
zhàn shén
  • god of war
  1. 马尔斯是古罗马战神。

    Mars was the Roman god of war .

  2. 打仗之前,指挥官下令给战神供奉两只小公牛。

    Before the battle , the commanders ordered the sacrifice of two bullocks to the God of war .

  3. 对暴力内容的限制,把《血源》(Bloodborne)、《战神》(GodofWar)和《侠盗猎车手》(GrandTheftAuto)等畅销游戏拒之门外。

    Restrictions on violent content keep out top-selling titles such as Bloodborne and the God of War and Grand Theft Auto franchises .

  4. 事实上,我认为它(战神)已经在莱比锡会议上得到了PSP最佳游戏的奖项,或者是类似的奖项。

    As a matter of fact , I think it even got an award for the Best PSP Game , or something like that , at the Leipzig conference .

  5. 第三个宝物来自Findias城,是强大的战神之矛(SpearofLug),它是战士的伟大礼物,会在战场上保护他的安全。

    From the city of Findias came the Spear of Lug , a mighty spear that would be a great gift to any warrior and would keep him safe on the battlefield .

  6. 兽人战神使所有友方生物的主动性+1。

    Orc warlords raise initiative of all friendly creatures by one .

  7. 准备下载战神奥林匹斯之链!

    God of War : Chains of Olympus ready to download !

  8. 他是战神、火星与天涯神之一。

    I am Tiu , god of the sky and war .

  9. 在一次苦战之后,战神睡着了。

    After a hard battle , the war God fell asleep .

  10. 去告诉战神我已经不是他的了。

    Tell the God of War I am his no longer .

  11. 那个战神神秘得很呢,简直不是人。

    The man 's a mystery . he 's not human .

  12. 哪个星球以罗马战神命名?

    Which planet was named for the Roman god of war ?

  13. 这一片庄严的大地,这一个战神的别邸;

    This earth of majesty , this seat of Mars .

  14. 战神的图片常常在他的头上显示出闪电。

    Pictures of Mars always show him with lightning above his head .

  15. 手中高悬战神之剑。

    And hold the sword of the war god in his hand .

  16. 智慧女神,女战神,从宙斯的头颅中诞生。

    The goddess of wisdom , war , the arts .

  17. 她同时也是出色的战神。

    And she 's also goddess of war done intelligently .

  18. 就算战神真的能长生不老?

    What if this warrior just kept living forever ?

  19. 杰克:你能多教我些战神游戏和英语学习(的事)?

    Jack : Can you teach me more about Zhanshen and studying English ?

  20. 大多数的电子游戏迷喜欢玩战神游戏!

    ex : Most gammers love the zhanshen.com.cn game !

  21. 莫莉:你战神了吗?

    Molly : Are you the War god yet ?

  22. 阿瑞斯,宙斯和赫拉之子,被委任为战神。

    Son of Zeus and Hera , Ares was appointed god of war .

  23. 杰克:你是还在玩战神游戏?

    Jack : Are you still playing the Zhanshen ?

  24. 莫莉:我是在玩战神游戏的时候认识的。

    Molly : I met them while playing Zhanshen .

  25. 戈登:我已经当了整整一个星期战神了。

    Gordon : I was for a whole week .

  26. 骏马,因为它为战神牺牲。

    And the horse , because it is sacred to the war god .

  27. 我还会告诉你怎样通过使用战神游戏来提高你的英语水平。

    I will also show you how to use Zhanshen to improve your English .

  28. 不久阿芙罗狄蒂离开他到漂亮的战神阿瑞斯即马尔斯那儿去了。

    Aphrodite soon left him for ares mars , the handsome god of war .

  29. 战神是一个很棒的游戏,我晚上做梦都梦到它。

    Zhanshan is such a fantastic game that I dream about it at night .

  30. 克瑞托斯:“就算我拥有这样的武器,我能够击败战神么?”

    Kratos : And with a such a weapon , I could defeat Ares ?