
lā suǒ
  • inhaul cable;dragline;digging line
拉索 [lā suǒ]
  • (1) [dragline]∶在拖曳中用或作为拖曳用的绳索

  • (2) [inhaul cable]∶在拉曳挖土机中拉着铲斗把土掘出并归拢的绳索

拉索[lā suǒ]
  1. 拉索松弛产生的时变效应对斜拉桥的影响

    Inhaul Cable Relaxation Time-varying Effects for Influence of Cable-stayed Bridge

  2. C线缆连接器在通信线缆连接器行业内的新型应用。矮塔斜拉桥拉索初张力优化

    C cable connector application of influence matrix in optimisation of initial tension of inhaul cable for low tower cable - stayed Bridge

  3. “喂,我不知道你在说些什么,”拉索反驳道。

    ' Hey , I don 't know what you 're talking about , ' Russo objected .

  4. 中国科学家近日宣布,中国高海拔宇宙线观测站(LHAASO拉索)在银河系内发现大量超高能宇宙加速器,这一发现可能颠覆人类对银河系的认识,并有助于揭示宇宙线起源这个困扰了科学家一个世纪的问题。

    Chinese scientists have detected a dozen ultra-high-energy ( UHE ) cosmic accelerators within the Milky ( LHAASO ) .

  5. 斜拉桥拉索的MR半主动控制研究

    Research on MR semi-active control of cables in cable-stayed bridges

  6. CFRP斜拉索锚具的静载试验研究

    Study of Static Load Tests of CFRP Stay Cable Anchors

  7. 碳纤维(CFRP)预应力筋力拉索锚固系统静力性能的试验研究

    Experimental Study on the Static Behavior of Anchorage System for CFRP Tendons

  8. 利用该模型,对相同条件下的CFRP拉索和钢拉索,采用数值方法分析了频率匹配比、拉索静拉力、激励幅值以及阻尼等因素对拉索参数振动特性的影响。

    By using this model , numerical results of CFRP cables and steel cables with the same condition were obtained .

  9. 采用CFRP拉索将是解决钢拉索疲劳、腐蚀问题的有效途径。

    So using CFRP cable will be the essential approach to settle the fatigue and corrosion problems of steel cable .

  10. 采用磁流变(MR)阻尼器对我国第一座三塔斜拉桥&湖南岳阳洞庭湖大桥斜拉索的减振问题进行了试验研究。

    A full scale test of a stay cable incorporated with Magneto rheological ( MR ) dampers is performed on the Dongting Lake Bridge which is the first three pylon cable stayed bridge in China .

  11. 构造出了符拉索夫板弯曲问题的Hamilton正则方程,给出了它的分离变量通解。

    In this paper , the Hamilton canonical equation for Vlasov plates and its solution with seperation of variables is presented .

  12. 介绍新加坡PSA工程主要传力构件&塔柱及拉索设计。

    In this paper , the design of main load transmission element-internal tower column and suspended cable in Singapore PSA project is introduced .

  13. 阐述结构施工仿真计算的理论基础、方法基础,选择适合大跨斜拉索拱钢结构的有限元方法,离散结构,建立相应的计算模型,借助ANSYS程序进行施工仿真分析。

    Summarize the foundation of the theory and method on simulation analysis ; Select the feat method on Separate structure ; build a relevant model and make simulation analysis by ANSYS .

  14. VSLSSI2000斜拉索体系施工质量控制

    Construction Quality Control of VSL SSI 2000 Cable-stay System

  15. 然后依据Miner累积损伤模型,求得TLP拉索在不利工况下的疲劳损伤;

    The Miner linear cumulative law model is used to get the fatigue damage of the tether of TLP in adverse operation state .

  16. 为保护斜拉索PE保护层,斜拉索吊装时采用尼龙绳,运输采用自制的运索平车,运索平车设有导向转盘,放缩盘增设刹车装置。

    For protecting stayed cables , nylon ropes are adopted when PE cables are erected , self-made vehicle with leading-guide turn table is adopted when transported , and braking device is set on discharging-shrinking table additionally .

  17. 结合OTE控制方法,研究了主动拉索控制系统。

    Based on the OTE algorithm , the active tendon system is studied .

  18. 所以采用CFRP拉索将是解决钢拉索疲劳、腐蚀问题的根本途径,是提高斜拉桥跨越能力的途径之一。

    So using CFRP cable will be the essential approach to settle the fatigue and corrosion problems of steel cable , and it is one of approaches to increase the span of cable-stayed bridge .

