
jū liú zhènɡ
  • detention warrant;warrant of detention
  1. 非法制作盗版光碟的犯罪嫌疑人在拘留证上签了字。

    The suspect accused of illegally producing fake discs signed his name on the detainment certificate .

  2. 所有欧盟成员国的警察机关和法庭都在接受严格的监督,由于推行了“相互承认”彼此的法庭判决,以及象跨欧洲拘留证这样的新花样。

    The police and courts in all EU members are under closer scrutiny , thanks to the push for " mutual recognition " of each others'court judgments , and such new wheezes as the Europe-wide arrest warrant .

  3. 如果拒绝,就拘留并签署逮捕证。

    If they refuse , detain them and get warrants .

  4. 他们是4年前废除的收容遣送体制的残余,在那种体制下,城市警方可以拘留任何没有居住证的人,把他们遣送回原籍。

    They are the remnants of a system abolished four years ago , under which urban police could detain anyone without a residence permit and repatriate them to their home town .