
  • 网络HART;Manual;Data Setter;rosemount
  1. 该手操器给全自动贴片机PCB板贴装前的示教工作带来很大的方便,减少了工作量和误差。

    The manual controller benefits for the mounter teaching , which can greatly reduce workload and error .

  2. 完整介绍了手操器的硬件组成和主要软件设计。

    The hardware composition and main software design of the manual operator are introduced entirely .

  3. 具有笔控功能的PCB板元件快速定位手操器系统

    The Manual Controller System Having Pen - control Function Concerning PCB Board Components Being Positioned Quickly

  4. 用手操器对智能变送器进行参数设定。

    Use the hand hold tool to configure the smart transmitter .

  5. 手操器芯片,更智能,更体贴。

    Manual operator chip , more intelligent , more considerate .

  6. 智能联网手操器的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of the Intelligent Hand-held Operator with High Communication

  7. 智能变送器与手操器的通讯及调试

    Communication and Debugging between Capacity Transmitter and Manual Operation System

  8. 采用串行通讯的手操器体积更小。

    Serial communication makes the volume of operators smaller .

  9. 采用串行数据输入、输出的手操器设计方案

    A Design Plan of Manual Operator with Fully Serial Data I / O

  10. 手操器是一种辅助仪表,主要用来实现控制系统的手动操纵。

    The manual operator is supporting instrument , which achieves manual operation in a control system .

  11. 目前本课题已经完善了手操器的硬件设计,并基于硬件结构,采用模块化编程思想完成了手操器液晶显示、键盘操作、数据通讯以及数据存储的软件设计。

    Based on the hardware structural , with the help of modular programming ideas , it has completed the software design on LCD , keyboards operation , data communication and data storage .