
We videotaped a twister while traveling through Texas .
The photo was taken with a giant telescope on a mountaintop in Chile .
The tape-recorder has recorded his voice and the camera has recorded his features .
This was shot the day before .
Don 't believe , watch these photos which is captured during the dry season in February .
There was nothing yet for the satellite cameras to pick up and relay to the weather station .
He 's photographed as if he were a piece of religious art : Christ in his early adolesence .
One camera gave a view of the Earth receding rapidly . The other was pointed at the spacecraft .
Color field line standing on the bridge , a squat-style figure , Trolley lens , this camera under the setting sun painted screen under .
For the first time , the dynamic-process of thermal expansion was observed directly and the oscillograms of the relaxation curves of thermal expansion were obtained .
The footage from the camera in the sandwich bar failed to catch anything suspicious , which meant that the civil liberty of the miserable thief was left intact .
This is the stationary window view recorded by the camera and represented in the later periods of ancient Greek and Roman paintings and in most Western schools of painting since Renaissance .
Each athlete is pictured as they cross the finishing line against a scale capable of resolution to two-thousandths of a second , showing the time elapsed since the start of the race .
In the case of national memory , the spiritual experiences and the life reflection recorded in Chinese literature contain all the reaction of a nation to the invasion from which it suffered .
Lot Notes Whether silently exuding a cold stillness or a warm tranquility , Choi Yeong Geol 's landscape oozes a dignified purpose to humbly capture the mesmerizing beauty of God 's nature .
Now products placed here , at the beginning of aisles , don 't sell well . In tests , secret fixed cameras have filmed shoppers ' movements around a store over a seven-day period .
They were asked to walk at their preferred speed when the tibia and head accelerations were recorded using skin-mounted accelerometers . And their gaits were filmed at the same time to get the kinematic variables .
Seconds after this picture was taken the Mercedes entered the Place de l'Alma underpass going at an estimated speed of 105 km / h ( 65 mph . ) The driver lost control of the car and swerved to the left before colliding head-on with one of the pillars in the tunnel .
Autonomous Relative Orbit Determination for Satellite Formation Flying under J_2 Perturbation of Earth
An algorithm for lambert 's solution based on J_2 perturbation
By introducing structured singular value μ synthesis method , the robust H ∞ output feedback control is investigated under mixed structured and unstructured parameter perturbations .
On Robustness of Multi-Machine System n / m / P / C_ max [ ω ] Scheduling under a Class Linear Perturbation
Under coprime factor perturbation the problem of designing a controller is reduced to l_1 optimal robust controller design problem ensuring robust stability . The proposed controller eventually can be obtained by solving an optimal problem .
The examples of formation flying configuration design and configuration evolvement under J 2 are given .
The formation is almost not change under the J2 perturbation , so it can reduce active control and fuel consumption .
In this paper , the robustness of the n / 2 / P / C_ ( m ɑ x ) scheduling problem is studied by using a property of Abelian semi-group which containing identity element on the real number set R ~ + .
The overshoot for course keeping is controlled within 5 % without static error under severe sea states and for ± 15 % model perturbation .
Secondly , for the relative motion system under the acceleration perturbation , the H2 norm of the error transfer function is expressed by introducing the parameterization controller into the perturbed system , and robust controller of disturbance inhibition is designed by minimizing the index of H2 norm .
Strong stability of differential equations under continuous perturbation on partial variables
Design of Optimal Robust Steady-state Tracking Controller under Coprime Factor Perturbations