
dān bǎo fǎ
  • guarantee law;security law;security act
  1. 略论担保法中的抵押权制度

    A brief Discussion of the Hypothec System in the Guarantee law

  2. 从立法比较谈我国担保法的完善

    On the Perfection of Guarantee Law from the View of Legislation Comparison

  3. 时间(英文)论保证期间与保证诉讼时效&兼评《担保法》及其司法解释的相关规定

    The Period of Guarantee and the Limitation of Time on the Adpromissiones

  4. 对《担保法》抵押担保几个问题的法律思考

    Legal Reflection on the Problems of Mortgage Guarantee under the Guarantee Law

  5. 担保法司法解释第四条争议之我见

    My Ideas for Item 4 of the Legal Interpretation in Law of Warranty

  6. 抵押物转让效力之比较研究&兼评我国担保法第49条

    Validity of Transferring the Mortgage : a Comparative Study

  7. 修改《担保法》第82条之规定;

    Amending the item 82 in the Guarantee Law ;

  8. 二是会与担保法中的动产抵押担保产生功能重合,导致动产抵押法律制度闲置。

    Second , it will leave the legal system of chattel guarantee unused .

  9. 论我国担保法中的先诉抗辩权制度

    Talk about the Counterplead Right of Telling first in Our Country Assurance Law

  10. 在立法上,我国《担保法》和《物权法》均对动产抵押制度进行了规定。

    The legislation in China , and the property of the chattel mortgage system .

  11. 我国《担保法》对最高额抵押制度也有明文规定,但仅有四条,很不完善,几乎不具可操作性。

    However the system of maximum mortgage in our civil law is not complete .

  12. 我国《担保法》及其若干问题的解释以及《物权法》中也有最高额抵押的相关规定,但条文共仅12条,不够详细和全面。

    But the provisions of a total of only 12 are not detailed and comprehensive .

  13. 我国《担保法》明确规定了保证成立的有效要件,不具备该有效要件的保证为无效保证。

    According to Chinese Guarantee Law , a valid guarantee must have some valid requirements ;

  14. 我国《担保法》未明确规定共同抵押制度。

    There is no definite provision for the system of joint mortgage in the Guarantee Law .

  15. 我国1995年的《担保法》顺应经济发展的需要,规定了动产抵押制度。

    At the call of economic development , the 1995 Guaranty Law sets forth chattel mortgage .

  16. 浅议我国动产抵押制度的完善&兼议我国担保法的修改

    Improvement of Chinese Movables Mortgage System

  17. 我国《担保法》没有明确规定保险单是否可用于质押。

    There is no clear stipulation in Chinas Mortgage Law whether an insurance policy can be mortgaged .

  18. 我国《担保法》等相关立法对担保法律制度的规定,与世界上的通行作法相比,存在不够完善之处。

    Compared with the common practice in the world , our guarantee law is far from perfection .

  19. 关于保证期间的几个问题&兼评《担保法解释》关于保证期间之若干规定

    On Several Issues of Guaranty Period & Remark on Several Provisions about Guaranty Period in Interpretation of Guarantee Law

  20. 《担保法》规定的担保方式有保证、抵押、质押、留置及定金五种。

    There are five kinds of security devices , namely guarantee , mortgage , pledge , lien and deposit .

  21. 我国现行《担保法》首次明确规定了质押担保法律制度。

    The active Guarantee Law of our country definitely prescribes the legal system of pledge guarantee for the first time .

  22. 非典型权利质押是指我国《担保法》未予列明的权利质押。

    Pledge of atypical rights is a sort of pledge of rights that Guarantee Law hasn 't laid down it .

  23. 从担保法到个人信用法律制度&助学贷款的若干法律问题思考

    From Guarantee Law to the Legal System of Personal Credit & Thoughts on Some Legal Issues in the Study-aid Loan

  24. 《担保法》规定的动产抵押权因登记取得的对抗效力也严重不合理。

    " Guarantee Law " is seriously unreasonable for the provision that the chattel mortgage rights acquire adverse effectiveness by registration .

  25. 在《担保法》中禁止重复抵押有失科学性,设置提前清偿制度也不尽合理。

    In guarantee law , the ban of repeating mortgage is unscientific and the establishment of liquidation before expiration is unreasonable .

  26. 尽管现行的《预算法》和《担保法》都明确规定,地方政府不得举债。

    Despite the current Budget Law and Guarantee Law also stipulate that local governments at all levels can not borrow money .

  27. 本文对股权质押及其特性、现行《担保法》的缺陷与完善进行探讨。

    Besides the pledge of stock rights and its characteristics , the paper studies the weakness and betterment of the security law .

  28. 我国《担保法》规定了权利质押,为股权设质提供了法律基础。

    The pledge of rights is stipulated in China 's Law of Guaranty and it lays the legal foundation for shareholding pledge .

  29. 我国在1995年的《担保法》中就已经确立了动产可以成为抵押担保的标的物。

    In 1995 , our country enacted the Guaranty Law which establishes that the chattel mortgage guarantee can become the subject matter .

  30. 《担保法解释》暗含禁止公司为股东与个人债务提供担保之意。

    The Interpretation of the Guarantee Law implies that any company is prohibited to offer a guarantee for shareholders or individuals ' liabilities .