
zhènɡ ɡōnɡ
  • political work;political and ideological work
政工 [zhèng gōng]
  • (1) [political and ideological work]∶专门做政治思想工作的人

  • (2) [political work]∶政治工作

  • 政工人员

  1. 政工人员必须树立正确的政治信念,明确思想政治工作的重要性,讲学习,讲政治,不断改造主观世界,提高自身的政治素养;

    The political working staff must adopt the correct political idea , realize the importance of the political and ideological work , and try to improve their political accomplishment .

  2. 政工干部思维方式要实现科学化、现代化

    Provide Cadres of Political and Ideological Work with Science and Modernization

  3. 谈谈政工干部队伍的自身建设

    On the Self - Building of Political Work Cadres ' Army

  4. 建立良性循环的竞争机制,调动政工干部的积极性。

    Establish the competition mechanism to mobilize the enthusiasm of political workers .

  5. 浅谈新形势下政工干部的自身建设

    Self - cultivation of Political Cadres in the New Situation

  6. 试论新形势下高校政工干部队伍的素质培养

    Quality Cultivation of Political Work Cadres in University in the New Situation

  7. 略论高校政工干部素质的基本要求

    On the basic demand for the quality of political workers at colleges

  8. 努力建设新时期的医院政工队伍

    Try hard to bring up hospital political work troop in New Era

  9. 政工干部学员应具备的能力素质及其培养途径

    The Ability and Quality of the Political Cadre and the Training Way

  10. 数学方法与政工研究

    On Mathematical Method in the Study of Political Work

  11. 企业政工人才队伍弱化之原因及对策

    Some Reasons of Political Talent Pool 's Weakening in Enterprises and the Countermeasures

  12. 论新时期高校学生政工干部的必备素质

    On the Essential Diathesis of College Students Political Work Cadres in New Period

  13. 浅谈企业政工干部必备的基本素质

    On a Brief Talk of Political Cadres ' Essential Basic Qualities in Enterprises

  14. 构建和谐校园背景下的高职院校政工队伍建设研究

    The Study of Constructing Vocational College Political Work Team in Building Harmonious Campus

  15. 新时期政工干部加强党纪约束的思考

    Thoughts on Strengthening the Discipline-Restraint of Ideological Work Cadre In the New Period

  16. 新时期高校政工人员应具备的素质

    Qualities Political Workers of Higher Schools Are Expected to Possess in the New Era

  17. 同志在2005年申报参评高级政工师的专业知识考试中成绩合格。

    Declared in2005 , Comrade Shen Ping senior political divisions qualified professional examination results .

  18. 政工人员墨守陈规、创新意识不强;对专职学生政工队伍建设的思考

    Thinking on the construction of the special college students thinking and political work team

  19. 江苏市属高职院校政工队伍现状分析与对策

    Present situation analysis countermeasures concerning political work team in municipal vocational colleges in Jiangsu

  20. 高校学生政工干部队伍建设的认识与思考

    Cognizing and Pondering the Build-up of Student Cadres Staff of Political Work in Colleges

  21. 浅议加强企业政工队伍建设

    On Strengthening of Team Construction of Political Work

  22. 铁路局政工信息综合管理系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of Political Working Information Synthesis Management System for the Railway Administration

  23. 良好的心理素质是政工干部做好思想政治工作的前提。

    Psychological quality is one of the basic qualities that political work cadres should possess .

  24. 数学方法对政工研究的渗透和影响主要有三个领域:一是政治工作测评;

    It infiltrates into and influences the study of political work mainly in three fields .

  25. 浅谈高校政工干部的素质与形象

    Tentative Discussion on the Quality of Political Work Cadres and Their Images in Higher-learning Institution

  26. 浅谈企业政工干部的人格塑造

    On personality molding of political workers

  27. 试论企业基层政工干部队伍建设县级旅游区划研究

    On troop construction of political work cadres of enterprise primary level Tourism Regionalization in county Level

  28. 如何实现政工干部的专业化?

    And how to realize it ?

  29. 然而,当前高校政工干部队伍建设的现状与这种专业化的要求在认识上和现实中都存在差距。

    However , there is long distance between the current situation , and the request of specialization .

  30. 军队政工领导人把这些理论运用于实践的例子很多。

    Examples of the way army political leaders put these theories into practice come readily to mind .