
  • 网络PinYin;pinyin input method;Google Pinyin IME;scim-pinyin
  1. 中国的学者指出,“提笔忘字”的情况会发生是因为大部分中国人使用的电子设备输入法都是拼音输入法,所有汉字都通过字母来输入。

    Chinese boffins say that character amnesia happens because most Chinese people use electronic input systems based on Pinyin , which translates Chinese characters into the Roman alphabet .

  2. 汉语同音词调查及拼音输入法基线模型研究

    An Investigation on Chinese Homophone & Study on Pinyin IME Baseline Model

  3. 3G终端拼音输入法字库搜索算法的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of a New Words Database Searching Algorithm for Pinyin Input Method in 3G Terminal

  4. 该新的拼音输入法已成功移植到3G终端开发板中。

    The new IME has been validated on PC and successfully transplanted to 3G terminal developing board .

  5. 基于LinuxSCIM的传统蒙古文Unicode拼音输入法的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Traditional Mongolian Phonetic Input Method of Unicode Based on Linux and SCIM

  6. 本文最后采用UI层、逻辑层和引擎层的三层程序构架,在POCKETPC平台上实现了一种可实用拼音输入法软件。

    At the end , the paper applied the software architecture which comprises UI Layer , LOGIC layer and ENGINE layer to implement the useable input method software based on Pocket PC.

  7. 论文最后提出了一种嵌入式中文输入法的解决方案,并在嵌入式Linux上基于Qt/Embedded实现了一种软键盘拼音输入法。

    The paper describes the design of an embedded Chinese pinyin input method which uses a software keypad as an input device . The input method is based on Qt / Embedded on embedded devices running Linux .

  8. 成功地实现对软硬件资源敏感的移动数据采集器的LCD显示屏点阵汉字显示技术和数字键拼音输入法汉字输入技术的中文人机交互平台的设计。

    It is applied to the Portable Data Acquisition Device , whose hardware and software resource are limited , performing the Chinese man-machine conversation of the Chinese characters displaying on the LCD and its input technique on the digital keyboard .

  9. 基于微软IME的基本工作原理和体系结构,阐述了纳西象形文拼音输入法的主要设计思路,并在Windows环境下采用VC++6.0实现了纳西象形文拼音输入法。

    Then base on the principle and architecture of Microsoft IME , a design of NaXi Pictograph Spell Input Method is brought . Finally , the NaXi Pictograph Spell Input Method is realized by VC + + 6.0 in Windows environment .

  10. 单片机中文拼音输入法的设计及实现

    Design and Implementation of Chinese Input of PINYIN on MCU

  11. 一种具有英汉辅助翻译功能的拼音输入法

    A Pinyin Input Method Editor with English-Chinese Aided Translation Function

  12. 嵌入式系统下中文拼音输入法的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Chinese Spelling Input Method in Embedded System

  13. 支持国际标准码的蒙古文拼音输入法研究

    An Investigation of the Mongolian Phoneticize Input Method Based on International Standard Code

  14. 拼写纠正在拼音输入法中的应用

    Spelling Correction in Pinyin Input On Mediation Method

  15. 首先给出了语言模型在拼音输入法的基本应用;

    First , we explain how applied the language model in the Chinese pinyin input method ;

  16. 在嵌入式系统中实现拼音输入法可以采用数组和有序树两种方法,其中有序数方法更具有优势。

    The Chinese pinyin input is usually implemented in embedded systems based upon array or ordered tree .

  17. 论文分析嵌入式拼音输入法并设计输入法界面。

    The paper analyzes the embedded Pinyin input method and designs the interface of the input method .

  18. 基于VC++6.0的纳西象形文拼音输入法的设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of Spell Input Method of NaXi Pictograph Based on VC + + 6.0

  19. 拼音输入法不仅具有易学易会的特点,而且拥有相当多的用户。

    PinYin Input Edit Method is easy to grasp , and has a great many customers in market .

  20. 随后对方案的具体实施包括象形文字库建立及拼音输入法实现过程,从原理、结构、应用等方面进行详细的分析,并与其它少数民族文字系统进行了比较;

    Then analyze implement of the solution in theory , structure , application detailed compare with other nation letter system ;

  21. 拼音输入法经验对汉字字形和语音加工的影响

    A Better Input Method of Chinese Five-stroke Type ; The Influence of Pinyin Typewriting Experience on Orthographic and Phonological Processing of Chinese Characters

  22. 然而,目前在手机平台上实现词语级输入的拼音输入法还不是很多且功能也很有限。

    However , there are few phrase-level Pinyin input methods able to achieve the requirement of Chinese character input on mobile phone platform .

  23. 为了支持中文输入,本文接下来介绍了具有词组输入功能的拼音输入法的设计和实现。

    To support the Chinese input , the thesis then introduces the design and implementation of Pinyin input method which supports Chinese phrases input .

  24. 触摸屏和全键盘拼音输入法使得机器操作方便简单,人机互动界面友好。

    The touch screen and the pinyin input method of full keyboard makes machine operation simple and convenient , Man-machine interactive interface is friendly .

  25. 基于上述思想,本文开发了一种供专业翻译人员使用的交互式翻译工具&具有英汉辅助翻译功能的拼音输入法。

    Accordingly , this thesis develops an interactive translation tool objected to professional translators & a PinYin Edit Method with English-Chinese aided translation function .

  26. 支持语音输入和声音命令。要使用语音识别功能,您需要安装微软拼音输入法。

    Supports dictation and voice commands . You need to install an Input Method Editor ( IME ) to use the Speech Recognition feature .

  27. 然后详细的给出了最大熵分类模型的原理及其和拼音输入法的结合;

    Then , we analyze the theory of Maximum Entropy Classification Modeling and demonstrate how to combine the classification engine in the Chinese input method ;

  28. 无论是在电脑上还是用手机发短信,大多数中国人都习惯用拼音输入法。

    Whether on their computers or texting on phones , most Chinese use a system where they type out the sound of the word in Pinyin .

  29. 拼音输入法通过输入拼音串转换为汉字串,转换的准确率很大程度上取决于词典是否涵盖常用词汇,特别是一些新兴词汇。

    Pinyin input method converts alphabetic string to Chinese character string . The accuracy of conversion depends largely on whether the dictionary covers common words , specially some new words .

  30. 论述动态规划算法在汉字拼音输入法中词组和句子输入的算法构造,并且与几种流行算法进行了时间复杂度和准确度的比较。

    The algorithm construction if dynamic planning algorithm for Chinese input with Pinyin is discussed in this paper , in which the complexity and accuracy of time of several popular algorithm is compared .