
  • 网络Workers;Working Class
  1. 中国NGO生存与发展的制约因素&以广东番禺打工族文书处理服务部为例

    Analysis on the Restriction Factors of the Existing and Development of NGO in China

  2. 公司养老金也是一个大问题,它加剧了美国的贫富分化:药品公司麦克森(McKesson)的CEO才当14年的老大,但退休时将有1.59亿美元的退休金,而美国一般打工族的收入已经30年止步不前。

    Corporate pensions are also a big problem , widening America 's inequality gap : Drug company McKesson 's CEO has been boss for 14 years , but will retire with a $ 159 million pension , while the income of America 's average wage earner has stagnated for 30 years .

  3. 打工族心理健康及影响因素研究

    Psychology Health and Relative Factors of Working People

  4. 这些备受折磨的打工族常常觉得周末在星期六的晚上就结束了。

    These harried workers often feel as if the weekend is over by Saturday night .

  5. 打工族们也可以通过在工作日特别是星期一安排更多有趣的事将这种迫近的恐惧感降至最低。

    Workers can also minimize impending dread by building in more fun during the week , especially Monday .

  6. 可爱的深圳打工族们,我曾是你们中的一员,我也一定会回来的。

    Loving young migrant workers in Shenzhen , I was one of you , and I am set to be back .

  7. 他们的成员来自各个方面,包括白领、教师、打工族、农民等等。

    These members span many walks of life , including white-collar workers , teachers , migrant workers , farmers , and so on .

  8. 例如,那些几个月前刚刚从打工族变为创业族的人可能有资格申请自我认证抵押贷款,但不能申请现有的贷款。

    For example , someone who went from being employed to self-employed only a few months previously may then qualify for a self-certification mortgage but not their existing deal .

  9. 二是石河子市是一个典型的移民型城市,在城市发展过程中,来自全国各地的打工族和个体户汇聚在六宫村,各地不同的风俗习惯、语言等在这里交汇交融。

    Second , Shihezi is a typical immigrant city , the urban development process , migrant workers from around the country gathered in the sixth house and the self-employed village , around the different customs and language blend together here .

  10. 切记:如果你是一个打工族,遇到了不懂管理、野蛮管理或错误管理的上司或企业文化,那么,提醒自己一下,千万不要因为激愤和满腹牢骚而自断经脉。

    Remember : if you are a working group , met with management knowledge management or error management brutal boss or corporate culture , then , to remind ourselves about , do not be indignant and disgruntled and cut off its own channel .