
  1. 房产价格已经止跌企稳。

    House prices have bottomed out .

  2. 该报指出,今年截至4月九大城市的房产价格下降了4.9%,这是一家咨询机构GaveKalDragonomics的RosealeaYao所掌握到的信息。

    It pointed out that prices had fallen by 4.9 % in the year to April in nine big cities tracked by Rosealea Yao of GaveKal Dragonomics , a consultancy .

  3. 假设未偿付额为常数且房产价格服从指数O-U过程。得到了两类保证险的鞅定价公式和保险精算定价公式;

    Obtain the martingale pricing formulas and the insurance actuary pricing formulas to two kinds of mortgage insurance , and also prove that the insurance actuary pricing are arbitrage when the unpaid money is a constant and the house price is driven by 0-U process .

  4. 房产价格和销量正在上升。建筑行业也在上涨。

    Home prices and sales are rising . Construction is up .

  5. 房产价格以前也没有上涨这么快。

    Nor has the property price jumped so quickly before .

  6. 但增长的原因是房产价格下降。

    But fueling that increase was a drop in price .

  7. 由于食物和房产价格走高,民怨滋生。

    As food and property prices move higher , populist resentment grows .

  8. 现在房产价格实在是非常便宜。

    Right now the house is a real bargain .

  9. 随着一些较富裕的退休人士购房,三亚房产价格也已飙升。

    Real estate costs also have soared as some wealthier pensioners buy apartments .

  10. 但是这家餐厅真的提高了周围房产价格吗?

    But can the restaurant really have boosted prices ?

  11. 他们的房产价格下降,他们为养老储蓄减少。

    And their housing prices are down ; their nest eggs are down .

  12. 从2003年开始,贝里克郡的房产价格开始跳跃性地年均增长15%到20%。

    From 2003 , prices began to jump by 15-20 per cent annually .

  13. 房产价格影响着许多其他领域,例如银行业,例如建筑业。

    Home prices affect a lot of other industries like banks , like construction .

  14. 第三,房地产泡沫累积和爆裂的过程是理性预期下预期房产价格与即期房产投资交互作用的过程;

    Third , bubble path is created by interaction between investment and expected price .

  15. 在整个美国范围内,房产价格,经济活动和就业率下降。

    Housing prices , economic activity and employment are down across the United States .

  16. 房产价格比去年同期下跌了超过5%。

    Home prices dropped more than 5 % from where they were last year .

  17. 房产价格持续攀升的原因和价格监督机制的构建

    The Reasons of Continuously Rising of the Property Price and the Structure Price Supervision Mechanism

  18. 不管怎样,一旦会有强烈反弹,房产价格也许反映不出第一手信号。

    The first signs of a sharp reversal may not show up in prices anyway .

  19. 土地价格上涨时,房产价格也将相应升高,其弹性系数达到0.5562。

    Land prices , housing prices will rise , its elasticity coefficients corresponding to 0.5562 .

  20. 随着房产价格下降,一大堆金融蠢话也见光死了。

    As house prices fall , a huge amount of financial folly is being exposed .

  21. 房产价格的财富效应是否存在?&基于中国的面板数据

    Is There Wealth Effect in House Prices ? & Based on Panel Data in China

  22. 高端房产价格超出2008年前峰值的另一个地方是伦敦。

    The other place where prices of high-end properties have risen above their pre-2008 peak is London .

  23. 若真正有价值的是上海房产价格与美国出口到中国的氢氧化钠价格呢?

    What if what really matters is prices in the Shanghai property market and US caustic soda exports ?

  24. 温哥华的房产价格一直以来都很贵,这些新来的中国买家更是进一步推动了价格的飙升。

    Real estate here has always been expensive . But the new Chinese buyers have sent valuations soaring .

  25. 缺点是房产价格可能需要一段比较长的时间来调整恢复到真实的价位。

    The bad thing is that it can take a long time for housing prices to reflect reality .

  26. 家庭财富和其重要组成部分,金融资产和房产价格作为家庭财富的主要组成部分,算在第一组里。

    Household wealth and its main components , financial-asset prices and property prices , are in the first group .

  27. 越来越多的理由让中国买家进军海外,近来国内房产价格下跌就是原因之一。

    Chinese buyers are finding more reasons to turn overseas , including the recent drop in domestic property prices .

  28. 批评人士说,他支持低成本信贷以及反对加强监管导致房产价格飞涨。

    Critics say his support of low-cost credit , plus his resistance to stronger controls , helped inflate housing prices .

  29. 随着城市中的土地和房产价格变得昂贵,富腾去年决定投资农业。

    With land and property prices in the cities looking expensive , the company decided last year to invest in agriculture .

  30. 上海目前的境地源于三年内大量投机者的恶炒,导致房产价格的翻倍。

    Shanghai 's housing bust comes after a doubling of prices in the previous three years , a run-up fueled by massive speculation .