
  1. 在过去3个我们掌握数据的季度中,赤字下降了1190亿美元,占国内生产总值(GDP)的比例从6%降至5%,而这种调整似乎仍在继续。

    During the past three quarters for which we have data the deficit has been cut by $ 119bn , falling from about 6 per cent of gross domestic product to 5 per cent , and the adjustment appears to be continuing .

  2. PowerBuilder是美国著名的数据库应用开发工具生产商Sybase公司的产品,而数据窗口是PowerBuilder的核心技术和专利产品,学好PowerBuilder关键是要掌握数据窗口技术。

    PowerBuilder is the product of the famous database application development producer Sybase , and datawindow is the core technology and patent product of PowerBuilder , the crux to learn PowerBuilder is to master datawindow technology .

  3. 针对CRU的管理结构、控制结构和安全结构以及CRU所掌握数据的安全性、真实性和发布情况,进行审查并提出建议。

    Review and make recommendations as to the appropriate management , governance and security structures for CRU and the security , integrity and release of the data it holds .

  4. 学生在学习数据结构时,必须理解和掌握数据结构中的算法。

    When the students learn Data Structure , they must understand and master algorithms in Data Structure .

  5. 1980年以来,在我们掌握数据的26个国家中,有24个国家,其最富有的1%的人的收入份额继续增大。

    Since 1980 , the richest 1 percent increased their share of income in 24 out of 26 countries for which we have data .

  6. 反在工程功能扩充及技巧研收方里,沉里掌握数据采集取传输、数据亡储取同享、数据剖析取处放三大方里。

    In engineering and technology research and development function expansion , stress data acquisition and transmission , data storage and sharing , data analysis and processing three aspects .

  7. 查询与分析工具允许最终用户可以与商业信息进行交互,并且自行回答动态问题,而无需事先掌握数据源和数据结构的专业高级知识。

    Query and analysis tools allow end users to interact with business information and answer ad hoc questions themselves , without advanced knowledge of the underlying data sources and structures .

  8. 征信机构应当通过正当的渠道和方式采集信用信息,其既可以向数据主体直接采集信息,也可以向掌握数据主体信用信息的公共管理部门、其他单位和个人采集。

    Credit investigation agencies may collect credit information through due channels , which may be carried out from the data bodies directly or from public administration department , other units or persons .

  9. 该教学网站的构建,使学生学习本门课程更具灵活性,开放性和交互性,可充分调动学生学习的积极性和主动性,为学生更好的掌握数据结构知识,提供了可能。

    The teaching website provides a more flexible , open and interactive platform for teaching and learning , and can thus inspire students ' enthusiasm and initiative to better grasp the knowledge about data structure .

  10. 理解数据挖掘技术的基本概念,掌握数据挖掘技术的研究方法,熟悉目前数据挖掘技术在各行业的应用,学习数据挖掘的神经网络算法,找出对适合问题求解的算法。

    We grasped the basic concepts and methods of data mining , and the current research and applications of data mining . We study neural network algorithm to figure out which algorithm is better for solving the problem . 3 .

  11. 作为汽车生产者,企业掌握相关数据,应当利用专业知识严格自查,技术优势不应成为解决问题的阻碍。

    Automakers should make use of professional knowledge to strictly conduct self-inspection since they have relevant data , and technical advantages should not become obstacles to solve problems .

  12. 利用基于主体的计算机模拟方法,在SWARM平台上构建了反映这一过程的模型,并在此模型上根据所掌握的数据资料,比较成功地拟合了近似北京疫情发展的情况。

    Using agent-based simulation , a computer model on SWARM platform is built , and the real process of that took place in Beijing is fitted successfully according to the current data we grasped .

  13. 上个世纪木本世纪初,随着Internet的普及应用,人们所掌握信息数据数量急剧增长,给决策支持提供了丰富的信息资源和方便的互动交流平台,也使得更多的专家可以参与决策。

    At the end of last century and the very beginning of this century , we can acquire more and more information with the popularization of Internet , and plenty of information and convenient communication platform are provided , and more experts can participate in decision activities .

