
Pre-Qin history is the first stage of China 's 5000-year civilization , and needs further exploration .
Finally , the flower completed its function integration of practical , aesthetic and symbol by undergoing the choice and enrichment .
The author hopes that this paper may contribute to a deepened understanding of the process and features of the transition in question .
Therefore , literary significance can only be manifested and expounded to the greatest degree through the interactive manifestation between phenomena and the interactive verification between words .
However , for centuries scholars in the study of Hs ü n Tzu did not explore his theory of names , but mostly emphasized to study such ideas as mind , human nature , heaven and rites .
Purpose for MU Zong-san to study I Ching learning was to discover and interpret Chinese philosophical thoughts in I Ching learning , aiming at digging out Chinese metaphysics and moral philosophy but not a study of I Ching learning history .
" Lian Lei Ju Shi " and " Hu Ying Xiang Fa " as an elucidatory strategy of QIAN Zhong-shu 's literature criticism refers to the discovery , presentation and reflection of texts with intertextuality relations and to the interpretation and choice of meaning .
First , from the glossary study angle , it is mainly obtained from three aspects : the word meaning explanations of words in ancient books , the duplicate sound words and new words , new meanings . The Middle Chinese glossary research presented an impressive sight .