- 网络PinYin;pinyin input method;Google Pinyin IME;scim-pinyin

Chinese boffins say that character amnesia happens because most Chinese people use electronic input systems based on Pinyin , which translates Chinese characters into the Roman alphabet .
An Investigation on Chinese Homophone & Study on Pinyin IME Baseline Model
Design and Realization of a New Words Database Searching Algorithm for Pinyin Input Method in 3G Terminal
The new IME has been validated on PC and successfully transplanted to 3G terminal developing board .
The Design and Implementation of Traditional Mongolian Phonetic Input Method of Unicode Based on Linux and SCIM
At the end , the paper applied the software architecture which comprises UI Layer , LOGIC layer and ENGINE layer to implement the useable input method software based on Pocket PC.
The paper describes the design of an embedded Chinese pinyin input method which uses a software keypad as an input device . The input method is based on Qt / Embedded on embedded devices running Linux .
It is applied to the Portable Data Acquisition Device , whose hardware and software resource are limited , performing the Chinese man-machine conversation of the Chinese characters displaying on the LCD and its input technique on the digital keyboard .
Then base on the principle and architecture of Microsoft IME , a design of NaXi Pictograph Spell Input Method is brought . Finally , the NaXi Pictograph Spell Input Method is realized by VC + + 6.0 in Windows environment .
Design and Implementation of Chinese Input of PINYIN on MCU
A Pinyin Input Method Editor with English-Chinese Aided Translation Function
The Design and Implementation of Chinese Spelling Input Method in Embedded System
An Investigation of the Mongolian Phoneticize Input Method Based on International Standard Code
Spelling Correction in Pinyin Input On Mediation Method
First , we explain how applied the language model in the Chinese pinyin input method ;
The Chinese pinyin input is usually implemented in embedded systems based upon array or ordered tree .
The paper analyzes the embedded Pinyin input method and designs the interface of the input method .
The Design and Realization of Spell Input Method of NaXi Pictograph Based on VC + + 6.0
PinYin Input Edit Method is easy to grasp , and has a great many customers in market .
Then analyze implement of the solution in theory , structure , application detailed compare with other nation letter system ;
A Better Input Method of Chinese Five-stroke Type ; The Influence of Pinyin Typewriting Experience on Orthographic and Phonological Processing of Chinese Characters
However , there are few phrase-level Pinyin input methods able to achieve the requirement of Chinese character input on mobile phone platform .
To support the Chinese input , the thesis then introduces the design and implementation of Pinyin input method which supports Chinese phrases input .
The touch screen and the pinyin input method of full keyboard makes machine operation simple and convenient , Man-machine interactive interface is friendly .
Accordingly , this thesis develops an interactive translation tool objected to professional translators & a PinYin Edit Method with English-Chinese aided translation function .
Supports dictation and voice commands . You need to install an Input Method Editor ( IME ) to use the Speech Recognition feature .
Then , we analyze the theory of Maximum Entropy Classification Modeling and demonstrate how to combine the classification engine in the Chinese input method ;
Whether on their computers or texting on phones , most Chinese use a system where they type out the sound of the word in Pinyin .
Pinyin input method converts alphabetic string to Chinese character string . The accuracy of conversion depends largely on whether the dictionary covers common words , specially some new words .
The algorithm construction if dynamic planning algorithm for Chinese input with Pinyin is discussed in this paper , in which the complexity and accuracy of time of several popular algorithm is compared .