
zhàn bài
  • defeat;be defeated;lose;vanquish;be vanquished;suffer a defeat;lose a fight
战败 [zhàn bài]
  • (1) [be defeated]∶被打败;败阵

  • 战败方

  • 战败而亡者。--宋. 苏洵《六国论》

  • (2) [defeat;vanquish]∶挫败;征服;击败

  • 中国人民战败了日本侵略者

战败[zhàn bài]
  1. 此后确立的建立在苏德两国对波兰战败的基础上的波兰东西边界令两国耿耿于怀。

    The east-west boundary of the Poland established based on the Germany and the Russia to be defeated by the Poland remember in the two countrys .

  2. 如果我们战败,他们就会随着身体一起毁灭。

    If we lose this battle , they will perish , along with their bodies .

  3. 在争夺伦贝格的战斗中,奥地利人战败了。

    In the fight for Lemburg , the Austrians were defeated .

  4. 战败已成定局,许多士兵开小差跑了。

    Large numbers of soldiers deserted as defeat became inevitable .

  5. 他谈到战败使得该国短暂的统一彻底破灭。

    He talked about the country 's ephemeral unity being shattered by the defeat

  6. 战败对英国政策不可避免地产生了影响。

    The defeat had inevitable consequences for British policy .

  7. 敌人因战败而拼死挣扎。

    The enemy grew desperate at the defeat .

  8. 战败的消息使我们完全丧失了斗志。

    The news of the defeat took all the fight out of us .

  9. 这次战败道致了帝国的瓦解。

    This defeat led to the disintegration of the empire .

  10. 战败时,你需要香槟。——

    In defeat you need it .

  11. 泽克西斯战败的景象极其使人信服“骄兵必败”这句源远流长的老话

    The spectacle of Xerxes 's defeat tremendously reinforced the traditional conviction that pride goes before a fall .

  12. 有一次,虽然李陵的军队奋勇杀敌,因为兵力不足而战败投降。

    One time , however , Li Ling 's troops were so hopelessly outnumbered by the Huns that although they fought bravely , the whole army was soon taken captive .

  13. adj.最后的反:primary在多次战败之后,我们获得了这场战争的最后胜利。

    After many defeats , the war ended for us in ultimate victory .

  14. 投降的白旗是公开宣称战败。vt.通知;

    The white flag of surrender is an avowal of defeat .

  15. 1954年世界杯夺冠——被拍成电影《伯尔尼的奇迹》(TheMiracleofBern)——让德国人在1945年的战败和耻辱之后迎来了自豪和救赎的时刻。

    Victory in 1954 - captured in the film , The Miracle of Bern - allowed Germans a moment of pride and redemption after defeat and disgrace in 1945 .

  16. 开普认为,在冈比西斯战败后,波斯国王大流士一世(DariusI)平定了长达2年的残酷战争。

    According to Kaper , the Persian king Darius I put an end to this Egyptian rebellion in a bloody battle two years after Cambyses was defeated .

  17. 德国战败后,凡尔赛势力建议丹麦采取行动收回石勒苏益格―荷尔斯泰因(Schleswig-Holstein)。

    Following the defeat of Germany , Denmark was offered by the Versailles powers the return of Schleswig-Holstein .

  18. lantians已经位于战败的边缘了。

    The lantians were on the verge of defeat .

  19. 德国科学杂志《PM》还透露,德军在战败后,曾经销毁了大部分关于UFO的文件。但是1960年加拿大UFO专家设法重建了一个,令人吃惊的是,这个长相奇怪的物体竟然飞了起来。

    The magazine says that the Germans destroyed much of the paperwork on their activities but in 1960 in Canada UFO experts managed to recreate the device which , to their amazement , ' did actually fly ' .

  20. 1945年日本战败后,东条英机和Kishi作为甲级战犯被人们唾弃,然而Kishi却因某种原因避开了恐吓&也许是因为他那在战争中能够摧毁民族的利用价值。

    After Japans defeat in1945 , both Tojo and Kishi were found guilty as Class-A war criminals , but Kishi evaded the gallows for reasons unknown & probably his usefulness to a war-ravaged nation .

  21. 尼泊尔与东印度公司于尼泊尔边界小州的竞争导致了英国―尼泊尔战争(1815C16)。尼泊尔战败。

    Rivalry between Nepal and the British East India Company over the annexation of minor states bordering Nepal led to the Anglo-Nepalese War ( 1815C16 ), in which Nepal suffered a complete rout .

  22. 塞诺维娅战败并于公元272年被捕,她被皇帝奥勒利安(Aurelian)用金锁链铐着在罗马城中游行,从此巴尔米拉就被遗弃了,并且再也不复往日的繁荣。

    After Zenobia 's defeat and capture in 272 AD , she was paraded in golden shackles by Emperor Aurelian through the city of Rome , while Palmyra was sacked and never truly recovered .

  23. 胜利是由屠杀战败者来完成的。

    The victory was completed by the assassination of the vanquished .

  24. 战败的消息给小城蒙上了一层忧郁。

    The news of defeat cast a gloom over the town .

  25. 这位将领战败后,政府将他召回。

    The government recalled the general after he lost the battle .

  26. 他战败了,但不屈服。

    He was losing the fight but he would not submit .

  27. 日本虽战败,但能善于学习。

    Japan was defeated , but it 's good at learning .

  28. 美国的援助缓解了日本战败后的饥馑。

    American aid helped to ease the humiliation of Japanese defeat .

  29. 他们向战败的敌人限定投降条件。

    They dictated the terms of surrender to the defeated enemy .

  30. 最后,帕里斯战败并被杀死。

    Finally , Paris was defeated and killed in the battle .