  19. 简要介绍了结合国家自然科学基金项目研究、设计并在江苏大学内建成了中国第一座高性能CFRP拉索独塔斜拉桥,桥长51.5m。

    Based on the National Natural Science Fund Project , we designed and constructed the first cable-stayed bridge with high performance CFRP cables in China , which has one tower and is 51.5 metres long .

  20. 分析了碳纤维复合增强材料CFRP这种新型材料的特点,从力学的角度详细推导了相关公式,对斜拉索的承载效率进行了分析。

    The application of CFRP in super long-span bridge is researched hotspot abroad and home . This paper described the material characteristics of CFRP , deduced correlative formulas from mechanics point of view and researched carrying efficiency .

  21. 最后利用ANSYS中的APDL语言结合MATLAB平台,将此计算方法编制成软件,实现了计算的参数化输入与批量计算。(3)研究了预紧角度&预紧力与拉索长度间的关系。

    Combined the APDL language of ANSYS with MATLAB platform , the calculation method is programmed into software , realizing the parameterized input and automatic calculation . ( 3 ) The relationship between pretightening angle-force with the guy-rope length is discussed .

  22. 采用有限体积法利用CFD软件FLUENT对模型进行仿真计算,得出空气绕流不同截面拉索的流场分布规律。

    By making use of Finite Volume Method , CFD software FLUENT is used to simulate and calculate for model , the results that the distribution law of the flow field which the air flow around different sections of cables are obtained .

  23. 3选用了一种有实际背景的拉索和磁流变阻尼器,用本文提出的PID控制算法进行了模拟研究,结果表明有良好的控制效果。

    A steel cable and a MR fluid damper that had real use value were selected in this paper to do the emulation research with the PID control algorithm that had put out by the author , the result showed that the PID control algorithm had a good control effect .

  24. 以单模光纤测量AFRP索的应变为例,对BOTDR分布式光纤传感技术用于检测桥梁体外FRP拉索应力(应变)的可行性进行了试验研究。

    Based on measuring of the strain of AFRP tendons using optic fiber , the experimental study on measuring the stress of external FRP tendons of bridges using distributed optic fiber is proceeded .

  25. 漳州战备大桥斜拉索采用OVM200型平行钢绞线拉索体系。

    Stay cables of Zhangzhou War Preparation Bridge use cable system of OVM200 parallel steel wire rope .

  26. 在阐述斜拉桥几何非线性的各影响因素的基础上,通过具体算例分析了CFRP拉索斜拉桥的非线性各因素的影响量,并与钢拉索斜拉桥进行对比。

    Based on the exposition of geometric nonlinear influencing factors of cable-stayed bridges , the influence quantity of all nonlinear factors of cable-stayed bridges with CFRP cables is analyzed through a specific example , and it is compared with that of cable-stayed bridges with steel cables .

  27. 为控制斜拉索的大幅振动,在Hamilton原理基础上应用Galerkin法建立了斜拉索振动控制的计算模型。

    In order to overcome long span cables vibration , a calculation model for the cable-damper system was formulated by Galerkin method based on the Hamilton principle . The motion of the cable was computed by using a finite series approximation with a Galerkin method .

  28. 建立了采用ER-MR阻尼器作斜拉索的基于神经网络的半主动控制方法。

    This paper reports a study on semi-active vibration control of stay cables using electro-magneto-rheological ( ER-MR ) dampers and adopting neural network control technique .

  29. 基于斜拉索实际索形,推导了索的切线刚度,并与Ernst等效弹性模量方法作了对比分析。实例证明Ernst公式有较高精度,其近似处理是合理的。

    Based on the actual shape of stayed cable , the tangent stiffness is derived . Through the examples in this paper , Ernst 's equivalent elastic module method proves to be approximate and reasonable in the nonlinear analysis of stayed cable with high precision .

  30. 对此,本文在本项目团队前期工作的基础上,对斜拉索内平行钢丝间摩擦系数和正压力进行了进一步的分析,以精确确定钢丝间极限摩擦剪应力fmax。

    So , based on previous works conducted by project team , this paper did further analysis on the friction coefficient and the pressure between parallel steel wires of the stay-cables , for identify limit friction shearing stress fmax accurately .