
  • 网络payment intermediary
  1. 这个视图显示购买(购物相互作用)和付款相互作用;它也显示Simpay作为支付中介。

    This view shows the purchase ( Shopping Interaction ) and payment interactions ; it also shows Simpay as the payment mediator .

  2. 我们会支付中介费用的

    We 'll have to arrange a finder 's fee .

  3. 电信运营商提供支付中介服务的探讨&基于消费者效用感知的视角

    An Discussion on Telecom Provide Intermediate Paying Services Based on the Perception of Consumer Utility

  4. 在电子商务中,作为支付中介的银行扮演着举足轻重的角色。

    As a medium of the payment , the bank plays a decisive part in the E-commerce .

  5. 支付中介功能是商业银行最古老的功能,在商业银行经营中占有极为重要的地位。

    The intermediary payment function is the most ancient function of commercial banks , and it occupies an extremely important position in the management of commercial banks .

  6. 承租人须付给出租人租赁免费的10%(10%)的票面价值为备用信用证支付中介机构。

    Lessee shall pay to the Lessor the Lease Free of10 % ( Ten Percent ) of the face value to the Standby Letter of Credit will be paid to Intermediaries .

  7. 商业银行作为经营货币这一特殊商品的企业,具有信用中介、支付中介、信用创造和金融服务等四大基本职能。

    Commercial banks as a special commodity business of carrying on money , credit intermediaries , to pay an intermediary , credit creation and financial services to the four basic functions .

  8. 但是由于其信息技术依赖性高而金融专业知识依赖性低的特性,支付中介功能也成为受到网络发展影响较大的银行功能。

    However , the intermediary payment function also becomes strongly affected by the development of network because of its characteristic that it highly dependents on information technology but lowly on the professional knowledge about finance .

  9. 同时,商业银行的功能也发生了转变,从原来的信用和支付中介为主,转变到以全面的金融服务、风险管理为主,还起到了引导经济快速发展的作用。

    At the same time , the main function of commercial banks has changed from the credit and payment intermediaries to a full range of financial services and risk management , also played a role to guide the rapid economic development .

  10. 金融效率与金融安全是大额电子资金划拨所影响的宏观利益,它们最终体现在资金划拨参与者(交易者与支付中介)和资金划拨系统等微观主体的利益上。

    Financial efficiency and financial security are the macroscopic interests affected by large-value electronic funds transfer , and they are embodied in the microscopic interests of the participants of funds transfer ( including traders and payment intermediaries ) and the funds-transfer system .

  11. 第四章中运用了激励理论和博弈论的古诺模型分析第三方支付作为中介参与交易的微观市场结构和交易行为。

    The chapter 4 is based on the incentive theory and the game theory model .

  12. 纵观国内外洗钱案例,绝大多数洗钱犯罪是通过银行提供的支付或其他中介服务完成了黑钱的清洗,银行成为洗钱犯罪的高危领域。

    Domestic and foreign money laundering in case , the vast majority of money laundering is completed through the bank providing payment or other intermediary service , so banks also become high-risk areas of money laundering crime .

  13. 待双方签订授课协议后,您将支付200元的中介费用,如果您对该外籍教员仍不尽满意,您则无需要支付任何中介费用,仅交通费即可。

    After you sign the teaching agreement , a fee of200 RMB is payable to tutorshanghai as our introduction fee , if you are not satisfied with the tutor selected , no payment is necessary , only the traveling fee is required .

  14. 例如,太多的钱留在美国支付美国人的薪水和向承包商支付中介费用。

    Too much money , for example , has stayed in America , paid salaries to Americans , furnished overhead to the contractors that were used .

  15. 现实中的网络第三方支付主要依靠独立与非独立第三方支付两种模式,为网上支付提供支付网关或信用中介。

    The online Third-party payment of real independence is rely mainly on two models of Independence and non-independent Third-party payment modes , providing payment gateway for online payment or credit intermediary .