
miáo shù
  • describe;description;refer;depict;represent;account;characterize;picture;version;narrative;portrayal;rundown
描述 [miáo shù]
  • [describe] 描写叙述

  • 难以描述

描述[miáo shù]
  1. 用再多的盛赞之辞也难以描述这本书。

    It 's hard to find enough superlatives to describe this book .

  2. 本书继而描述了他在部队的经历。

    The book goes on to describe his experiences in the army .

  3. 目击者的描述与证据不符。

    The witness 's story was not supported by the evidence .

  4. 这本书描述了从绝望到高兴的心理变化过程。

    The book describes a spiritual journey from despair to happiness .

  5. 这份报纸对这起凶杀案骇人听闻的细节描述得淋漓尽致。

    The paper gave all the lurid details of the murder .

  6. 他描述了抢劫案发生前的一系列有关情况。

    He described the sequence of events leading up to the robbery .

  7. 我们只有那个袭击者的粗略描述。

    We had only a vague description of the attacker .

  8. 他被描述为“高大黝黑、相貌堂堂”。

    He was described as ' tall , dark and handsome ' .

  9. 她从她的角度向我们描述了那天发生的事情。

    She gave us her version of what had happened that day .

  10. 这篇文章对他的童年作了歪曲的描述。

    The article gave a distorted picture of his childhood .

  11. 下一个场面是描述故事中五年后的情况。

    The next scene takes the story forward five years .

  12. 在开始的几章中,她描述了自己童年的经历。

    She relates her childhood experiences in the first chapters .

  13. 你能相信她对所发生事情的描述吗?

    Can you depend on her version of what happened ?

  14. 她对事件的描述跟实际发生的情况有些微妙的出入。

    Her version of events is subtly different from what actually happened .

  15. 她向我们描述了她认为那天发生的事情。

    She gave us her version of what had happened that day .

  16. 这篇文章剖析了传媒对男同性恋者的描述。

    The article examines the portrayal of gay men in the media .

  17. 这必然是一份简略的、不完全的描述。

    This is , of necessity , a brief and incomplete account .

  18. 警方发布通告,描述了持枪歹徒的特征。

    Police have issued a description of the gunman .

  19. 这个故事描述了一个男人与一只海豚之间的奇遇。

    The story describes the extraordinary encounter between a man and a dolphin .

  20. 那首诗幽默地描述了当地的人物和传统。

    The poem humorously describes local characters and traditions .

  21. 柱子上饰有描述希腊神话中的场面的高浮雕。

    The column was decorated in high relief with scenes from Greek mythology .

  22. 他生动地描述了他那战斗机飞行员的生活。

    He gave a vivid account of his life as a fighter pilot .

  23. 她对袭击者的特征作了精确的描述。

    She gave an exact description of the attacker .

  24. 她十分动人地描述了她在非洲的经历。

    She described her experiences in Africa very movingly .

  25. 这篇文章对几起凶杀案作了血淋淋的描述。

    The murders are graphically described in the article .

  26. 这部小说描述了20世纪30年代的法国社会。

    The novel depicts French society in the 1930s .

  27. 证人的描述太不明确,没有任何实际价值。

    The witness 's descriptions were too imprecise to be of any real value .

  28. 据描述这男人高个子,深色皮肤,年龄在20岁左右。

    The man was described as tall and dark , and aged about 20 .

  29. 你能向我描述一下他的样子吗?

    Can you describe him to me ?

  30. 她的书描述的是这个市镇从撒克逊时代到现在的历史。

    Her book traces the town 's history from Saxon times to the present day .