
shōu rù zǒnɡ é
  • Total revenue;gross income
  1. 据bernsteinresearch称,预计今年的电视广告收入总额将下降1.9%,明年将下降5%。

    Total TV advertising is projected to fall 1.9 % this year and 5 % next year , according to Bernstein research .

  2. GDP统计数字衡量的是,某经济体在某一给定时间期限内创造的、以本币计的增加值或收入总额。

    GDP statistics measure the amount of value added or income in the economy , measured in domestic currencies , over a given period of time .

  3. 玩具车(Wheels)系列全球销售收入总额减少9%,其中包括HotWheels、Matchbox和Tyco三个品牌。

    Worldwide gross sales for the wheels category , which includes the hot wheels , matchbox , and Tyco brands , were down 9 % .

  4. 分析公司Dealogic的数据显示,当季全球投资银行收入总额预计仅为139亿美元,较上年同期减少37%。

    Global investment banking revenue is expected to total just $ 13.9 billion for the quarter , down 37 % from the same period last year , according to data from Dealogic .

  5. 这笔收购交易也代表着大型互联网公司进军快速增长的移动游戏行业的最新案例。据Newzoo称,去年移动游戏行业收入总额接近350亿美元。

    The acquisition also represents the latest push by large internet companies into the fast-growing mobile gaming industry , which had a combined revenue of almost $ 35 billion last year , according to Newzoo .

  6. UME华星国际影城的运营总监张小缤说,“4月和5月的票房收入总额为9千万人民币,但是,只有2千万人民币是国产影片产生的票房收入。这一数字是让人失望的。”

    Zhang Xiaobing , operation director of UME 's Huaxing Int'l Cineplex , said , " The total box office gross in April and May was more than 90 million yuan , but only 20 million was generated from domestic movies . It 's quite disappointing . "

  7. 若计入预期减记,收入总额则预计将下降45%。

    Total revenues , including markdowns , are forecast to fall 45 per cent .

  8. 一份业内估计数据显示,三季度交易收入总额环比上升了37%。

    One industry estimate suggested overall trading revenues were up 37 per cent quarter-on-quarter .

  9. 结果:抗菌药物收入总额占药品收入总额的比例为21.57&25.01%;

    Result : The percentage of antibiotics income out of the total medication income was 21.57-25.01 % .

  10. 随着房地产业近几年的迅猛发展,来自房地产业主要税种的收入总额也出现了较快增长的态势。

    With the rapid developing of real estate , real estate taxes income has faster growth trend .

  11. 在计算应缴税额时,收入总额中可以扣除已支付的各种合理费用。

    In calculating the liability to tax , legitimate expenses incurred will be set against the amount received .

  12. 在投行手续费收入总额中,国际性银行与亚洲本土银行的占比短短几年就发生了逆转。

    The split in total investment banking fees between international banks and domestic Asian banks has reversed in recent years .

  13. 海地人均国民收入总额仅为560美元,是西半球最贫困的国家。

    With a GNI per capita of a US $ 560 , Haiti is the poorest nation in the western hemisphere .

  14. 按个人保费收入总额计算,宏利目前为菲律宾第四大人寿保险公司。

    Manulife currently ranks as the fourth largest life insurance company in the philippines , as measured by total individual premium income .

  15. 与上一年度相比,中国500强企业的营业收入总额和利润额分别增长了23.7%和25.9%。

    Companies in the list witnessed a 23.7 percent increase in revenue and 25.9 percent hike in profits from the previous year .

  16. 近年来这种旅馆的数目剧增,现在他们每年的收入总额已超过美国普通旅馆的总收入。

    The number of motels has grown so rapidly in recent years that their total annual income has surpassed that of American hotels .

  17. 能正确核算(查实)成本费用总额,但不能正确核算(查实)收入总额的;

    Its total cost can be calculated ( verified ) correctly , but its total income is unable to be correctly calculated ( verified );

  18. 在该城市的收入总额中,最富裕的10%人口占据了三分之一,而10%最低收入阶层仅占到了2%。

    The wealthiest 10 per cent of people share more than a third of the city 's total income while the bottom 10 per cent account for just 2 per cent .

