
  • 网络executive dysfunction;executive function disorder
  1. 阿尔茨海默病患者的执行功能障碍

    Executive dysfunction in Alzheimer 's disease

  2. 执行功能障碍可能与额叶、基底节异常有关。

    The executive dysfunction may be related to the abnormality of frontal lobe and basal ganglia .

  3. 结论:LD儿童存在额叶执行功能障碍,有认知功能缺陷。

    Conclusion : LD children suffered the frontal executive function deficits and cognitive dysfunction .

  4. 结论AD患者有明显的额叶执行功能障碍和记忆障碍。提示AD患者的额叶执行功能障碍与长时记忆缺陷有关。

    Conclusion The dysfunction of frontal executive function and memory is existed in AD and frontal dysfunction is related with long - term memory .

  5. 实验结果显示:在不同的计数Stroop视觉刺激条件下,正常被试与抑郁症患者行为数据的反应时间有显著性差异,并推论这些差异可能与抑郁症患者注意执行功能障碍有关。

    Reaction time has been observed significant difference between normal subjects and depression patients in three different conditions , which was probably related with attention executing function disorder of depression patients .

  6. 精神分裂症高危人群所具有的持续注意和执行功能障碍,可考虑作为精神分裂症的内表型指标。

    Attention and executive function may represent the genetic endophenotype for schizophrenia .

  7. 精神分裂症患者与其健康同胞的注意和执行功能障碍的对照研究

    Attention and executive function impairment in patients with schizophrenia and their unaffected siblings

  8. 这类疾病的主要特征就是记忆力减退,语言障碍,认知和执行功能障碍等。

    Memory loss , language problems , incapacity for decision making and discernment are some of the main traits of this disease .

  9. 且早期主要以视空间能力、时间定向力、地点定向力及执行功能障碍为主要特点。

    Its main clinical features in early stage VCI were deterioration of visuospatial skills , orientation to time and place , executing skills .

  10. 目的:比较不同类型老年抑郁症的人格特征、社会心理因素、血管危险因素和执行功能障碍的特点。

    Compare the personality characteristics , psychosocial factor , vascular risk factor and execution function impairment in different type of late life depression . 2 .

  11. 结论偏执型精神分裂症执行功能障碍与阴性症状的严重程度及预后相联系,执行功能障碍可能是其他认知缺陷如注意、记忆及某些精神症状的产生机制。

    May be the executive dysfunction give birth to the attention and memory impairment and some psychiatric symptoms . The executive dysfunction may be related to the abnormality of frontal lobe and basal ganglia .

  12. 老年忧郁症合并执行功能障碍则会提高未来出现失智症的危险性。老年忧郁症是由一群不同原因所造成情感困扰的疾病,并可表现出各种不同的特徵。

    Disorders of the basal ganglia and their prefrontal projections are often complicated by depression and result in executive dysfunction . Depression in late life represents a heterogeneous group of mood disturbances that may present with variable features .

  13. 它是执行修正功能障碍还是自身毒性的聚集?

    Is it a failure to carry out its correct function , or are the clumps themselves toxic ?

  14. 结论:自闭症儿童执行功能发展水平落后于同龄正常儿童,存在执行功能障碍。

    Conclusion : The level of executive function in autistic children , who had a great deficit in EF , was far lower than normal children .