
shǒu ɡōnɡ jiǎn suǒ
  • manual searching
  1. 本文向从事采矿工作的读者展示了长沙矿山研究院的采矿文献手工检索系统。

    A manual searching system for mining literatures has been established in Changsha Institute of Mining Research .

  2. 信息检索系统的发展历史是从:手工检索向计算机检索发展;

    The development history of information retrieval is as follows : it has evolved from manual searching to computer retrieval ;

  3. 方法:通过数据库及手工检索收集1979年至2004年国内有关氯氮平所致EEG异常及癫疒间发作的文献143篇,其中癫疒间发作的个案报道30例。

    Method : 143 reports ( 1979-2004 ) were collected by China National Knowledge Infrastructure ( CNKI ) and China Biology Medical Disc ( CBMDISC ) and handwork.30 of them were case reports about seizure .

  4. 方法用手工检索调查1990~2000年间临床研究论文,并根据国际标准对所发表的RCT进行了分析。

    Methods Clinical research paper from 1990 to 2000 were retrieved manually and the published randomized controlled trials were analyzed according to the international criterions .

  5. 如果评价特别指明杂志需手工检索,这应当被提及。但评价员为了帮助建立专门的CRG登记完成的手工检索不用提及。

    If journals were specifically handsearched for the review , this should be noted but handsearching done by the reviewers to help build the specialised register of the CRG should not be listed .

  6. 方法:1.计算机检索CNKI、VIP、CBM等数据库,并手工检索相关文献,查找研究地在中国的中医贴敷治疗或辅助治疗对比非贴敷治疗慢性阻塞性肺病稳定期的随机对照试验。

    Methods : 1 . The computer retrieval CNKI , VIP , CBM database and hand searches of relevant literature , find research in Chinese medicine in China sticking therapy or adjuvant therapy compared with stable non-sticking therapy for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease randomized controlled trials .

  7. 方法:检索Cochrane图书馆,Cochrane协作网肌骨专业试验数据库,Medline,荷兰医学文摘,中国生物医学文献数据库,手工检索中文文献。

    Methods : RCTS were identified from specialized trials registered in Cochrane muscle bone group , the Cochrane library additional electronic search ( including MEDLINE , EMBASE and CBM ), referance lists of articles , we hand search some Chinese Journals .

  8. 并手工检索《细胞凋亡基础与临床》。

    Basis for Cell Apoptosis and Clinical Application was manually looked for .

  9. 手工检索相关文献包括杂志增刊及会议摘要文献。

    The relevant supplement or conference abstracts were hand searched .

  10. 本文介绍了目前常用中文医学检索工具,包括手工检索工具(检索期刊)和计算机检索工具(数据库)。

    This paper introduces major Chinese medical information retrieval tools .

  11. 方法:以手工检索并参阅国内外近20篇文献资料。

    Methods : Referring to about 20 literatures .

  12. 再对入选文献的参考文献进行手工检索。

    The bibliographic sections of identified papers were manually searched to identify additional papers .

  13. 试论科技情报的计算机检索与手工检索的关系

    Discussion About the Relationship between Hand retrieval and Computer Retrieval in Scientific and Technological Information

  14. 方法运用计算机文献检索和手工检索相结合。

    Methods Computer and manual literature search .

  15. 各库尚未收录的文献,手工检索包含中医药的17种期刊。

    Chinese Biomedical Literature Database . Seventeen TCM journals not included in databases were searched manually .

  16. 手工检索了20种中医杂志,及有关学术会议论文汇编。

    Academic Researches 20 Chinese medical journals and relevant academic conference proceedings have been searched by hand .

  17. 阐述了在IT环境下,文检课在由传统的手工检索逐步向计算机检索过渡中,文检课如何发展。

    The paper expounds instructional development in literature search during transiting from traditional to computer operation supported by IT .

  18. 方法通过计算机检索和手工检索国内外有关中医药治疗慢性乙型肝炎的文献,将符合纳入标准的的522篇文献进行证型分布情况统计和评价。

    Methods Totally 522 articles on Chinese medicine for chronic HB were retrieved and estimated , aiming at pattern distribution evaluation .

  19. 布尔运算符、位置符、截词算符等的组合使用几乎能表示所有的手工检索方法。

    The compose usage of Bool calculate symbol , location symbol and block symbol can express almost all manual retrieval methods .

  20. 手工检索系统和计算机检索系统并存,能发挥各自的优点,给读者带来方便。

    Coexistence of the manual and computer searching systems brings their individual advantages into play and makes things convenient for the readers .

  21. 在手工检索、机检条件下形成的受控语言从标引到检索两方面都已基本成熟,网络信息资源的组织与检索涉及到自然语言如何与受控语言兼容并蓄问题。

    We must solve the problem how to combine natural language and artificial language when we talk about organizing and retrieving Internet information resources .

  22. 从历史上看,信息检索经历了手工检索、计算机检索到目前网络化、智能化检索等多个发展阶段。

    Historically , the information Retrieval goes through the manual retrieval , the computer retrieves , actual network , the intellectualized retrieval and so on .

  23. 此外,在图书馆手工检索1985-01/2005-12出版的相关专著。纳入标准:①脊柱生物力学研究。

    Additionally , we also manually searched related monographs in library published between January 1985 and December 2005 . Inclusive criteria : ① spine biomechanics research ;

  24. 方法:对《中国新药杂志》1992年创刊至2002年共11卷91期(包括增刊)进行手工检索,逐期逐页筛选新药临床试验文献并加以记录、评价和统计学分析。

    Methods : Randomized clinical trial articles published in 《 Chinese Journal of New Drugs 》 during past 11 years were collected and evaluated by statistical analysis .

  25. 方法:检索《中国生物医学期刊引文数据库》1994年~2006年报道的葛根素注射液所致不良反应文献及另手工检索到1994年以前2篇,共计51篇,并进行统计、分析。

    METHODS : Literatures ( totalled 51 papers , of which 2 were published before 1994 ) regarding puerarin-induced ADRs indexed in China Biomedical Journal Quotation Database were analyzed statistically .

  26. 方法:手工检索83种中医类杂志(1977&2002年6月)。纳入标准:中医药治疗冠心病的临床随机对照试验。

    Methods : Literatures of clinical randomized controlled trial of CHD treated with TCM , published in 83 Journals of TCM from 1977 to June 2002 , were retrieved manually .

  27. 并且手工检索《中文科技资料目录-医药卫生》1998-01/2004-08的相关文章,检索途径:分类途径。

    Besides , manual search of relevant articles published from January 1998 to August 2004 was applied to the " Chinese Catalogue of Technological Data " with the pathway of classification .

  28. 介绍了中国标准文献检索标识和中国标准文献的手工检索,给出了查找中国标准文献的具体方法。

    This paper introduces the searching identification of Chinese standard literatures and the manual searching of Chinese standard literatures , and gives the concrete methods for searching the Chinese standard literatures .

  29. 图书馆的参考咨询服务从手工检索发展到联机检索、光盘检索、网络检索,还可以通过网页向全球发布信息。

    The reference consulting service has developed from searching by hand to online searching , CD searching and network searching . And it can send information to the world by net page .

  30. 现代方药证治规律研究1.研究方法现代方剂的选择以维普数据库为主要检索途径,结合图书手工检索方式。

    ⅱ Study on the law of modern differentiation therapies and prescriptions (ⅰ) MethodsThe choice of the modern prescriptions depends on the VIP database as the main retrieval , combining with manual retrieval methods .