
On the term of risk , we considered it as pure loss , but do not deny that it May carry benefits in some cases .
The constituting factors of the obvious unfairness is classified subjective loss theory , objective loss theory and unified subjective and objective theory , with respective advantage and disadvantage .
Firstly , this article relates the theory of accomplished crime and criminal attempt as a whole , including out of control , control , transfer , lose and so on .
The Reliance interest is known as the definition of academic debate exists mainly loss said and interests . The author combined the said of the advantages with disadvantages of the two theories to put forward the concept of the Reliance interest Reliance interest .
But because polymer could not decrease surface tension , it theoretically could not decrease oil film loss or improve oil displacement efficiency .
Doctrine of allocation of losses , i.e. the damages occurred from the liability of danger should be dissipated through the price mechanism of commodity service and insurance system .
That is your loss , he said . Who was the finest singer you 've ever heard ?
It could mean there will be little pressure for real change at institutions that , after incurring large losses on subprime mortgages are arguably in dire need of reform .
But many patients misunderstand the instructions and turn up for stress tests having had a cup of coffee , he says , which leads to tests being canceled and revenue lost .
So what we have done without any loss of efficiency is to replace expensive and highly toxic material with one that is completely benign and much lower cost in the process , Major said .
He asked me if mice had made any damage to me . I said that it was strange that mice obviously entered the storage room , but they did not eat rice I put there .
Many businesses had not managed to raise their prices enough to compensate for this summer 's oil spike to more than $ 145 a barrel , and they say the high prices are still causing problems .
But Atlanta , the city , had gained rather than lost as a result of the war .
To accept your present quotation would mean a heavy loss to us , not to speak of profit .
" Trade protectionism can only hurt mutual trust and lead to losses to both sides ," Yao said .
" With all your lawyers , with all your collateral , you have to write off $ 1 trillion of your money ," he said .
In early 2012 , when the losses appeared to be mounting , there was no discussion by any of the three about what bonds or derivatives they might sell or buy to minimize their losses & also known as trading .
In analysis and computation of hydrologic data and water resources , only rainfall evaporation and rainfall infiltration in soil are often taken into account for rainfall losses , with rainfall interception by vegetation neglected , which is at least imperfect in theory .