  19. 目前,随着改革的深入,县级财政也面临着一些困难,诸如收入总额偏低,赤字面大,负债多,风险大,部分地区存在财政空转现象等。

    At present , the deepening reform has caused some fiscal difficulties at county level , such as low level of revenue , large amount of deficit , large debt , and great risks .

  20. 前项营业收入总额之计算,得以中央主管机关调查所得数据或其它政府机关记载数据为基准。

    Calculation of the total sale or operating revenue referred to in the preceding paragraph may be based on data obtained through investigation by the central competent authority or recorded by other government agencies .

  21. 2019中国企业500强去年的营业收入总额达到79万亿元,比上年500强增加了11%。这份榜单由中国企业联合会发布,朱宏任是该联合会了常务副会长兼理事长。

    The enterprises on the list posted record gross operating revenue of 79 trillion yuan last year , those again up 11 percent Zhu Hongren is with China Enterprise Confederation which released the list .

  22. 美联社基于去年的工资、奖金、额外补贴、超市值递延补偿和职工优先认股权价值以及其他激励计算出其收入总额。

    The associated press calculates total pay based on salary , bonuses , incentives , perquisites , above-market returns on deferred compensation and the value of stock options and other awards granted during the year .

  23. 今年,巨石集团将加大在这些新兴市场的投入力度,中东、印度、南美和俄罗斯将占到出口收入总额的50%。

    This year Jushi will intensify its activities in these emerging markets so that the Middle East , India , South America and Russia will account for50 % of Jushi 's total export sales revenue .

  24. 本文选取2000-2003年我国各家电信业务运营商的业务收入总额作为研究对象,分析在这四个年份我国电信运营市场的市场集中度,并从中观察我国电信市场的竞争程度。

    In this article , the writer tries to analyze the market concentration of telecom dealers in China from the year 2000 to 2003 in order to see the competition lever of this special area in China .

  25. 摩根士丹利估计,到2015年,中国招聘行业线上收入总额将达到36亿美元,届时智联招聘的市场份额估计将从2012年的24%增至42%。

    Morgan Stanley reckons total online revenue for the industry will reach US $ 3.6 billion by 2015 , at which time Zhaopin will have an estimated 42 % share of the market , up from 24 % in 2012 .

  26. 自金融危机爆发以来,中国和印度的快速增长帮助该公司克服了欧洲和北美业务的下滑,过去一年亚太区销售额增长三分之一,如今在营业收入总额中占到22%。

    Rapid growth in China and India has helped the company overcome the downturn in Europe and North America since the financial crisis , with Asia-Pacific sales up by a third over the past year and now accounting for 22 per cent of total revenues .

  27. 从我国每年税收收入的总额来看,来自房地产的税收收入在每年税收总额中占到5%左右。

    The real estate tax revenue in the total revenue accounted for about 5 % or so in all of our tax revenue .

  28. 保本点可以定义为销售收入的总额等于费用总额的那一点,或是编辑利润等于固定费用的那一点。

    The break-even point can be defined as the point where total sales revenue equals total expenses , or as the point where total contribution margin equals total fixed expenses .

  29. 应用该模型建立了紫金矿业股份有限公司的入选矿石品位、矿石综合成本、黄金综合成本、黄金产量、销售收入、利润总额和资产总额的灰色GM(1,1)模型。

    By using it , the Grey Models GM ( 1,1 ) of ore grade , synthetic ore cost per ton , comprehensive gold cost , gold output , selling earning total profits and assests of Zijinshan Mining Ltd. Co. are established respectively .

  30. 现金预算不仅规划支出及收入的年度总额,同时还有收支的时间。

    It projects not only the amounts of expenses and revenues for the year , but also their timing .