完善中央银行最后贷款人职能。

    In the aspect of macro-prudential management tools , it should improve counter-cyclical credit regulation mechanism including dynamic provisioning and loan provision policies , implement the deposit insurance system , improves the function of central bank lender of last resort .

  30. 随后通过实证检验就货币政策对经济周期波动的影响进行了定量分析,得出了货币冲击对实体经济影响显著、货币供应量的变化是造成我国经济周期波动的重要原因的结论。

    Then we carried out quantitative analysis of the impact of monetary policy to economic cycle . We concluded that monetary lash affect the real economy obviously , the change of monetary supply is the significant reason of the surge of economic cycle .