
dǐ yā quán rén
  • mortgagee
  1. 抵押权人是否有权解除设在抵押房屋上的承租关系?

    Mortgagee is entitled to lift the mortgage housing located in the leased relations ?

  2. 在增担保请求权不能实现时,抵押权人得要求债务人提前清偿债务;

    When this right can 't be realized , mortgagee may claim debtor to fulfill his debt ahead of schedule .

  3. 论抵押权人的抵押物保险请求权

    On the Claim of Insurance of the Pledgee 's Guaranty

  4. 保险保障船舶抵押权人利益浅析

    Elementary analysis upon the insurance protection of mortgagee 's interest

  5. 抵押权人持有一抵押契据或财物的人

    One that holds a mortgage . first mortgage

  6. 每名抵押权人的姓名地址;

    The name and address of each mortgagee ;

  7. 出借人,即取得担保利益的人,被称为抵押权人。

    The lender , the person receiving the benefit of the security , is called the mortgagee .

  8. 英国协会船舶抵押权人利益保险条款是目前发展最完善,应用也最广泛的标准条款。

    The Institute Clauses is the standard clause that now the most developed and the most widely used .

  9. 当物上保证人因为抵押权人行使抵押权而丧失其抵押物时,应当对其加以救济。

    When mortgager loses the mortgaged property while claiming his mortgage right , he or she should he given compensation .

  10. 而在建船舶抵押权人遭遇的风险也更加多样化,对风险的防范措施也更具特色。

    Furthermore , the risks that the under-construction mortgagee suffers are more various , the preventive measurements are more special as well .

  11. 本部分从立法和保护抵押权人两个方面进行阐述,针对我国立法的不足,提出完善建议。

    This part mainly states the system from the legislation and protection of mortgagee , and give some suggestions to improve its deficiency .

  12. 此外,本文还论述了承租人和抵押权人在拆迁中的利益,以及利益的保护及实现。

    Moreover , the article discusses the mortgager 's profits and renter 's profits in building removal , and the realization of profits protection .

  13. 在破产清偿程序中,划拨土地使用权与其地上建筑物依法成为担保财产,抵押权人有权用其优先实现债权。

    In bankruptcy proceedings , the usufruct of allotted land and buildings become mortgaged property , the mortgagee have the priority to achieve their claims .

  14. 虽然我国目前没有船舶抵押权人利益保险,但是笔者认为该保险制度应及早在我国建立。

    Although there is no Mortgagees ' Interest Insurance in China , the writer thinks that this insurance should be established as soon as possible .

  15. 在对善意受让人与抵押权人的两种利益进行比较的基础上,应保护善意受让人;

    Comparing the benefit of bona fide transferee with that of the mortgagee , the writer holds that the bona fide transferee should be protected .

  16. 从权利主体来说,涉及到房屋所有人(包括共有人)、房屋承租人、房屋抵押权人等;

    On the subject of right , it revolves the house owner ( including the shared houseowner ), the house renter and the house mortgagee , etc.

  17. 当债务人不履行债务时,抵押权人有权依法以抵押的房地产拍卖所得的价款优先受偿。

    When the debtor does not fulfill the debt , the mortgagee is authorized the real estate auction obtained cost which mortgages legally first to receive recompenses .

  18. 实践中,当抵押权人或执行债权人为了实现抵押权而拍卖不动产抵押物时,抵押权人与承租人之间产生的纠纷屡见不鲜。

    In fact , disputes between the mortgagee and the lessee often happen when the mortgagee or the creditor auctions the pledge of immovable for lien realization .

  19. 探讨了抵押权人对划拨土地使用权行使抵押权时是否可以折价受让抵押物的问题;

    The author discusses the issue about whether the mortgagee can acquire security in a discount when the right to use allocated land is used as right of mortgage .

  20. 在债务人不偿债时,抵押权人不能直接让抵押人交出抵押物,实现抵押权,但可以持抵押权登记簿副本直接申请法院拍卖抵押物。

    When the debtor do not refund the debt , the mortgager cannot get the guaranty directly , but he may put in for the court to auction guaranty .

  21. 未保险的,抵押权人有权对该船舶进行保险,保险费由抵押人负担。

    In case the ship is not insured , the mortgagee has the right to place the ship under insurance coverage and the mortgagor shall pay for the premium thereof .

  22. 主债权履行期届满后,抵押权人行使抵押权,原则上不应当有一个时间限制,但抵押人非为债务人时可容有例外;

    There should not be the time limitation when mortgager realizes the hypothec after the fulfilling term of primary creditor 's rights is over , except that mortgager is not the debtor ;

  23. 如何在先后顺位的抵押权人之间平衡公平和效率,在各国的立法例中有两种模式:抵押权的顺位固定主义和顺位升进主义。

    How to balance justice and efficiency among these mortgages , and there 're two legislation patterns of mortgage sequence : the theory of fixed sequence and the theory of promoted sequence .

  24. 要加强购房风险的防范在通知抵押权人的情况下,购买这类二手楼同样存在很大风险。

    Want to strengthen those who buy room venture to be on guard to fall in the condition that notices hypothec the person , buy this kind secondhand the building is put in very big risk likewise .

  25. 船舶抵押权人利益保险是一类专门为船舶抵押权人设计的保险,对维护船舶抵押权人利益、推动船舶融资业的发展具有重要作用。

    While , Mortgagees ' Interest Insurance is a kind of insurance which is especially designed for the mortgagees , it is very important for protecting the mortgagees ' interests and prompting the development of shipping finance business .

  26. 只有在债务人拒绝与抵押权人合作,或是抵押权人不能采用合法的手段、通过合法的私力救济方式占有担保物的情况下,才有必要求助于司法执行。

    Only in case that the debtor refuses to cooperate with mortgagee or the mortgage can not adopt legal weapon to take possession of mortgaged goods in a legal self-remedy way , it is necessary to turn to judicial execution .

  27. 抵押权人在已经提起诉讼之外再在债权登记之后向法院提起确权诉讼似无法律依据。

    It is held that there seems no legal basis for the mortgagee to bring a suit before the court for determination of the right after the mortgagee has brought the suit before the court and registered the creditor 's right .

  28. 在那些立法比较发达的国家,不仅明确赋予了抵押权人自由选择受偿的权利,以及对涉及共同抵押的债权双方利益保护方面也进行了明确的准则规定和司法解释完善。

    In the more developed countries , legislative , not only clearly gives the mortgagee the right to freedom of choice , as well as claims involving the common interests of both mortgage protection also provided clear guidelines and judicial interpretation of perfection .

  29. 文章从对一些国家和地区对动产抵押权人利益立法保护的考察探索中,形成对动产抵押权人利益立法保护的价值取向的理解:体现倾向性,维持平衡性,追求效益性。

    From the survey and research of law protection of mortgagee advantage in some countries and regions , the understanding of value tendency of law protection of mortgagee advantage takes form : to reflect tendency , to protect stability , to pursue profit .

  30. 对几种典型海上保险合同,包括船舶保险合同、海上货物运输保险合同、运费保险合同、船舶抵押权人利益保险合同及责任保险合同中的保险利益问题进行了探讨;

    Inquires into the insurable interest of several representative types of marine insurance contracts , including contract of marine insurance for Hulls , for the Carriage of Goods by Sea , for Freights , for Interests of Ship 's Mortgagees and for Liability ;