
juān shuì
  • taxes and levies
捐税 [juān shuì]
  • [taxes and levies] 各种捐和税收的总称

捐税[juān shuì]
  1. 帝国越是走向没落,捐税和赋役就越是增加,官吏就越是无耻地进行掠夺和勒索。

    The more the empire declined , the higher rose the taxes and levies , the more shamelessly the officials robbed and extorted .

  2. 他们希望捐税能稍有减少。

    They hope for a small diminution in taxes .

  3. 捐税已豁免了。

    The taxes have been remitted .

  4. 服务人员就其服务所得之工资免纳捐税。

    Members of the service staff shall be exempt from dues and taxes on the wages which they receive for their services .

  5. 一位名为austangoolsbee的青年精英建议免除美国40%的纳税人申报自己捐税收入的义务,因为国内税收署业已了解到他们的收入,并且要求他们的雇主和银行提供相关记录。

    One gem : a young wonk named Austan Goolsbee suggested that 40 % of American taxpayers should be exempted from filling in their own tax returns because the internal revenue service already knows what they earn , having demanded records from their employers and banks .

  6. 州的商业信用和其他的捐税鼓励同样有效。

    State business credits and other tax incentives are also available .

  7. 解放前,各种捐税沉重地压在人民身上。

    Before liberation , taxes weighed heavily upon the people .

  8. 检查帐目和捐税收入;起到核实的目的。

    Of accounts and tax returns ; with the intent to verify .

  9. 随着文明时代的向前进展,甚至捐税也不够了;

    With advancing civilization , even taxes are not sufficient ;

  10. 当地政府向每个小贩徵收各种捐税。

    The local government levied all kinds of tolls on every dealer .

  11. 对各州之间的贸易不得课取关税或捐税。

    There were to be no tariffs or taxes on interstate commerce .

  12. 他敦请市议会减轻捐税。

    He urged the Council to reduce the rates .

  13. 那儿的地方政府使人民负担沉重的捐税和债务。

    The local government there burdened the people with heavy taxes and debts .

  14. 对进出口货物征收的关税、规费、捐税;

    Customs duties , charges and taxes levied on imported and exported goods ;

  15. 捐税使英国各阶层均感为重担。

    Taxation bears heavily on all classes in Britain .

  16. 捐税是以前的氏族社会完全没有的。

    These were completely unknown to Gentile society .

  17. 捐税的增长和失业人数的上升将会导致生活水平的降低。

    A reduced standard of living will develop from increasing taxation and rising unemployment .

  18. 英美烟公司在华优势地位的取得,与它在特殊的历史条件下攫取的捐税特权有关。

    This Company in China superiority achieved , based on its special taxation privileges .

  19. 这时,她的捐税已经被豁免了。

    Meanwhile her taxes had been remitted .

  20. 但是各种捐税、关税和其它赋税,在合众国内应划一徵收;

    But all Duties , Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States ;

  21. 美国独立战争爆发的直接导火索正是财产和捐税问题。

    The immediate cause of the American Independence War was also property / tax issue .

  22. 电视观众对于电视机的使用不必交付任何捐税或费用。

    The television viewer pays no tax or charges for receiving programs on his set .

  23. 国会有权规定并征收税金、关税、捐税和消费税。

    The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes , duties , imposts and excises .

  24. 为了维持这种公共权力,就需要公民缴纳费用&捐税。

    In order to maintain this public power , contributions from the state citizens are necessary & taxes .

  25. 官员向民众征收繁重的捐税,以支付政府的管理开支和供养旃陀罗笈多庞大的常备军。

    Its officials collected heavy taxes which paid the costs of administration and supported Chandragupta 's large standing army .

  26. 该税项仅影响有房地产的阶层.捐税沉重地压在该国各阶层的人身上。

    The tax will affect only the propertied classes . Taxation bears heavily on all classes in that country .

  27. 去年,我在查看我的捐税收入,看看我捐了多少钱。

    This last year , I was looking at my own tax returns , how much did I give .

  28. 有残障的郭少坤曾是江苏的一位警察。他因帮助农民为减少过高捐税请愿被判刑2年。

    Guo Shaokun , a disabled former policeman in Jiangsu , has served a2-year sentence for helping peasants appeal high taxes .

  29. 开征捐税、赌博税、鸦片税与败坏政风、败坏社会风气的矛盾,等等。

    The dilemma between levying tallage , gambling tax , opium tax and ruining government reputation , spoiling social habits , etc.

  30. 地方衙门贪官还要向老百姓征收田赋捐税,敛收财货,老百姓苦不堪言。

    Corrupt local government offices would also like people to the Land Tax levied taxes , close convergence goods , people suffer .