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  1. 目前,这两家主要的数字内容零售商都在诱使用户将内容储存在云上,将同时加速iCloud和CouldDrive的普及率。

    Having two major digital-content retailers coaxing users to store their content in the cloud could speed up adoption of both iCloud and Cloud Drive .

  2. 易货交易使用户将物品或服务兑换成积分。

    Trade exchanges permit users to trade goods or services for credits .

  3. 这将使用户将复杂的转换分解成一系列简单转换步骤,最终对映射表中的数据有一个简单的调整。

    This leads the user to decompose the complex transformation into a series of simple transformation steps that end with a simple adaptation of the data in the mapping table .

  4. 这项专利还允许用户录制自己的歌声,以便日后编辑。同时,数字化音波还可使用户将他们的歌声与原唱进行对比。

    The patent also proposes allowing users to record their performances and edit them later , while a digital sound wave read out would also allow them to see how they had performed compared to the original .

  5. 这项专利还允许用户录制自己的歌声,以便日后编辑。同时,数字化音波还可使用户将他们的歌声与原唱进行对比。

    The patent also proposes allowing users to record their performances and edit them later , while a digital sound wave read out would also allow them to see how they had performed compared to the original 。

  6. 它们使用户能够将基于Eclipse或NSF视图的松散耦合的组件组装到一个应用程序中,以满足特定的业务需求。

    They enable users to assemble loosely coupled components based on Eclipse or NSF views to an application that meets specific business purposes .

  7. 次日,巴施户珥将耶利米开枷释放。

    Then on the day after , Pashhur let Jeremiah loose .

  8. 他必来除灭这些园户,将葡萄园另租给别人。

    He will come and destroy those tenants and give the vineyard to others .

  9. 他要求除灭这些园户,将葡萄园转给别人。

    He shall come and destroy these husbandmen , and shall give the vineyard to others .

  10. 内置支架使用户可以将设备放置在不同位置,用于打字、娱乐、阅读或观看视频。

    A built-in kickstand allows users to place the tablet in a variety of positions , for typing , playing , reading or watching .

  11. 谷歌则在它的搜索算法里加入了社交媒体成分,使用户可以将搜索结果推荐给自己的朋友。

    Google , for its part is offering a search algorithm with a social media component that allows users to recommend searches to their friends .

  12. 这样、葡萄园的主人要怎样办呢。他要来除灭那些园户、将葡萄园转给别人。

    What shall therefore the Lord of the vineyard do ? He will come and destroy the husbandmen , and will give the vineyard unto others .

  13. 系统可完成对公文数据的解密和解压缩,使用户可以将公文信息从数据库成批下载到客户机上。

    The System could accomplish the decryption and decompression of the file , then the users could download the batch document information from the database to the clients .

  14. 预配置应用程序和根据需要定制服务器配置的能力,使用户可以将服务器资源更多地投入到应用程序的工作当中,而不是应用服务器的管理开销。

    The ability to pre-configure applications and tailor the server configuration as needed allows a user to devote the resources of the server to application work rather than app-server overhead .

  15. 很多养熊户便将黑熊长期囚禁于狭窄的铁笼中,从它三岁开始取胆至死,历时十五至二十年。

    Therefore , most raisers will keep them in the narrow iron cages for a long time , from the third year of their age , when their bile began being drawn , until their death .

  16. 加拿大一户人家将家庭成员的尸体搁置在他们住所楼上的卧室长达6个月,因为他们认为只要祈祷就能让逝去的人重生,但尸体因这户人家无钱支付抵押贷款遭驱逐而被公之于众。

    A Canadian family lived with a corpse intheir upstairs bedroom for six months because they believed the deceased manwould be resurrected if they prayed , but the body was discovered when the family was evicted for not paying the mortgage .

  17. 该公司最近推出了一项新的功能,可以使用户轻松地将图片整合进通话中。

    That company recently launched a feature which lets users easily integrate images in its communications .

  18. 另一个女孩出身暴发户家庭,将她的男友用名贵的服装配饰包裹得严严实实。

    Another girl from a nouveau riche family , showers her boyfriend with expensive clothes and accessories .

  19. 耶户说,将首级在城门口堆作两堆,搁到明日。

    Then Jehu ordered , 'Put them in two piles at the entrance of the city gate until morning . '

  20. 新颁布的《个体工商户条例》将对摊贩的规定的权力授权给地方政府,但是地方立法多对小商人持否定态度。

    The newly-issued Regulations of the Individual Businesses authorized the power to administrate the small businessmen to local government , but the local legislation always takes a negative attitude to huckster .

  21. 顶楼有一户居民要将房子出租,而前来租房的年轻人抱怨屋外的工地喧闹异常,无法让人入住。

    One family was trying to rent their apartment out on the sixth floor , and the young man who wanted to rent this apartment was complaining how the construction site was too noisy to live .

  22. 随着生活水平的提高,户式中央空调将具有广阔的发展前景。

    With the improvement of the living standard , residential air conditioning will have a wide development prospect .

  23. 这一功能可以使用户很方便地将一条消息标记为非常感兴趣或非常有用的内容。

    This ability is a convenient way for users to flag certain messages as particularly interesting and valuable .

  24. 有使者来告诉耶户说,他们将王众子的首级送来了。

    When the messenger arrived , he told Jehu , 'They have brought the heads of the princes . '

  25. 中国将有越来越多的家庭越过买车的最低收入门槛。据估计,未来5年内,这一数字将会翻倍,由3500万户增加到7000万户,这将带动汽车业进一步增长。

    Further car industry growth will be driven by the fact that more and more households are passing the minimum income threshold to afford a car , with this number expected to double in the next five years from 35m to 70m households .

  26. 将完全守法户和有小问题的基本守法户分开,又将基本守法户中偷漏税较少的和偷漏税稍多的分别对待,这样做,可能发生很大的教育作用。

    To distinguish between the strictly law-abiding ones and the basically law-abiding ones with minor offences and , furthermore , to treat the basically law-abiding units guilty of small-scale tax evasion differently from those guilty on a larger scale may prove to have important educational value .