
  • 网络political neutrality;politically neutral;Political Neutral
  1. 西方公务员制度政治中立原则的内涵剖析

    Analysis on Political Neutrality of Western Civil Servant

  2. 政策水平是公务员能力的重要体现,和西方文官制度强调的所谓文官的政治中立不同。

    The policy level is the official ability importantly manifests , " the political neutrality " is different with the western civil official system emphasis so-called civil official .

  3. 中国公务员的非政治中立性与人民性

    Non political neutral of Chinese public servants and their people character

  4. 美国文官政治中立问题的历史考察

    The Historical Review on Neutrality of Civil Service in the United States

  5. 但王室成员应该是要保持严格的政治中立立场。

    Royals must remain strictly politically neutral .

  6. 除非被问及道德议题,教会也小心翼翼地保持政治中立。

    And the church is careful to remain politically neutral , except on what it calls moral issues .

  7. 皇室网站对此的说明是身为国家元首,女王必须保持政治中立,因为任何赢得下议院多数席位的党派都将为她组建政府。

    As Head of State , The Queen must remain politically neutral , since her Government will be formed from whichever party can command a majority in the House of Commons , the monarchy site explains .

  8. 《彭德尔顿法》把官员的任用建立在功绩制的基础上,提出了政治中立原则,使职业文官在理论上和法律上摆脱了政治和政党的控制和束缚。

    The Pendleton Act put the appointment of officials on the base of merit system , and put forward the principle of political neutrality , which get rid of the political and party control for the civil servants .

  9. 重要区别是我国公务员选拔机制坚持和体现了党的基本路线,坚持党管干部原则,而西方文官制度则标榜政治中立,对公务员的管理强调与党派脱钩。

    The main distinction is that civil servant selection system in our country insists in and embodies the basic lines and persists in principle of party ruling cadres whereas western civil servant system flaunts political neutrality and emphasizes separation from parties in civil servant administration .

  10. 因此,我们在吸取西方主要发达国家的经验做法的同时,一定要分清楚哪些是区分政治中立的措施,哪些是与我国党管干部的原则相背离的措施。

    Therefore , we learn the experience of major developed countries of Western practices , we must have to make clear what is the distinction between the political neutrality of the measures , which is our " communist party manage cadres " goes against the principle of the measures .

  11. 当伊朗国王于1979年被推翻时——马克里奇公司在石油领域的很多人脉也随之被切断——里奇利用了自己公司总部所在地瑞士的政治中立性,在紧接着发生的美国人质危机以及对伊朗商业制裁期间继续进行交易活动。

    When the Shah of Iran was toppled in 1979 - and with him many of Marc Rich + Co 's oil industry contacts - Rich was able to use the political neutrality of his company 's Swiss base to continue trading through the ensuing US hostage crisis and consequent business sanctions .

  12. 政治观点中立,希望与困惑并存;

    Political views being neutral , hope and frustration inaccompany ;

  13. 许多报纸都声明政治上中立,可实际上中立的很少。

    Many newspapers claim to be politically neutral , but few actually are .

  14. 剩下来的工作,就是要设计一个在政治上中立的标志。

    The remaining task was to come up with the politically neutral design .

  15. 她是我们的最受欢迎的君主之一,她是出了名的长寿,政治保持中立而且端庄大方。

    She is one of our most popular monarches , she set a great example in terms of longevity , in terms of political neutral and dignified .

  16. 正义原则无论是作为契约政治的中立“政治道德”,还是在一般道德伦理意义上、以道德为基础的原则,即正义与道德伦理理念的关系与离合将是自然法的下一个战场。

    Thereon , whether the just principia is the neutrally'political morality'for the contractual politics or a comprehensive moral doctrine will be the coming war in defense of natural law .

  17. 辛格是一位政治上中立的学者型人物,在演讲中喜欢提醒听众,教育是他从旁遮普省一座灰尘满天的村庄奋起的关键。

    Mr Singh is a politically neutral , scholarly figure who likes to remind his audience that education was the key to his rise from a dusty village in Punjab .

  18. 体育必须保持政治上的中立,但是体育不能脱离政治。

    Sport must be politically neutral but sport cannot be apolitical .

  19. 我们的文职公务员有着在政治上持中立立场的传统。

    We have a tradition of political neutrality for our civil servants .

  20. 女王在她整个统治时期维持了政治上的中立。

    The queen has maintained political neutrality throughout her reign .

  21. 新闻工作者在政治上应持中立态度。

    Journalists are supposed to be politically neutral .

  22. 可怜英国广播公司(BBC)还试图对英国全民公投决定是否退欧这样的政治话题进行客观中立的报道。

    Pity the BBC 's attempts to deliver objective and neutral coverage of a politicised issue such as the British referendum on leaving the EU .

  23. 未来阿富汗应当确立一个具有广泛参与的政治结构,维持中立和不结盟的传统。

    In the future there should be a political structure with broad participation in Afghanistan and continue her tradition of neutrality and nonalignment .

  24. 与此相应,政治持守价值中立,做好人成为私人之事,公民资格成了个体追求各自美好生活的手段,公民教育成了维护公民追求各自美好生活的工具。

    Accordingly , the politics keeps the value neutrality and being a good person becomes a private thing , the civil qualification becomes the means for individual pursuing his own good life , and the civil education becomes the instrument to keep the citizen pursuing his own good life .

  25. 国家需要优先考虑国家自身的利益,由于经济和政治的原因难以保持难民保护的及时性、政治性、中立性。

    The nation needs to give prior consideration for the national interests of itself , due to the economic and political causes , it is difficult to maintain the promptness , political nature , and neutral features for the refugee protection .

  26. 但也存在一些问题,这些问题主要表现在,政治认识模糊、政治情感困惑、政治信念动摇、政治取向中立和政治参与盲目。

    But there are also some problems such as vague political knowledge , puzzled political feeling , infirm political conviction , neutral political direction and blind political participation .

  27. 与以道德价值和普遍正义为圭臬的正统自然法理念相异,近世多元化和相对主义促成了以商谈为基础、政治道德意义上的正义理念,产生了政治对道德伦理中立的诉求。

    As a result of the theoretical pluralism and moral relativism , the doctrine of justice based on deliberation and moral neutrality has become a pure political doctrine diverging from the traditional natural law which argues for the universal justice as a morally good .

  28. 此外奥林匹克运动与各国政府与政治之间存在着复杂的互动关系,但国际奥委会应努力保持政治中立以促进奥林匹克运动与世界和平的发展。

    Although there is complex interactive relationship between the Olympic Movement and politics or various counties , the IOC shall endeavor to maintain politically neutral and to promote the development of Olympic Movement and world peace .