
  • 网络Investment policy
  1. 投资政策主要以对WTO的承诺为基础,拓宽融资渠道,实现投资多元化;

    Investment policy will mainly base on WTO commitment to extend financing channel and to realize investment diversification .

  2. 贸易与投资政策向全球机构缴械,而这些国际机构却被大型法人利益(wto)宰制。

    Trade and investment policy were surrendered to a global institution dominated by giant corporate interests , the WTO .

  3. 高盛银行在选择这些国家时采用的标准有:宏观经济稳定程度,政治成熟度,贸易及投资政策开放程度,以及教育质量。

    The criteria3 that Goldman Sachs used were macroeconomic stability , political maturity4 , openness of trade and investment policies , and the quality of education .

  4. 八国集团(g8)峰会能够在最高层面上巩固合理的外国直接投资政策。

    The meetings of the group of eight leading industrial nations can reinforce sound FDI policies at the highest level .

  5. 向市场经济过渡中的投资政策分析

    Analysing the Investment Policies in the Transitional Period to market Economy

  6. 第四部分则分析菲律宾外国直接投资政策中的监管措施。

    Chapter 4 analyzes the regulatory measures of the FDI policy .

  7. 第二部分主要介绍了菲律宾外国直接投资政策的概况。

    Chapter 2 introduces the overview of the Philippines FDI policy .

  8. 我国高等教育投资政策执行的系统分析

    The Systematic Analysis on Higher Education Investment Policy in China

  9. 国家区域投资政策动态一致性分析

    Policy Dynamic Consistency Analysis for Regional Investment of Center Government

  10. 高等教育投资政策执行客体因素包括高等教育投资政策问题以及目标群体。

    Policy objective , including policy problems and policy colony ;

  11. 中投公司正日益采取更主动的投资政策。

    CIC has increasingly embraced a more activist investment policy .

  12. 该区各类基础设施配套完善、物流交通十分便捷,投资政策优惠。

    Supporting infrastructure construction is consummate , communication and transportation is convenient .

  13. 我国财政支农投资政策的演变与创新

    Evolution and Innovation of Investment Policy of Chinese Finance ' Assistance to Agriculture

  14. 以生态建设为主的林业投资政策建议

    Suggestions on Forestry Investment Policy Focusing on Ecologic Construction

  15. 在社会经济发展的不同阶段,应采取不同的政府投资政策。

    Different government investment policies should be taken in different social development phase .

  16. 教育多元化与教育投资政策的选择

    Educational Diversification and Policy Orientation of Investment in Education

  17. 调整水资源开发的投资政策。

    And 6 . adjustment of the investment policy of water resource exploitation .

  18. 国外节能公共投资政策和对我国的启示

    Foreign Countries ′ Public Investment Policies on Energy Saving and Enlightenment to China

  19. 中国进一步放宽来华投资政策

    China to further relax restrictions on foreign investment

  20. 国际金融危机下印度外国直接投资政策的调整

    The Policy Adjustment of India 's Direct Foreign Investment under the International Financial Crisis

  21. 对地方政府吸引台商投资政策的新探讨&从企业集群角度分析

    On Attracting Taiwan Investments by Local Government From the Perspective of Enterprises Clusters Theory

  22. 企业多元化投资政策选择的实证研究&基于投资机会集设定的视角

    Empirical Research on Investment Policy Selection & Based the Perspective of Diversification under IOS

  23. 越南矿产资源与相关投资政策

    Vietnam Mineral Resources and Related Investment Policy

  24. 制定优惠的投资政策;

    To offer preferential policies for investment ;

  25. 中国西部地区国土资源基本情况和有关投资政策

    The Basic Situation of Land and Resources in Western China and the Related Investment Policy

  26. 吉林省投资政策选择分析

    Investment Policy Choice of Jilin Province

  27. 因此,香港投资者也面临一个新的投资政策环境的挑战。

    Therefore , local investors will also face new challenges arising from a new investment policy .

  28. 香港特区亦采取开放和自由的投资政策,并积极鼓励外来投资。

    The HKSAR also practises an open and liberal investment policy and actively encourages inward investment .

  29. 从财政政策、货币政策、消费政策、投资政策等方面论述了当前经济秩序混乱对宏观调控政策调控力度的抑制作用,最后提出了整顿和规范市场经济秩序的两条基本途径。

    At last , the article suggests two fundamental methods to readjust the market economy order .

  30. 根据研究结论对企业年金投资政策提出相应的建议。

    Corresponding suggestions in enterprise annuity investment policy according to the research conclusion are put forward .