
shǒu jī pèi jiàn
  • mobile phone accessories;phone accessories;mobile phone spare parts
  1. 近几年来,手机配件一直是最畅销的产品类别之一。

    Since past few years , mobile phone accessories have been one of the hottest selling categories of products .

  2. 我司是专业生产手机配件的厂家,主要产品有车载机座,充电器。

    Division I is a professional manufacturer of mobile phone accessories manufacturers , the main products are car base , chargers .

  3. 最近,由于销售迟滞,这些电视机被挪到了狭窄拥挤的二楼,让位于数百款智能手机配件,这里的智能手机具体是指明显并非日本品牌的苹果公司(AppleInc.)iPhone系列。

    These days , amid slumping sales , the rows of TVs are relegated to the store 's cramped second-floor quarters to make room for hundreds of accessories for smartphones - specifically the distinctively non-Japanese iPhone from Apple Inc.

  4. 苹果的手机配件都只有一年的使用寿命。

    Apple 's accessories can last only a year .

  5. 很重要的一点是要记住,并非所有手机配件的通用。

    It is important to remember that not all cell phone accessories are interchangeable .

  6. 热门的手机配件包括手机壳、手机屏保和手机支架。

    Popular phone accessories include phone cases , screen protectors , and mobile phone stands .

  7. 我们不能期望目前的手机配件适合这种强大的设备。

    It cannot be expected that current mobile accessories will be suitable for such powerful devices .

  8. 小米科技的下一步打算是,通过销售手机配件及移动增值服务扩大营收。

    It then hopes to expand revenues by selling handset accessories as well as value-added mobile services .

  9. 手机配件将面临的挑战包括端口拓展,不同接口互联和接口统一。

    Some challenges the mobile accessories group will face include port expansion , interconnecting different interfaces and interface consolidation .

  10. 他表示,到处都是廉价的中国产品,其中从中国进口的手机配件,售价只有印度同类产品的十分之一。

    He said that cheap Chinese goods were freely available , with imported telephone accessories being sold at a 10th of their Indian equivalents .

  11. 有多半手机配件旨在为用户提供更加方便和直观的使用方法。

    Mobile phone accessories have , for the most part , always aimed to provide users with more convenient and intuitive ways to use their mobile devices .

  12. 作为奖励,他们可能还警告过想成为小偷,谁是一定要运行尖叫当他们看到在手机配件您的好品味。

    As a bonus , they may also warn off would-be thieves , who are sure to run screaming when they see your good taste in phone accessories .

  13. 这两家一贯明智的公司如果进入低利润率的手机配件市场,那将是一个不可挽回的错误。因为这个市场竞争极其激烈,同时进入门槛低得出奇。

    The two , usually wise , companies would be making a grave mistake entering the low-margin cellular accessory market , where the competition is fierce and the barriers to entry are incredibly low .

  14. 我们为你从我们这买的原装手机换配件。

    We will replace any accessories you bought from us for your original phone .

  15. 很多此类手机的配件和部件质量低劣,如采用假冒的电池等,可能会爆炸,伤及用户。

    Many of these include poor quality accessories and components , such as fake batteries , that can blow up on users .

  16. 他补充说,此类产品的一个问题在于,大多数智能手表自身不具备远距离通信的功能,其本质上是智能手机的配件。

    One challenge , he adds , is that most smartwatches now have no long-distance communications of their own , serving essentially as accessories for smartphones .

  17. 当苹果于2007年推出iPhone时,三星成为该手机关键零配件的主要供应商,包括闪存芯片、应用处理器和显示屏。

    When the iPhone was launched in 2007 , Samsung ended up as its main supplier of key parts , including flash memory chips , application processors and display panels .

  18. 野村(Nomura)估计,去年,在用于中兴电信设备和智能手机的零配件中,有10%至15%是由总部位于美国的供应商供应的。

    Nomura has estimated that 10-15 per cent of the components used in ZTE 's telecoms equipment and smartphones were supplied by US-based vendors as of last year .

  19. 打造一个貌似口碑不错的网站是件很容易的事,这是在纽约运河街卖手机和苹果配件的商家永远都不能比的。

    Technology has given counterfeiters the ability to make convincing electronic rip-offs fast while the Internet has made it easier to buy counterfeit products .

  20. 谷歌本周宣布以高达125亿美元收购手机及相关配件的制造商摩托罗拉移动部门的消息引起了全球关注。

    That was the near universal view of Google 's announcement this week that it was taking over Motorola Mobility , a maker of handsets and other devices , for a colossal $ 12.5 billion .

  21. 配件制造商Olixar却让情况变得更糟,他们向来以在新智能手机发布之前发布配件而闻名,刚刚向智能手机配件零售商MobileFun发送了iPhone11Max(和iPhone11)的相机保护贴,这就证实了iPhoneXI的相机真是那样的。

    To add insult to the injury , an accessory maker Olixar , famous for releasing accessories ahead of a new smartphone launch , sent a just sent iPhone 11 Max ( and iPhone 11 ) camera protectors to smartphone accessory retailer MobileFun , confirming that the iPhone XI 's camera is real .

  22. 令我失望的是,他说因为在中国是新款手机,所以没有配件来修理。

    To my disappointment , he said since it was a new model in China , it was impossible to fix it without the right spare parts .

  23. 为用户提供扩大用户接口的选择,更好地利用智能手机的多媒体能力将成为手机配件的最重要功能。

    Providing users with the option of expanding their user interface and make better use of the multimedia capabilities of their smartphones will be at the forefront of mobile accessories .

  24. 这种发展最终会改变用户在日常生活使用智能手机的方式,同样,他们也希望其他设备同样优秀,如手机配件。

    This evolution will eventually change the way users incorporate smartphone technology into their daily lives and expect the same from complimentary devices such as mobile accessories .

  25. 尽管苹果公司的高价周年纪念手机iPhoneX要到11月才在中国发售,淘宝网上的几个卖家已经开始面向另一半靠不住的网友们出售这款手机“配件”了。

    While Apple 's premium anniversary device won 't be released in China until November , several vendors on the country 's e-commerce giant Taobao are now selling such ' accessories ' for those with untrustworthy partners .