
  • 【经】annual basis
  1. 美国第三季度GDP按年率计算收缩0.3%的消息公布后,大多数经济学家都预计,经济负增长局面至少还会持续两个季度。

    Following the release of a0.3 % contraction in third-quarter GDP at an annual rate , most economists are forecasting at least two more negative quarters .

  2. 新房销售量经季节调整按年率计算为47.6万套。

    New homes are selling at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 476000 .

  3. 总建筑开支经季节调整按年率计算仅略低于9100亿美元。

    Total construction reached a seasonally adjusted rate of just under 901 billion dollars .

  4. 在过去6个月,按年率计算,美国只增长了0.8%。

    Over the past six months the United States has eked out annualised growth of merely 0.8 % .

  5. 按年率计算,今年第一季度的能源消费量增速已上升至15%。

    In the first quarter of this year , energy consumption rose at the annualised rate of 15 per cent .

  6. 美国商业部表示,上个月新房销售下降了7.3%,经季节性调整后按年率计算为369000套。

    The Commerce Department says new home sales fell 7.3 % last month to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 369000 .

  7. 按年率计算(仅考虑股价变化),家得宝公司也以9.7%的收益水平远超标准普尔500指数的4.3%。

    On an annualized basis ( share-price change only ) Home Depot stock clocks the SP , 9.7 % to 4.3 % .

  8. 但是,新房销售量经季节性调整按年率计算为41.7万套,这个水平仍低于经常学家认为的正常水平。

    But at a seasonally adjusted rate of 417000 homes a year , levels are still way below what economists consider normal .

  9. 今天,政府发布的数据显示,10月份美国新房销售量经季节调整按年率计算为36.8万套,下降0.3%。

    The government 's reporting today that new home sales dropped 0.3 % in October to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 368000 .

  10. 商务部表示,11月开发商开始建设新房和公寓的数量经季节性调整按年率计算略多于1百万套。

    Commerce Department says developers began construction on new homes and apartments in November to seasonally adjusted annual rate , just over 1 million units .

  11. 今天,全美地产经纪商协会宣布,上个月现房销售量较前月下滑3.2%,经季节性调整按年率计算为512万套。

    The National Association of Realtors is announcing today sales of previously owned homes fell 3.2 % from the previous month due to seasonally-adjusted rates of 5.12 million .

  12. 2013年1月,美国的经季节调整后按年率计算的汽车销量预计将超过1500万台&这个数字历来是区分好坏的分水岭。

    The seasonally adjusted annual rate ( Saar ) for the month is forecast to exceed 15 million cars and trucks & the traditional dividing line that separates good times from bad .

  13. 今天,政府公布的经济数据好于预期,商务部表示,第二季度年度国内生产总值按年率计算增长4%。

    Better than expected , economic growth numbers , from the government today , the Commerce Department says the Gross Domestic Product grew a 4 % annual rate in the second quarter .

  14. 自2010年第二季度起,中国一直自诩经济规模已超过日本。按年率计算,去年第四季度中国经济增幅高达近10%。

    China , which has boasted a bigger economy since the second quarter of 2010 , grew at an annual rate of nearly 10 per cent in the last three months of the year .

  15. 美国房地产行业延续强劲势头,全美房地产经纪人协会表示,上个月,美国现房销售量增加了0.8%,经季节性调整按年率计算为498万套。

    Underscoring continued gains in the housing sector in this country , the National Association of Realtor says sales of existing homes increase 0.8 % last month , to seasonally adjusted annual rate of 4.98 million .

  16. 由于利率下降,从2008年第2季度到2011年第2季度,按年率计算的利息收入下降了逾130亿美元,从160亿美元下降至30亿美元多一点。

    As a result of declining rates , the change in interest income on an annualized basis from Q2 2008 to Q2 2011 was a decline more than $ 13 billion , from $ 16 billion to just over $ 3 billion .