
  • 网络political advertising;political advertisement
  1. 政治广告是政治传播的一种方式。

    The political advertising was a pattern of political communication .

  2. 美国中期选举使得政治广告泛滥,尤其在电视上。

    Elections in America bring a flood of political advertising , especially on television .

  3. 你可以通过访问nytimes.com,搜索“给我们发政治广告”(Sendusthepoliticalads)进行参与。

    You can take part by visiting nytimes.com and searching for " Send us the political ads. "

  4. 议员Akin已经道歉,他甚至批准了一个政治广告来请求原谅。

    Congressman Akin has apologized . He even approved a political advertisement asking for forgiveness .

  5. 但政治广告越来越多地对候选人进行人身攻击。

    But political ads increasingly seem to be attacking candidates personally .

  6. 罗姆尼的竞选团队使麦克纳马拉的故事成为一条电视的政治广告。

    The Romney campaign made McNamara 's story the topic of a TV political ad.

  7. 主导2012年政治广告的不是愿景,而是担忧。

    Fear , not vision , is driving much of the current 2012 political advertising .

  8. 电视政治广告的传播形态解析&以美国大选为例

    Analysis of the Communication Modality of TV Political Advertisement & Taking American Presidential Election as an Example

  9. 杰奎琳并没有像埃莉诺•罗斯福或希拉里•克林顿那样为丈夫做政治广告。

    Jacqueline Kennedy was no Eleanor Roosevelt or Hillary Rodham Clinton in terms of advising her husband on policy .

  10. 在美国,电视政治广告已经成为当代竞选政治的主流,在政治传播中扮演着举足轻重的角色。

    TV political advertisement has become the mainstream of contemporary election campaign and played a decisive role in political communication .

  11. 有个例外,在政治广告中偶没看到的是一位候选人在询问有关商业的事情。

    What I have not seen , with one exception , in thepolitical ads is a candidate ASKING for the business .

  12. 特雷西是总统竞选媒体分析集团的主任。这是一家向客户提供政治广告信息的私营公司。

    Evan Tracey is president of the Campaign Media Analysis Group , a private firm that provides political advertising information to its clients .

  13. (但琳达·史密斯不为所动:你见过电视上的政治广告曾经阐明过什么问题吗?)

    ( Linda Smith isn 't impressed : " Have you ever seen a political ad on TV that throws any light on anything ?")

  14. 大选后,华盛顿的局面仍与周二早间一样,尽管两位候选人的竞选活动花费了60亿美元,政治广告花了120万美元。

    After the election , Washington remained aligned exactly as it was Tuesday morning , despite $ 6 billion in spending and 1.2 million political ads.

  15. 这次议题广泛的辩论还涉及到医疗保健的改革,贸易政策,政治广告的负面基调,司法人士提名,堕胎以及教育等问题。

    The wide-ranging debate also explored health care reform , trade policy , the negative tone of political advertising , judicial nominations , abortion and education .

  16. 然而,容许电子媒体卖政治广告,财雄势大的政党将占尽优势,小市民的利益更不受保障。

    However , if electronic media are allowed to do so , well-heeled political parties may have such a great advantage that ordinary citizens'interests will be even less protected .

  17. 近日,谷歌在一篇博文中表示,该公司将通过要求政府发放的身份证和其他关键信息,更好地核实美国政治广告买家的身份。

    Google said in a blog post that it would do a better job of verifying the identity of political ad buyers in the U.S. by requiring a government-issued ID and other key information .

  18. 希拉里:离选举日还有两个月,我早已厌倦了各式各样的政治广告。看看今天邮箱里收到的传单,更别提拉选票的人不停地按门铃了!

    Hilary : The election is still two months away and I 'm already sick of the political ads. Look at these flyers we got in the mail just today , not to mention the canvassers ringing our doorbell nonstop !

  19. 如台湾研究者特别关注政治广告这一主题,而大陆地区的研究者对这一主题却鲜有涉猎;广告法规与社会是大陆地区相对热点的研究领域,而在台湾地区则备受冷落。

    For example , the researchers in Taiwan pay more attention to political advertisements which were seldom dabbled in the mainland : Advertising Legal and Society was a field which the mainland paid more attention to but gained less attention in Taiwan .

  20. 在作为付费政治广告出现的这段讲话中,他提到自己拥有包括支票复印件在内的大量文件,能证明布拉特和其他国际足联高级官员与操纵2010年特立尼达和多巴哥选举有关。

    In his speech , a paid political advertisement , he said he had reams of documents , including copies of checks , linking Mr. Blatter and other senior FIFA officials to an effort to manipulate a 2010 election in Trinidad and Tobago .

  21. 在我丈夫的政治攻击广告播出前告知他

    my husband 's attack ads before they air --

  22. 这是我对手新的政治攻击广告

    It 's my opponent 's newest attack ad.

  23. 政治对广告主题的影响以19121919年《申报》广告为例

    Political Influence on Advertising Theme : A Case Study of Shen Daily Issued between 1912 and 1919

  24. 政治现场广告在2006年创下历史纪录之后出现下滑,而电视网预算也下降2%,抵消了有线电视及西班牙语电视的增长。

    Falls in political spot advertising – after record levels in 2006 – and a 2 per cent decline in network TV budgets , offset growth in cable TV and Spanish - language broadcasts .

  25. 但是政治专家认为这些广告常常在竞选中起作用。

    But political experts say these ads often work .

  26. 许多研究者从各个角度对隐喻做了各种探讨和研究。其中不乏政治、科技、广告、战争中隐喻的论文和专著。

    Many researchers have done research on metaphor from different aspects , among which there are many theses and works on metaphor in political , scientific , advertising and military areas .

  27. 专家们预测,政治攻击和负面广告在选举的最后几星期里只会增加,因为在政党全国大会召开后竞争变得更为激烈了。

    But experts predict the political attacks and negative ads will only increase in the final weeks of the campaign because the race has become more competitive since the party conventions .