
zhī chū fèi yonɡ
  • expense;expenditure;payment vouchers;payment slip
  1. 工人的教育支出费用极少,但由于社会教育等因素,工人的整体知识和技能有提高之势。

    The expense for workers ' education is low , but because of the social education , the workers ' knowledge and skill may have risen .

  2. 利用现场机构资料调查方法,收集甘肃省卫生总费用,各项卫生支出费用,财政收入和财政支出,各类消费品税率等信息。

    Through Investigated Agency information , we collect the information of National Health Account , health expenditure , financial revenue and expenditure and the tax rate .

  3. 修理及支出费用免税额水利工程运行维修费

    Repair and outgoings allowance operation and maintenance cost of water project

  4. 由于报告的延迟,这些数字还可能低于实际支出费用。

    The figures may underestimate the payments because of delays in reporting .

  5. 直接退还财政期间内支出费用的款项

    Direct refunds of expenditures made during the financial period

  6. 就是招待来访的客户佳宾的支出费用!

    Receive the defray fee of the client beautiful guest that call in namely !

  7. 对于福利制度的评估将涉及对其投入资金和支出费用的仔细研究。

    An assessment of the welfare system would involve careful study of its inputs and outputs .

  8. 这将占我们为拯救银行所支出费用的一小部分。

    It will be a tiny fraction of what we are spending on bailing out the banks .

  9. 修理及支出费用免税额

    Repair and outgoings allowance

  10. 此后,州政府填写一个正式的请求表,请求把其他的反应费用当作行政支出费用。

    Thereafter , the state filed a formal request for treatment of its response costs as administrative expenses .

  11. 但是首次购买平板电脑的客户可能难以接受为此额外支出费用。

    Customers just buying a tablet for the first time , though , may have trouble justifying the extra cost .

  12. 客户还同意支付律师因该诉讼或调解所发生的一切正当支出费用。

    Client further agrees to reimburse Attorney for all proper expenses incurred by Attorney pertaining to such action or settlement .

  13. 2013年中国纪律监察机构的支出费用明显减少,原因是中国持续进行的反奢侈行动。

    Spending by China 's disciplinary and supervisory organs significantly dropped in 2013 as the country 's anti-extravagance drive continued .

  14. 即便产量降低,减产仍会产生支出费用,从而可能会导致该公司消耗更多的现金。

    The cutbacks could cause the company to burn through more cash than planned as it incurs expenses even as productivity decreases .

  15. 过去,政府对税收遵从成本并不感兴趣,因为这不需要政府直接的支出费用,而且税收遵从成本也不像税收征收成本那样容易量度。

    In the past , the government was not interested in tax compliance costs , because it does not require direct government expenditures .

  16. 面临能源价格逐渐上涨的趋势,很多行业都做出了相应的措施,把提高能源利用率、降低能源支出费用作为重中之重。

    Many industries took related measures to increase the use ratio and decrease the output faced with the tendency of energy price up .

  17. 得请求赔偿之损害包括使用收益之损害、支出费用之损害以及责任之损害。

    The possessor has the right of asking for remedies and compensation which includes damage of incomes , damage of expenses and damage of duty .

  18. 有权占有人可以向侵害人请求赔偿使用收益的损害、支出费用的损害、责任承担的损害和其他费用的损失。

    The possessor with right can request for compensation of damage to the use profit , expenditures , responsibility assuming and other costs of damage .

  19. 模型以计算分析期内总支出费用最小为目标函数,各渠段纵坡和定性规划方案为系统变量,渠道不冲不淤流速、水头损失、投资等为约束条件。

    Engineering total cost of calculation analysis time is taken as objective function Profile slopes and qualitative plans of each canal section are taken as system variable .

  20. 这位官员表示,这个刺激经济的一揽子方案,包括三年的项目支出费用,需要对于该行业有一个“即刻效应”。

    The stimulus package , to cover three years of project spending , needs to have an " immediate effect " to bolster the industry , the official said .

  21. 如果老年人因人口因素引发的社会支出费用上升而减少储蓄,让外国人填补空缺是明智的做法。

    If an elderly population is saving less in the face of rising bills for demographically inspired social spending , it can make sense for foreigners to plug the gap .

  22. 工伤支出费用占工资总额的百分比以铁路运输业为最高(多为工亡事故费用),其次为黑色金属矿采选业。

    The expenditure on occupational injury in railway transportation industry occupied the highest percentage of the total wage ( mainly were death casualty ), followed by iron ore mining and dressing .

  23. 尽管政治上的争论集中在华尔街和商业街、或政府基础设施投资方案上,但我相信,资本支出费用化和降低企业所得税税率的做法,将迅速刺激额外的经济活动。

    While the political debate has centred on Wall Street and Main Street or government infrastructure initiatives , I believe expensing capital and lowering corporate tax rates would quickly stimulate additional economic activity .

  24. 非人力资本的人力资源支出费用化处理方式既符合谨慎性原则,也体现成本效益法则的要求。

    The treatment for the disbursement costs of the non-human capital resources shall be in comply with the principle of prudence , and shall meet the demand of embodying the law of cost benefits .

  25. 针对油田配电网的特点,建立了油田配电网年运行支出费用最小建立目标函数和油田配电网的无功优化数学模型。

    The characteristics of distribution network for the oil field was established oilfield distribution network the minimum annual operating expenses for the establishment of objective function and oilfield distribution network reactive power optimization mathematical model .

  26. 介绍日本不同城市的两部分水费制的具体实施和负担公平化和经营稳定化宗旨以及供水行业支出费用的组成。

    It is introduced that water charge system of two parts in different cities in Japan , the aim of equitable burden and ( operational ) stability , and the expenditure composition of water supply industry .

  27. 例如,在印度北方邦和泰米尔纳德邦的研究发现,该区域的服务匮乏是排在支出费用之后卫生设施使用方面的第二大障碍。

    For example , research in Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu states of India found that after the cost , the lack of services in the area was the second most significant barrier to using health facilities .

  28. 李宁表示,公司签署了一项五年协议,在2016-17年前是中国篮球协会(ChineseBasketballAssociation)的设备赞助商,因此品牌营销和推广支出的费用将大幅上升。

    Li Ning said that it also faced a substantial increase in brand marketing and promotion expenses after it signed a five-year agreement to be the equipment sponsor for the Chinese Basketball Association until 2016-17 .

  29. 建设项目总投资包括项目业主支出的费用、勘察设计单位应收的费用和施工单位消耗的费用(若系EPC工程总承包项目,则仅为项目业主和EPC承包公司两大费用)。

    The total investment of construction project includes the cost which should be taken in by prospecting and designing organization unit .

  30. 家长应当监督孩子对这些网站的使用,记录他们支出的费用,因为这些网站很贵,费钱速度也很快。卡尔也是格林斯博罗市吉尔福德郡学校(GuilfordCountySchools)的教员主任。

    Parents should monitor kids ' use of the sites and track fees , which ' can get very expensive very quickly , ' says Ms. Carr , who is chief of staff of the Guilford County Schools in Greensboro , N.C.