
  • 网络spreading code;Spread code;spread spectrum codes;OVSF
  1. 编码与扩频码结合降低短波宽带系统PAPR

    Combining Coding with Spreading Code to Reduce HF Broadband System 's PAPR

  2. 在多径衰落信道CDMA系统中,扩频码设计与联合检测为提高系统容量的两个重要手段。

    Spreading code design and joint detection are two efficient ways to increase CDMA system capacity in multi-path fading channels .

  3. 基于SAW卷积器的扩频码快速同步的研究

    The Research on Spreading Spectrum Code Fast Synchronization Using SAW Convolvers

  4. 还利用单片机产生平衡的Gold码和基于改进型逻辑映射的混沌扩频码。

    The balance Gold code and chaos sequence based on Logistic-Map is also provided by SCM .

  5. GPS扩频码的捕获与跟踪技术研究

    GPS PN Code Acquisition and Tracking Technology Research

  6. 大Doppler频移条件下基于导频信号的扩频码捕获

    Spread-Spectrum Code Acquisition Based on Pilot Symbols in the Presence of Large Doppler Shift

  7. 准同步CDMA及其新扩频码设计

    Research on QS-CDMA and Its New Spread Codes for Mobile Communication

  8. 基于载波干涉扩频码实现OFDM峰均比的降低

    Realization of Reducing the PAPR of OFDM via Carrier Interferometry Spread Codes

  9. 基于CDMA扩频码的无线组播协议的仿真

    Simulation of Wireless Multicast Protocol Based on CDMA Spreading Codes

  10. 基于零相关扩频码的UWB系统信道估计方法

    A method of channel estimation based on zero correlation duration code in UWB system

  11. 仿真结果表明,这种方法可以有效地消除大Doppler频移的影响,迅速完成扩频码的捕获。

    Simulation results show that the new method eliminates the influence of large Doppler shifts effectively , with fast acquisition time .

  12. WCDMA系统中正交可变扩频码的混合分配算法

    Hybrid Allocation Algorithm of Orthogonal Variable-Spreading-Factor Codes for WCDMA

  13. 得到的序列与传统混沌扩频码和Gold码作了比较,并在DS-CDMA系统中作了仿真验证。

    It was compared with conventional chaotic code and Gold code and finally simulated in the DS-CDMA systems .

  14. 如果所有用户采用理想正交扩频码并且通过同步平坦衰落信道,系统中将不会存在多址干扰(MAI:MultipleAccessInterference)。

    If the assigned spreading codes are orthogonal and signals are transmitted through a flat fading channel , there will be no multiple access interference ( MAI ) .

  15. CNN混沌特性分析及其在CDMA扩频码中的应用

    The Analysis of Chaotic Behavior of Cellular Neural Networks and Its Application in CDMA Spread Spectrum Code

  16. Kasami小集合序列扩频码发生器的FPGA实现

    Implementation of Small Set of Kasami Sequences Spreading Code Generator with FPGA

  17. 根据扩频码的自相关和互相关特性,采用基带迟&早门实现扩频码跟踪的方案,使得接收PN码与本地PN码相位差保持在一个码元的几分之一内;

    According to correlative characteristic of PN codes , early-late gate base-band loop is used for PN codes tracking .

  18. 基于扩频码序列的MC-CDMA信号包络特性

    The Envelope Character of MC-CDMA Signals Based on the Spreading Code Sequences

  19. 一种DS-CDMA系统扩频码和参数盲估计方法

    New Method for Blind Estimation of PN Code and Parameter in DS-CDMA System

  20. 在CDMA移动通信系统的反向信道中,由于用户间扩频码不严格正交,多个用户之间会产生多址干扰,导致性能的恶化。

    In the reverse channel of CDMA mobile multi-user systems , the performance suffers from the multiple access interference ( MAI ) .

  21. 用复合正交扩频码进行调制的M-aryMC-CDMA方法

    M-ary MC-CDMA using quadrature spreading codes for wireless communications system

  22. 主要讨论了AR参数模型提取扩频码的基本思想和实现模型,并分析了提取出的扩频码的随机性能,包括相关性,码平衡特性和游程特性。

    Then the theory of the AR model and the random performance of the spread spectrum sequence , including co-correlation , balance are discussed .

  23. 在DS-CDMA接收机中,正确解调的首要条件是实现本地扩频码与发送扩频码的码片同步。

    Chip timing synchronization between local spread sequence and transmitted spread sequence is critical . in DS-CDMA receiver .

  24. 阐述了GPS信号捕获的基本原理,捕获的关键在于捕获伪随机扩频码的初始码相位和载波多普勒频移。

    The general principle of GPS signal acquisition was studied , and the key of acquisition is to capture the initial code phase of the pseudo-random spreading codes and Doppler shift of the carrier .

  25. 针对串行滑动相关法速度慢的缺点,研究匹配滤波器在扩频码同步上的应用,分析如何在FPGA上高性能实现匹配滤波器。

    Study the application of Digital Match Filter ( DMF ) in PN code synchronization , against the disadvantage of slippage correlation acquisition . Analyze how to achieve DMF on FPGA efficiently .

  26. 准确、快速的扩频码同步是编码LPI雷达系统实用的前提。

    Quick and accurate acquest of signal is critical for the utility of an LPI radar .

  27. 并与Gold码、Kasami小集合序列码进行了比较分析,进一步拓展了扩频码的生成方法。

    We compare with the Gold sequence and Kasami small set and explain how to advance the generating method of spreading sequence .

  28. CDMAPON利用不同的扩频码来实现用户多址接入,由扩频技术带来的扩频增益可有效改善接收机灵敏度。

    The CDMA PON employs different spread codes to provide access service for different subscribers . The corresponding spread gain can effectively improve receiver sensitivity .

  29. 设计出数量足够多的、具有优良相关特性的扩频码是CDMA的技术基础,以满足多用户的需求。

    Designing a sufficient number of spread spectrum codes , which have excellent characteristics , are the basis of CDMA technology in order to meet the needs of many users .

  30. 扩频码序列的设计就是构造不同结构的具有良好特性的伪随机序列来满足CDMA系统的要求。

    The design of spread spectrum code sequence is constructing pseudo-random sequence which is possessed of different structure and good performances in order to satisfy the need of CDMA system .