- 网络screening right

He also sold the broadcast rights to Netflix ( NFlx ) , which allows viewers to stream the show online .
The producer of MTV works is the copyright owner , who enjoys the copyright including the rights of show .
In April Gaffigan debuted his hour-long special , " Mr. universe , " on his website , rather than sell the broadcast rights to HBO or Showtime .
According to the current copyright law of China , the producers of the MTV products do not enjoy the rights of show . So they do not have the rights to charge from the behaviors of show . The songwriter enjoys the performance rights because of his creation .
Performing rights and theatrical rights integrated into a right to maintain the stability of the Information Network Transmission Right , remove the right to exhibit .
The right of communication , including the right to exhibit , performance rights , theatrical rights , the right to broadcast and network dissemination of information , five kinds of rights together constitute the overall framework of the right of communication .
When a chain-owned theater clears a nearby independent , it refuses to show a movie unless its own area screens get sole access .