
chéng jiàn
  • contract to build
承建[chéng jiàn]
  1. 我们可以承建成套工厂或分包单项工程或提供劳务。

    We can contract to build turn-key plant , undertake single items of projects as a subcontractor or provide labor services .

  2. 一些建筑公司对其承建工程提供质量保证。

    Some builders guarantee their work

  3. 宾馆由第二建筑公司承建。

    The No.2 building company has contracted to build the hotel .

  4. 周三,尼日利亚宣布签署一个15亿美元的铁路项目合同,由国有的中国土木工程集团有限公司(ChinaCivilEngineeringConstructionCorporation)承建。

    On Wednesday , Nigeria announced the signing of a $ 1.5bn railroad project to be built by the state-owned China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation .

  5. 在多个国家承建电动汽车基础设施的美国betterplace公司,计划向客户收取包月行驶费。

    Better place , a US company building electric car infrastructure in several countries , plans to charge customers for miles on a monthly basis .

  6. 这个炼油厂由中国石油天然气集团公司(ChinaNationalPetroleumCorp.)负责承建,建成后日炼油量可达20万桶。

    China National Petroleum Corp. is responsible for building the refinery , which will have a capacity of processing 200000 barrels of crude each day .

  7. 中国公司承建的国外大型EPC项目施工分包模式初探

    Preliminary Study on Construction Sub-contract Mode for Implementation of Large-scale Overseas EPC Project Undertaken by Chinese Company

  8. 云天化集团(YuntianhuaGroup)负责承建相关石化设施。

    Another company , Yuntianhua Group , is responsible for the related petrochemicals facility .

  9. NERMS(NetworkEducationalResourceManagementSystem)项目是由吉林省科委立项、吉林大学计算机科学与技术学院知识工程实验室承建的省级重大大中型项目。

    The project of NERMS ( Network Educational Resource Management System ) , sponsored by Science Committee of Jilin Province and assigned to Knowledge Engineering Lab of the Institute of Computer Science and Technology in Jilin University , is a grand large-or-middle-scale project .

  10. 湖北省水土保持遥感监测信息系统建设项目是由湖北省水保处规划,由中国地质大学3S集成技术实验室承建。

    The Dynamic Monitoring Information System for Hubei Water and Soil Conservation based on Remote Sensing Technique is designed by Hubei Water Conservation Department , and developed by the 3S Techniques Lab.

  11. 蔡雷是承建这项工程的中国建筑股份有限公司(简称CSCEC)的项目经理,他介绍了这个多功能体育中心将发挥的作用。

    Cai Lei from the constructor , China State Construction Engineering Corporation ( CSCEC ) , explains the role of the multi-functional complex is expected to play .

  12. 不过德国Polyplan公司的专家们已经已想出了解决方案,这家公司承建了欧洲多地的天然泳池。

    But experts from German firm Polyplan , which has built natural swimming pools all over Europe , have come up with a solution .

  13. 中国建筑工程总公司(cscec)正在阿尔及尔承建一幢引人瞩目的新外交部大楼,从阿尔及利亚境外引进的工人就住在马路对面巨大的宿舍楼中。

    An impressive new foreign ministry in Algiers is being built by China State Construction Engineering Corporation , which houses its imported workers in a cavernous dormitory building just across the road .

  14. 因此,针对这一现象,在承建410t/h锅炉工程中,借贯彻2000版ISO9001标准的有力时机,进行了工程项目管理与贯标工作融合性的探索与实践,取得了较好的效果。

    Therefore , for this phenomenon , research and practice on the integration of project management and standard implementation have been done in the 410 t / h boiler project with the opportunity of implementing the 2000 revision ISO 9001 standard , and satisfactory outcome has been obtained .

  15. 由我国承建的印度某电厂两台300MW发电机组,其给水系统设三台电动调速给水泵、一个低负荷给水调节阀(用于低负荷水位控制)和一个电动主闸阀。

    Both units ( 2X300MW ) of one power plant in India , designed and constructed by China , employ feedwater system composed of three 50 % capacity motor driven feedwater pumps , one low load feedwater control valve and one main motor-operated-valve .

  16. 基建项目融资公司IDFC旗下私募部门的高管表示,他们有许多公司为公路局及其他政府机构承建工程后,相关款项遭到了无限期的拖延。

    Executives at the private equity arm of IDFC , an infrastructure funding firm , say they have many companies facing endless delays in getting paid for work they have done for the highways authority and other government agencies .

  17. 投标承建一条新的高速公路

    ( for ) tender for the construction of a new motorway

  18. 一家外国公司正在承建这座新机场。

    The new airport is being built by a foreign company .

  19. 军队医院承建社区卫生服务中心初探

    Study on Constructing Community Health Service Center by A Military Hospital

  20. 编制钢结构主承建项目质量控制辅助程序。

    Program the aided quality control procedure of steel structure main-construction project .

  21. 为承建单位创造安全,舒适的洁净环境。

    To create a secure unit construction , clean and comfortable environment .

  22. 钢结构工程主承建合同关系及控制

    The Main Contract Relation and Control in Steel Structure Engineering

  23. 钢结构工程主承建施工质量控制研究

    Research on Quality Control of Steel Structure Engineering in Main Construction Work

  24. 他们已签约承建一条横跨非洲大陆的铁路。

    They have contracted to build a railway across Africa .

  25. 这家公司已投标承建这座新桥。

    The company has tendered for the construction of the new bridge .

  26. 我们已经为这些楼房的承建进行了招标。

    We have put the construction of the buildings out to tender .

  27. 该商行决定投标承建这座新桥。

    The firm decided to bid on the new bridge .

  28. 该项目为一个承建码头施工的项目。

    This budget is developed from a project to construct a wharf .

  29. 由政府出资私人承建的大型工程项目

    Vast building projects , publicly funded ... privately built .

  30. 他已成功承建6座水坝按时完工且不超预算

    He 's already built six dams on time and under budget .