
shǒu zú kǒu bìng
  • hand-foot-and-mouth disease
手足口病[shǒu zú kǒu bìng]
  1. 在外务工人员总数是手足口病发病的主要影响因素。

    Towns and total migrant workers outside the existence of hand-foot-and-mouth disease kindergarten is the main influencing factors .

  2. 结论1.距离市中心越远的乡镇,发生手足口病的概率越低,发病时间也越靠后。

    The farther the distance downtown towns , occur probability of hand-foot-and-mouth disease pathogenesis is lower , by time is also more . 2 .

  3. 儿童手足口病合并脑干脑炎MR表现2例脑膜炎球菌性脑膜炎

    MRI findings of hand-foot-and-mouth disease in children with encephalomyelitis : 2 cases report

  4. 分析手足口病患儿心肌酶及C反应蛋白的临床意义

    Clinical significance of analyzing myocardial enzymes and C-reactive protein in children with hand , foot and mouth disease

  5. 实时荧光定量RT-PCR法检测手足口病患儿大便标本中肠道病毒71型

    Quantification of enterovirus 71 by real-time fluorescence quantitative RT-PCR in hospitalized children with hand-foot-mouth disease

  6. 手足口病(hand-foot-Mouthdisease,HFMD)是由数种肠道病毒引起的全球性的传染病。

    Hand-foot-mouth disease ( HFMD ) is a global epidemic which is caused by a variety of enterovirus .

  7. 阜阳市手足口病病例巢式RT-PCR诊断与结果分析

    Direct detection and result analysis of clinical specimens from a hand , foot , and mouth disease outbreak in Fuyang City by nested reverse transcription-PCR

  8. 死亡率相对较高的前五位传染病是甲型H1N1流感、乙肝、艾滋病、肺结核、手足口病,占传染病总死亡数的97.06%。

    The mortality rates of H1N1 influenza , Hepatitis B , AIDS , Tuberculosis and Hand-Foot-Mouth disease were top five . 3 .

  9. 目的:观察环磷腺苷葡胺联合辅酶Q10治疗手足口病合并心肌炎的临床疗效。

    Objective : To observe effect of combination therapy of adenosine cyclophosphate and coenzyme Q10 on hand-foot-mouth disease complicated with myocarditis .

  10. 目的:分析深圳地区手足口病病人肠道病毒(EV)5′端非编码区(5′UTR)部分基因序列,了解本地区手足口病病人EV感染的基因型。

    Objective : To analyze the partial sequences of 5 ′ UTR of Enterovirus from Patients with Hand Foot Mouth Disease ( HFMD ) in Shenzhen .

  11. 目的研究浙江省手足口病患者中肠道病毒(EV)71型分离株的病毒基因特征。

    Objective To study the gene characterization of enterovirus 71 ( EV71 ) virus strains isolated from clinical specimens of children with hand-foot-and-mouth disease ( HFMD ) in Zhejiang province .

  12. 首次发现在广州流行的手足口病的病原为柯萨奇A16病毒。

    The pathogen of HFMD prevalent locally was found for the first time in Guangzhou to be Cox A16 virus .

  13. 结论:环磷腺苷葡胺联合辅酶Q10对手足口病合并心肌炎患儿有较好疗效,不良反应轻微。

    Conclusions : Combination therapy of adenosine cyclophosphate and coenzyme Q10 is effective on hand-foot-mouth disease complicated with myocarditis , with little side effect .

  14. 东莞市一起CoxA(16)病毒引起的幼儿园手足口病爆发疫情调查

    Investigation of An Outbreak of Hand , Foot and Mouth Disease Caused by CoxA_ ( 16 ) Virus in A Kindergarten in Dongguan City

  15. 目的:肠道病毒71型(enterovirustype71,EV71)是人类手足口病的主要病原体。

    Objective : Enterovirus type 71 ( EV71 ) is a chief pathogen of hand-foot and mouth disease ( HFMD ) .

  16. 在上海地区首次报道与EV71感染相关的手足口病合并重症脑炎病例。

    It was the first report of EV71-associated severe encephalitis occurred in patients with HFMD in Shanghai .

  17. EV71病毒通常引发手足口病流行,少数病例患有相关神经疾病。

    EV71 is a frequent cause of HFMD epidemics associated with neurological disease in a small proportion of cases .

  18. 近年来,禽流感、手足口病、甲型H1N1等病毒的爆发和流行使我国公共卫生服务经受严峻的考验,整个社会开始前所未有的关注公共卫生服务问题。

    In recent years , it is challenge for public health services to our country that avian flu , influenza A virus H1N1 and other pandemic outbreak . All the society has paid great attentions to the public health services .

  19. 但对于有样本可以进行研究的病例,官员们说,很大一部分的肠道病毒71型(EV-71)检测都呈阳性。这种病毒可以引发手足口病。

    But in the cases for which samples could be studied , the officials said ' a significant proportion ' tested positive for Enterovirus 71 ( EV-71 ), which causes hand , foot and mouth disease .

  20. 1359例手足口病流行病学分析

    Epidemiological survey of an outbreak of hand-foot-mouth disease in 1359 patients

  21. 南平市2008年手足口病检测结果分析

    Analysis on testing results of hand-foot-mouth disease in Nanping in 2008

  22. 六安市手足口病1311例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 1311 cases with Hand-foot-Mouth Disease in Lu'an city

  23. 手足口病525例发病情况及临床分析

    The Incidence and Clinical Analysis of 525 Patients with Hand-foot-mouth Disease

  24. 手足口病及其医院感染控制

    Hand - foot - mouth disease and control of nosocomial infection

  25. 天津市河东区2008年手足口病疫情分析

    Epidemic Analysis of Hand-foot-mouth Disease in Hedong District of Tianjin City

  26. 2008年深圳市36起手足口病疫情的病原学检测

    Pathogenic detection of 36 hand-foot-month disease outbreaks in Shenzhen in 2008

  27. 昆明地区首次流行手足口病31例报告

    31 Cases of Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease is Discovered Firstly in Kunming Region

  28. 银翘散加减治疗儿童手足口病的研究

    Study of Yinqiao San increase and decrease on children hand-foot-mouth disease

  29. 手足口病并发中枢神经系统损害159例临床分析

    Hand-foot-mouth disease complicated by central nervous system damage in 159 cases

  30. 一起手足口病暴发的病原学诊断与分析

    Etiological diagnosis and analysis of an outbreak of hand-foot-mouth disease