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  • 网络wire bonding;wire bond;wire;routing
  1. 他的17胜主要都依靠纽约的豪华打线的帮忙。

    His17 victories owed much to the impressive run production of the New York lineup .

  2. 老虎队有决心在他们的打线之中补强一名长打者。

    The Tigers were determined to land themselves a big bat for the middle of their lineup .

  3. 单晶铜丝在半导体器件封装中的打线键合性能研究晶体管-晶体管逻辑电路

    Evaluation of Bondability and Reliability of Single Crystal Copper Wire Bonding in Semiconductor Packaging ; transistor-transistor logic

  4. 大门说:第二局只是打线所能够做到的少许而已。

    " That second inning was just a glimpse of what this offense can do ," Damon said .

  5. 老虎对有美联最佳的投手群,以及专业的打线。

    Detroit has the best pitching staff in the American League and a lineup filled with professional hitters .

  6. 王建民的工作是面对先发打线有效率的投球,为洋基队制造许多滚地球。

    Chien-Ming Wang 's job is to churn through lineups with numbing efficiency , producing ground balls virtually at will for the Yankees .

  7. 洋基队的投手群们不可以被小看,他们更拥有世界上最好的豪华打线。

    The Yankees don 't have anything like lock-down pitching , but they have one of the best lineups the baseball world has known .

  8. 松井在季后赛之前有几周的时间适应比赛节奏,所以让他回到先发打线对我来说是完美的决定。

    Matsui had a few weeks to get himself back in playing shape before the postseason , so putting him back in the lineup made perfect sense to me .

  9. 但即使这样,也没有人能把它的强悍体现出来。罗文说:「们是棒球界中的精英队伍,最强悍的打线。

    Just that , there was no player who played ORC strongly enough with strong race . They 're the toughest team in probably all of baseball , the toughest lineup .

  10. 随著技安没有排上先发打线,老爹让头号打击者大门担任指定打击,队长移到第三棒。

    With Giambi out of the lineup , Torre selected leadoff hitter Johnny Damon to serve as the designated hitter , with Derek Jeter moving down in the lineup to bat third .

  11. 以某公司办公楼计算机网络布线为例,从网络布线系统的设计、敷设、打线、验收等几方面,阐述智能化办公楼网络布线系统的设计与实现。

    With the example of office building computer network wiring , intelligent office building network wiring system is designed and implemented from the design , laying , wiring and acceptance etc. of network wiring system .

  12. STD总线工业控制机在打叶线改造中的应用

    The Application of STD BUS IPC to the Technological Transformation of Tobacco Processing

  13. 但是如果你本人想开张兑现支票,就不可打叉线。

    But if you wish to cash a cheque yourself , you must leave it " open " .

  14. 费德勒具有将球恰恰打到线边上的能力,来使他在场上占尽优势,其中很大程度上归功于他的内收肌灵活性。

    Federer 's ability to place his shots right next to the lines , taking full advantage of his opponents court , is due in no small part to the flexibility of his adductors .

  15. 针对打叶线使用的风机经常出现轴承损坏的现象,分析了其损坏的原因,并对其润滑油路进行了改进。

    Aiming at common phenomena of bearing damage for the fan used on tobacco leaf line , analysis is carried out on the reason , furthermore , improvement is put forward on lubrication oil piping .

  16. 这是一本支票簿,你邮寄支票时,注意要在支票上打叉线。但是如果你本人想开张兑现支票,就不可打叉线。

    Here 's the cheque book . When you send a cheque by post be careful to cross it , but if you wish to cash a cheque yourself , you must leave it " open . "

  17. 钢丝类打捆机线结特性分析

    The Characteristic Analysis of Wire-knots Formed by Steel-wire Bounding Machines

  18. 钢丝类打捆机线结强度与成形条件的实验研究

    Experiment View About the Influence of the Relationship Between Wire-knots ′ Strength and the Steel-wire Bounding Machines ′ Forming Condition

  19. 一整局都打同样的线,记下你每次滑步时的板数位置。

    Bowl an entire game using the same line and make note of what board you slide on each time .

  20. 对现有打叶生产线稍作改进,即可实现以片烟规格为目标的闭环控制系统。

    The defoliating producing line can be improved to realize the close control system for the purpose of strips size .

  21. 第一,和朝鲜人民一起,打回到三八线,守住了三八线。

    First , together with the Korean people we have fought our way back to the 38th Parallel and held on there .

  22. 留足够线,打一个线结(粗缝与倒回针使得省道的尖变厚,所以熨烫时,面料会有压痕)。

    After stitching to the vanishing point , leave enough thread to tie a tailor 's knot ( tacking or back stitching thickens the point of a dart , so that the fabric will crush when pressed ) .

  23. 如果不打回三八线,前线仍在鸭绿江和图们江,沈阳、鞍山、抚顺这些地方的人民就不能安心生产。

    If we had not fought back to the 38th Parallel and our front lines had remained along the Yalu and Tumen Rivers , it would have been impossible for the people in Shenyang , Anshan and Fushun to carry on production free from worry .

  24. 打个结把线固定好。

    Fasten the thread off with a knot .

  25. 大概有一打就24边缘线,形成了两箱共小尼克斯。

    There are probably about a dozen small nicks total on the24 edge lines that form the two cabinets .

  26. 《近历史》系列则更进一步将长城画面上打上了轮廓线式的红线,这种具有理性化倾向的红线就有点类似于“理性绘画”的那种红格子。

    His Series Recent History , he wrote an outline on Great Wall in red thus this kind of sensible tending was similarly to a red check in rational paintings .

  27. 润叶机在打叶复烤线中占居着重要的地位,其润叶质量的好坏直接影响出片率和复烤厂的经济效益。

    Conditioning cylinder occupies a very important position in the streamline of tobacco threshing , the quality of leaf wetting directly influences the tobacco output and the economic benefit of the tobacco-threshing corporation .