
  • 网络Datuk;DATO
  1. 教授引用SPNB董事总经理拿督KamarulRashdanSalleh,文件说,这些房屋被列入35个项目正在开发的公司,其中12个已经完成。

    Quoting SPNB managing director Prof Datuk Dr Kamarul Rashdan Salleh , the paper said these homes were included in35 projects being developed by the company , 12 of which have been completed .

  2. 住房和城市发展部长拿督阿马尔阿邦佐哈里墩Openg告诉记者,这是正常的首席部长,简介,然后再进行短暂的状态内阁总督。

    Housing and Urban Development Minister Datuk Amar Abang Johari Tun Openg told reporters that it was normal for the Chief Minister to brief the Governor before proceeding to brief the state Cabinet .

  3. 2008年,拿督黄纪达基金会(ktwongfoundation)委托艺术家邵帆为切尔西花展(rhschelseaflowershow)设计了一座花园,尽管他此前完全没有园艺方面的经验。

    In 2008 , the KT Wong Foundation commissioned the artist Shao fan to create a garden for the RHS Chelsea Flower Show , notwithstanding his total lack of horticultural experience .

  4. 我须强调,我可以和任何人包括马华总会长拿督斯里翁诗杰合作。

    I must emphasize that I can work with anybody including the President Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat .

  5. 我们今天启用双溪赖菩提中学的新礼堂追思拿督斯里陈火炎。

    Today , we are gathered together here in the Hall of the new Phor Tay School at Sungei Dua to pay our homage to his memory .

  6. 在此,我谨代表区委、区政府对远道而来的拿督及各位贵宾表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的问候!

    On behalf of the district Party committee and the district government , I would like to extend a warm welcome to the Datuk of Sabah state and all the distinguished guests .

  7. 拿督斯里的一生,着重于塑造自己的人格修养。同时,他也对自己灌输了一股强烈的社会感,好让槟城成为一个更美好的家园。

    Throughout his life-time , he persisted in developing his own personality and at the same time he also constantly nurtured a strong sense of social commitment to make Penang a better place to live in .