
  1. 她还得到了哈康父母,即挪威国王哈拉德五世和王后桑佳的支持。

    She has the support of haakon 's parents , King Harald V and queen sonja .

  2. 很久以前,挪威国王浮廷布拉斯与丹麦国王哈姆雷特展开了一场大战。

    Once long ago , King Fortinbras of Norway fought a battle with King Hamlet of Denmark .

  3. 挪威国王(1045-1066年),于1066年入侵英格兰,而后在与哈罗德二世的战争中被杀。

    King of Norway ( 1045-1066 ) who invaded England in1066 and was killed in a battle against Harold II .

  4. 近日,在一场隆重的官方仪式上,爱丁堡动物园一只非常有名的帝企鹅“检阅”了来爱丁堡参加爱丁堡军乐节的挪威国王卫队。

    A very famous king penguin at the Edinburgh Zoo inspected the King of Norway 's Guard in a grand official ceremony .

  5. 挪威国王哈拉尔第一次有机会领导国民团结到一起,集体面对如此大规模的悲痛。

    King Harald of Norway led this first opportunity for the nation to come together and confront the scale of collective grief .

  6. 这位40岁的公主是挪威国王哈拉尔德五世与索尼亚王后的女儿,也是挪威王室的第四顺位继承人。

    The 40-year-old Princess is the daughter of King Harald and Queen Sonja , and fourth in line to the Norwegian throne .

  7. 帐篷里,他们留下一些食物,一封致挪威国王的信,还有一封致斯科特的信。

    Inside the tent , they left some food , a letter for the king of Norway , and a letter for Scott .

  8. 早在1972年,一名叫做尼尔斯·爱格里恩的少校安排挪威国王卫队在动物园认养了一只企鹅。

    Dating back in 1972 , a lieutenant called Nils Egelien arranged for the Norwegian King 's Guard to adopt a penguin at the Zoo .

  9. 丹麦国王(1808-1839年)和挪威国王(1808-1814年)。同拿破仑一世结盟。他失败后,挪威被转给瑞典(1814年。

    King of Denmark ( 1808-1839 ) and Norway ( 1808-1814 ) who allied himself with Napoleon I , upon whose defeat Norway was awarded to Sweden ( 1814 ) .

  10. 出席婚礼的嘉宾包括英国足球明星贝克汉姆和他的妻子维多利亚,英国首相卡梅隆,挪威国王以及英国歌星埃尔顿•约翰。

    Among the wedding guests were English football star David Beckham and his wife Victoria , British Prime Minister David Cameron , the king of Norway and singer Elton John .

  11. 在现任的尼尔斯·奥拉夫之前,还有两只帝企鹅曾担任挪威国王卫队的吉祥物,它们的名字也是“尼尔斯·奥拉夫”。

    The name " Nils Olav " has also been given to two other king penguins who preceded the current Nils Olav as the mascot of the Norwegian King 's Guard .

  12. 早些时候威廉和凯特和挪威国王哈拉尔五世、他的妻子宋雅王后、包括哈康王储和王储妃梅特玛丽特一起共进欢迎午宴,气氛融洽。

    William and Kate had earlier enjoyed a welcome lunch with King Harald V of Norway , his wife Queen Sonja and members of their family including Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit .

  13. 此外,这只帝企鹅又被授予了一枚代表着新的晋升和头衔的臂章。此前,挪威国王卫队的士兵在2008年访问爱丁堡时,经挪威国王哈拉尔五世批准,授予了它爵士爵位。

    The king penguin was also awarded another arm badge for new promotion and title after the honor of a knighthood , which was approved by Norwegian King Harald V , in a visit by the Guard soldiers in 2008 .

  14. 这只帝企鹅名叫尼尔斯·奥拉夫,是挪威国王卫队的吉祥物。它优雅地在约50名身着制服的卫队士兵、尊贵的嘉宾和普通游客面前走过。

    Named Nils Olav and as the mascot of the Norwegian royal Guard , the king penguin walked elegantly in front of about 50 uniformed soldiers of the Guard , who are in Edinburgh for The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo , honored guests and public visitors .

  15. 1873年的今天,奥斯卡二世在特隆赫姆加冕为瑞典-挪威的国王。

    Oscar II of Sweden-Norway is crowned king of Norway in Trondheim .

  16. 这只企鹅被起名为尼尔斯·奥拉夫,就是为了纪念尼尔斯·爱格里恩少校和当时挪威的国王奥拉夫五世。

    The penguin was named Nils Olav in honor of Nils Egelien , and King Olav V of Norway .

  17. 挪威政府提议丹麦卡尔王子为挪威的君主,依据中世纪独立挪威国王的称呼,被称为哈康七世(haakon)。

    The Norwegian government offered the throne of Norway to Danish Prince Carl who took the name of Haakon VII , after the medieval kings of independent Norway .

  18. 挪威人在南极逗留了两天。他们在那儿留下一顶帐篷,帐篷顶上插着一面挪威国旗。帐篷里,他们留下一些食物,一封致挪威国王的信,还有一封致斯科特的信。

    The Norwegians stayed two days at the Pole.They left a tent there , with a Norwegian flag on it.Inside the tent , they left some food , a letter for the King of Norway , and a letter for Scott .