
fú yǎnɡ yì wù
  • duty of support;obligation of support;obligation of maintenance;duty of bringing up a child
  1. 对被继承人尽了主要扶养义务或者与被继承人共同生活的继承人,分配遗产时,可以多分。

    At the time of distributing the estate , successors who have made the predominant contributions in maintaining the decedent or have lived with the decedent may be given a larger share .

  2. 解读夫妻扶养义务

    Interpreting the support obligations of married couples

  3. 残疾人的法定抚养人必须对残疾人履行扶养义务。

    The legal provider of a disabled person must fulfill his duty of supporting him .

  4. 海牙《扶养义务法律适用议定书》新规则探究

    Research on the New Rules of the Hague Protocol on the Law Applicable to Maintenance Obligations

  5. 夫妻扶养义务具有身份性与财产性、对等性与互动性、道德性与法定性等特征。

    Support obligations of married couples have the identity and property , equivalence and interactive , morality and legal characteristics .

  6. 第五章则分析中国涉外扶养义务法律适用的立法现状和不足,并提出完善意见。

    The fifth chapter analyses current situation and shortages of the law applicable to maintenance obligation involved foreign nations in China .

  7. 一方不履行扶养义务时,需要扶养的一方,有要求对方付给扶养费的权利。

    If one party fails to perform this duty , the party in need of maintenance shall have the right to demand maintenance payments from the other party .

  8. 它不是夫妻间的扶养义务,而是为保障婚姻关系解除后困难方的生活需要所规定的法律保障措施。

    The assistance is not the support obligation between husband and wife , but the legal safeguards to protect the husband or wife who is in difficulties when the marriage relationship ended .

  9. 夫妻扶养义务的履行内容应该包括物质供养、生活扶助和精神慰藉三个部分,三者相辅相成、缺一不可。

    Support obligations of married couples to perform content should include the material support , life support and comfort the spirit of the three part , the three complement each other , are indispensable .

  10. 做好城乡无法定扶养义务人、无劳动能力、无生活来源的孤残女童、孤老妇女的供养工作。

    Care should be taken to the orphaned or disabled girls and single elderly women with no legal guardian , no working ability and means to make a living both in urban and rural areas .

  11. 对夫妻扶养义务履行与例外进行研究,可以反映中华民族的传统和现实国情,符合《婚姻法》的立法价值理念,有助于优化法律的规范作用和社会作用。

    On the support obligations of married couples to perform with the exception of research , can reflect the Chinese traditional and realistic national conditions , consistent with the " marriage law " legislation value idea , help to optimize the normative and social effect of law .

  12. 夫妻扶养义务的例外符合公平正义、权利义务相一致、禁止权利滥用等原则,应让夫妻扶养义务的例外作为对夫妻扶养制度的必要补充。

    Support obligations of married couples exception accord with justice , the rights and obligations of consistent , prohibition of abuse of rights and other principles , should let the support obligations of married couples to married couples the exception as a necessary supplement to the system .

  13. 目前,学者们对这一问题意见不一,本文主要介绍了四种常见的观点,分别是违反婚姻契约说、社会保障补充说、失业补助说和夫妻扶养义务延伸保护说。

    At present , the scholars have different opinions on this question . This article mainly introduce four common viewpoints , which are the theory of violation marital contract , the social security , the unemployment compensation , and the extending protection of nurture duty between husband and wife .

  14. 夫妻间有互相扶养的义务。

    Husband and wife have the duty to support and assist each other .

  15. 第二十条夫妻有互相扶养的义务。

    Article 20 Husband and wife shall have the duty to maintain each other .

  16. 第二十九条有负担能力的兄、姐,对于父母已经死亡或父母无力抚养的未成年的弟、妹,有扶养的义务。

    Article 29 Elder brothers or elder sisters who can afford it shall have the duty to bring up their younger brothers or sisters who are minors if their parents are dead or have no means to bring them up .

  17. 第三部分论述了非婚同居双方的人身关系,包括同居双方的财产继承权问题、扶养及救助义务和一定范围内的代理权。

    The third part discusses the premarital cohabitation both personal relationships , cohabitation both property inheritance problems , support and assistance obligations and inside certain limits of authority .

  18. 他有扶养他父母的义务。

    He has an obligation to support his parents .

  19. 离婚扶养给付本质为夫妻扶养义务的延续,其请求权基础为配偶权的延伸保护。

    The nature of divorce maintenance system is the extending obligation of husband and wife , and the basis of claim right is the extending protect of spouse right .

  20. 在修改婚姻法或者制订民法典亲属编时,应当从扶养权利人扶养需要的变化、扶养义务人经济能力的变化、扶养费变更的溯及力以及额外开支的特殊问题等方面加以规定。

    The future marriage law or the civil code should have the provisions about the variety of the debtee 's need , the variety of the debtor 's economic ability , the scope of validity of the alteration of maintenance and the special problem of the additional expenditure etc.

  21. 界定部分通过对夫妻扶养制度概念的分析,明确何谓夫妻扶养义务。

    In the definition part , the author gave an explicit expression of the duty of marital maintenance by comprehending of legal system of maintenance and analyzing conditions and objects of maintenance .

  22. 有扶养能力和有扶养条件的继承人,不尽扶养义务的,分配遗产时,应当不分或者少分。

    At the time of distributing the estate , successors who had the ability and were in a position to maintain the decedent but failed to fulfil their duties shall be given no share or a smaller share of the estate .

  23. 在对夫妻扶养的典型案例进行研究的过程中,发现我国夫妻扶养义务在履行内容、履行程度、履行保障以及是否应有例外四个方面存在问题。

    In a typical case of married couples are in the process of the research , discovered our country support obligations of married couples in performing content , performance , and whether the degree to fulfill due exception four problems .

  24. 由兄、姐扶养长大的有负担能力的弟、妹,对于缺乏劳动能力又缺乏生活来源的兄、姐,有扶养的义务。

    Younger brothers or sisters who have been brought up by their elder brothers or elder sisters and have the means of maintenance shall have the duty to support them who are lacking in the capacity to work and in the source of income .