
  • 网络government public relations;Governmental Public Relations;Public Relation of Government
  1. 公共危机管理中的政府公共关系&以汶川地震为例

    The Governmental Public Relations of the Public Crisis management & Wenchuan earthquake as an example

  2. 本文试图将开放系统的观念引入政府公共关系。

    The purpose of this article is introducing the concept of open system into the studies of Governmental public relations .

  3. 形象建设是政府公共关系的重要职能之一。

    Image building is one of the important functions of Government .

  4. 市场经济条件下政府公共关系探析

    Research on Public Relations of the Government under Conditions of Market Economy

  5. 和谐社会构建中政府公共关系研究

    Study of the Government Public Relation in the Construction of the Harmonious Society

  6. 论有效的政府公共关系及其实现途径

    How to Realize Effective Public Relations in the Government

  7. 政府公共关系是在政府行政管理活动中展示的,体现了政府与公众之间的一种互动关系。

    Government public relationships demonstrate the mutual relations between government and the mass in government administration .

  8. 因此,我国海洋灾害应急管理领域亟待构建一个完善的政府公共关系体系。

    Therefore , the field urgently needs to build a perfect system of government public relations .

  9. 第三部分介绍了政府公共关系的构建要素以及社会化媒体的作用。

    The third section describes the elements of government public relations as well as social media .

  10. 第一部分,介绍了论文的背景和国内外对政府公共关系研究现状。

    The first part introduce the background at home and abroad of the Government Public Relations Research .

  11. 危机研究是政府公共关系和政府沟通理论的一个重要组成部分。

    The crisis research is an important component of the government public relation and the government communicates theory .

  12. 第一部分是对政府公共关系的基本涵义及原理进行了简单的阐述,并介绍了在新农村建设过程中,地方政府公共关系失位的表现状态。

    It also introduces the lack of performance of the local government public relations during the new-typed rural construction .

  13. 本文将首先从说服传播和政府公共关系两者研究的历史发展进程出发,探讨说服传播运用于政府公共关系中的必要性;

    This research will first of all discuss the history of persuasive communication and government public relations , explore their interconnections .

  14. 第五部分从常态和危机公关两个环境进行分析,对政府公共关系使用社会化媒体提出建议。

    Part V of the paper analysis the normal and crisis two environmental , make recommendations to the Government Public Relations social media .

  15. 最后,以两个个案(伊拉克战争和北京成功申奥)为例,进一步探讨政府公共关系中说服传播是如何进行。

    Finally , the thesis probes into two cases , including The Iraq War and The Beijing Success Application of The 29th Olympic games .

  16. 总之,本文围绕着突发公共危机与政府公共关系、突发公共危机与媒体报道并结合具体实例进行论述。

    In a word , this thesis is based on Sudden Public Crisis and Government Public Relations , Sudden Public Crisis and Media Activities and concrete examples .

  17. 目前,社会化媒体成为最为活跃的信息传播载体,但是其传播无序性和匿名性等特点也给政府公共关系管理带来挑战。

    Currently , social media has become the most active dissemination of information carrier , but the spread of disorder and anonymity features challenges Government Public Relations Management .

  18. 文章拟就政府公共关系的引入,政府形象评估的内容,政府形象评估的程序,以及政府形象评估的标准与方法进行探讨。

    The article discusses the introduce of governmental public relation , the content of its figure evaluation , the program , standards and methods of its figure evaluation .

  19. 在政府公共关系的实践过程中,建立政府与民众之间有效的沟通机制非常关键。坚持主动沟通、平等沟通、真诚沟通,是政府与民众有效的沟通的基本原则。论政府机关的效能问题

    To realize effective government-public communication , government bodies should take the sincere initiative and strive for communication on an equal footing . On question about the efficiency of government bodies

  20. 政府公共关系能力是应对公共危机的关键要素,一定意义上说,政府公共关系能力高低决定着危机管理的成败。

    Government public relations capability is a key element to deal with public crisis , the Government determines the level of public relations crisis management capacity of the success or failure .

  21. 政府公共关系是公共关系理论中的重要组成部分,而政府形象塑造是政府公共关系的重要目标和核心。

    The building of image of government is an important goal , as well as the core of government relationship , which is an indispensable part of the whole theory of public relationship .

  22. 随着互联网的全面普及,以传播和沟通为主要手段的政府公共关系发生了新的变化,政府网络公关应运而生。

    With the wide spread of the Internet , new changes have taken place in government public relations , whose main means are spreading and communication , thus government network public relations came into being .

  23. 通过对政府公共关系定义和城市经营的理论整理和实践探讨,具体分析了在城市经营中政府公共关系的主体、受众及媒介。

    Based on the definition of urban management and public relations and the theoretical model , this paper probes into the concrete practice is analyzed in urban management of government public relations , the public and the main characteristics of media .

  24. 第二部分介绍政府公共关系相关概念和社会化媒体的含义,政府公共关系相关的概念和类别介绍,分析社会化媒体内涵和特点,介绍社会化媒体的典型模式及其传播影响。

    The second section describes the meaning of the concepts and social media in government public relations , government public relations concepts and categories , analysis the social media content and features , introducing the typical mode and impact of social media .

  25. 本文论述了政治文明与政府的公共关系建设之间的有机联系。

    This paper demonstrates the organic relation between the political progress and the building of public relations of government .

  26. 政府与公共卫生关系密切。

    Public health is closely related with the government .

  27. 在此基础上,考量当前各地政府开展网络公共关系的实践手段,最后提出真正适用于地方政府的网络公共关系策略。

    Eventually , this thesis advances suitable methods to online public relation for local government .

  28. 跨国企业的营销能力优势在于优秀的营销理论、成功的营销经验支持,对于产品、技术、品牌高额的核心价值的掌握,日益见效的与政府间的公共关系。

    MNEs have the advantages in aspects of marketing theory , experience , technology , and brand value .

  29. 社会公共需求与政府公共供给的关系,是公共行政学研究的基本主题。

    The relation between the public demand and the government supply is the basic subject for the study of public administration .

  30. 政府公共投资项目关系到城市经济和社会的可持续性发展,具有典型的公共性和巨大的社会影响力。

    Government project relate to city economy and continuous social development , and it has typical public characters and large social effect .