
  • 网络mobile video;Cellular Video
  1. 基于SIP的手机视频监控系统设计

    System design of mobile video monitor based on SIP

  2. 基于J2ME的手机视频捕获方法的实现

    The Implementation of Mobile Video Capture Method

  3. 基于Flashlite与FMS的手机视频监控系统设计

    Design of Video Surveillance System of a Mobile Phone with Flash Lite and FMS

  4. 构建了一个基于DVC的手机视频通信系统,实现了像素域DVC算法。

    A DVC-based mobile communication system is constructed and a pixel DVC is realized in this system .

  5. 随着3G时代的来临和多媒体技术的高速发展,基于无线网络的多媒体应用技术在不断的增多,手机视频监控便是其中之一。

    As the 3G era coming closer and the rapid development of multimedia technologies , multimedia applications based on wireless network technology is growing rapidly , and mobile video surveillance is one of them .

  6. 目前3G技术在不断发展,国际和国内运营商纷纷进行3G业务的开发、实现与推广,手机视频因其内容的多样性而成为运营商青睐的重点发展业务之一。

    With the continuous development of 3G technologies , international and domestic 3G service operators have carried out the development , implementation and promotion of the diversity of mobile video content . They hope mobile video will become its operators favor one of the key development business .

  7. 手机视频捕获了可怕的一幕。

    It is a terrifying crash caught on cell phone video .

  8. 基于流媒体技术的手机视频播放系统的研究与实现

    Research and Application of Video Play System Based on Mobile Streaming Media

  9. 因此,本文把手机视频作为研究焦点。

    Therefore , we focus on mobile phone video .

  10. 记住,这只是手机视频广告。

    Remember , this is mobile video advertising .

  11. 手机视频发展模式日渐清晰

    Handset Video has a Clearer Developing Mode

  12. 这种密封袋正使用当地语言通过广播电台和手机视频宣传。

    The bags are being advertised by radio and mobile phone videos in local languages .

  13. 手机视频市场收入分为:订阅,每次视频下载付费和广告。

    The mobile video revenues are broken down into subscription , pay-per-download , and ad-supported .

  14. 基于VC++的智能手机视频播放软件接口设计

    VC + + Based on the Type of Smartphone Mobile Phone Video Player Software Interface Design

  15. 并根据其互动性、定制化、完整性、实时性等特点对手机视频业务进行了分类。

    This paper also gives classification method of mobile video service based on interaction , customization , integrality and real time traits .

  16. 在三年内,手机视频广告可能会有这样的水平,但这都得归功于每次视频下载付费,而不是免费看视频。

    Within three years , mobile video revenues will be at that level , but that vast majority is expected to be subscription or pay-per-download instead of free .

  17. 随着移动互联网和移动智能终端的快速发展,移动平台的流媒体业务如手机视频点播等正逐步成为热门应用。

    With the rapid development of mobile Internet and mobile intelligent terminal , streaming media services on mobile platforms such as video-on-demand are becoming more and more popular .

  18. 根据这份协议,腾讯将开发一款以北京故宫为主题的热门手机视频游戏。

    According to the agreement , Tencent will launch a new version of its most popular video mobile game , with the new version themed around Beijing 's Forbidden City .

  19. 其中用户接受模型相关理论文献综述、手机视频接受模型的分析和建立、假设模型的实证检验是本文的重点章节。

    The relevant theory , literature review , mobile video analysis and the establishment of acceptable models , assuming that the model empirical test are the focus of this chapter .

  20. 为手机视频监控领域的进一步扩展提供了可能。最后,对一年多来的系统设计工作进行了总结,提出了系统进一步改进的建议,并对系统的应用前景进行了展望。

    Mobile video surveillance for the further expansion possible . Finally , more than a year of system design are summarized and put forward suggestions for further improvement of the system , , and system application prospect .

  21. 现在手机视频业务的发展还受制于以下四个关键因素:技术、管制、价格和商业模式,但随着时间的前进,技术的进步,这几大拦路虎都将迎刃而解。

    Now the development of mobile video is restricted by four key factors : technique , regulation , price and business model . But with the progress of time and technique , this will be all resolved .

  22. 她们想利用这段时间,在商场内的这座首尔最新的剧场拍些智能手机视频,并向演员、以及灯光师和化妆师索要签名。

    They wanted time to shoot smartphone video of Seoul 's newest theater , built inside a shopping mall , and start scoring autographs : of actors , sure , but lighting operators and makeup artists too .

  23. 无线上网、手机视频、掌上电视、手机购物、手机网游等一个个鲜活的字眼吸引大学生眼球的同时,也逐渐改变着他们的思维方式、行为方式和生活方式。

    A fresh word of the wireless Internet access , mobile video , handheld Ftp , mobile shopping , mobile phone games to attract the eye of college students at the same time , gradually changing their way of thinking , behaviour and lifestyle .

  24. 没想到小朋友想要的礼物都是些昂贵的高科技产品,如MP3播放器、手机和视频游戏等,让总统先生颇为惊讶。

    He looked surprised by their pricey high-tech wishes , from MP3 players to cell phones and video games .

  25. 这项合并努力围绕的是通用型半导体(称为大规模集成电路芯片,或称系统LSI)的生产。这种产品是从手机、视频游戏机到汽车等许多设备的电子大脑。

    The consolidation effort centres on general-purpose semiconductors known as large-scale integrated chips , or system LSI , which form the electronic brains of devices ranging from mobile phones and video game consoles to cars .

  26. 这一事件是被一个像是手机的视频抓拍到的。

    The incident is captured on what appears to be a cell phone video .

  27. 有些公司还要求用智能手机发送视频简历时代发展多快啊

    And some companies , they 're demanding CV videos , sent in by smartphone .

  28. 59%的沙特阿拉人每天都会用手机看视频。

    Watching video is most popular in Saudi Arabia , with 59 % of respondents doing it daily .

  29. 总是使用便携式邮件,手机,视频游戏和网络,人与人之间沟通得更少而心不在焉的时候更多了。

    By always using our portable emailers , cell phones , video games , and surfing the Internet , we actually become less connected and more distracted .

  30. 该方案同时也适用于手机的视频分享、图片分享等应用中,希望能为未来的手机设计提供参考和借鉴。

    The design flow also can be applied to the cell phone video sharing , picture sharing and so on . Lastly , the current study can propose direction for the future mobile phone design .