  14. PreAct已经为大约500部电影收集了类似信息,用已经掌握的数据为参照,为新上映的电影打分。

    Because PreAct has already collected this information for roughly 500 movies , it generates scores for new films by making comparisons against existing ones .

  15. 咨询机构Forrester高级分析师王小峰(音)表示,如今的差别在于企业所掌握的数据规模以及机器处理数据的速度。

    The difference now , says Xiaofeng Wang , senior analyst at Forrester , the consultants , is the scale of the data companies have and the speed with which machines are able to process it .

  16. 先用实验室小试掌握基本数据;

    Firstly , the basic data was obtained by small-scale test in the laboratory .

  17. 监测高度越高,掌握的数据越完整,便于科学家了解高空中污染物的流动情况。

    The higher elevation monitoring lets scientists trace pollutants from neighbouring cities , as well as local sources .

  18. 我问他,在他掌握的数据流当中,是否有迹象让他担心美国会陷入新一轮衰退。

    I ask him if he sees anything in his data stream that is giving him cause to worry about another downturn .

  19. 设计师还从之前从未掌握的数据中获益,比如消费者使用产品的真实信息。

    Designers are alsolearning from a set of data they never had before : information on how acustomer actually uses the product .

  20. 全球经济正在迅速增长,而根据我们目前所掌握的数据,美国看来也不太可能在2007年出现衰退。

    The world economy is growing fast and , on the data we have so far , a US recession in 2007 looks unlikely .

  21. 继瑞典的研究之后,粮农组织和世卫组织于2002年举办了一次特别专家磋商会议,审查已经掌握的数据。

    In the wake of the Swedish study , a special expert consultation was held by FAO and WHO in2002 to review available data .

  22. 而谷歌过去以来一直在隐私和安全方面饱受质疑,但这家公司表示不会掌握私人数据信息。

    Google has come under fire for privacy and security in the past , but they say they won 't be handling individual data .

  23. 加上中国,这些专利部门的专利申请量占2004年申请总量的四分之三,2004年是掌握全面数据的最近一年。

    With China these patent offices accounted for three-quarters of all patents filed in 2004 , the latest year for which comprehensive figures are available .

  24. 据我所掌握的数据,过去20年间,美国得到的股本投资,基本上和它所流失的总量一样多。

    As I look at the data , the US has received about as much equity investment as it has lost over the past two decades .

  25. 为了保持竞争优势,企业会要求各级专业人才充分掌握大数据的有关概念,同时了解如何充分运用它们。

    To remain competitive , companies will require professionals at all levels that fundamentally grasp big data concepts and and know how to use them to their advantage .

  26. 在所掌握的数据比较充分的时候,为了保证所修复数据的精度,在图像修复过程中可以考虑引入时间相关性的影响。

    In order to guarantee the precision , the influence of correlation in time-domain should be introduced in the process of inpainting when the data available is sufficient .

  27. 通过我们掌握的数据来看,我们估计全世界所有的发展中国家里面大约有四分之一的年轻人都是贫困的劳动者。

    We estimate in the countries for which we have data , about a quarter of young people around the world in developing countries are among the working poor .

  28. “我们还未完全掌握所有数据,但等到那时就太晚了”他说。

    " We don 't have all the data yet , but by the time all the data comes in it 's going to be too late ," he said .

  29. 三年来,阿里巴巴以其掌握的数据为指导,开始向它平台上的商家进行小额贷款(平均8000美元)。

    For three years Alibaba has been making small loans ( average size $ 8000 ) to merchants trading on its platforms , using the data it holds on them to guide its decisions .

  30. 水文数据库中存在大量时间序列数据,发现水文时间序列中蕴藏的规律,有利于掌握水文数据变化规律和趋势,在水资源管理和水文预报方面有重要的现实意义。

    Finding the the hidden law of hydrological time series is conducive to grasp the changes of hydrological data and trends , and has important practical significance in the management of water resources and hydrological forecasting .