
  • 网络strategic design;strategy design;strategic planning
  1. 在此基础上,运用STEM法对永利化工发展钛白粉产品的备选方案进行了评价并进一步完成了永利化工发展钛白粉产品的战略设计。

    On the base of above all , the article estimated the prepared proposals of development titanium industry and accomplished its strategic design by applied STEM method .

  2. 本文主要是关于国内气体行业领先企业YGD公司发展战略设计的有关问题。

    This dissertation focuses on the strategic design of YGD Company , the leading firm in the country .

  3. F酒店基于平衡计分卡的战略设计和实施

    The Strategy Design and Implement of Balanced Scorecard on F Hotel

  4. 本文以我国专有技术型小企业公司C的战略设计为例,试图为我国专有技术型小企业的竞争战略提供一种设计思路。

    Based on the formulating of the strategy of Company C , this paper tries to provide a method of formulating strategy for the know-how small business .

  5. 采用SWOT分析方法进行企业配送模式战略设计;

    In this paper , the strategic mode of logistics distribution is designed based on SWOT analysis theory .

  6. 第四章作为本文的重点,围绕X公司在中国的扩张战略设计,提出了不同业务层的具体战略。

    Chapter 4 will be a key portion of this article , it will discuss the expanding strategy design , the specific strategies in different business level .

  7. 近年来已有一些国内外的高等院校尝试将CIS战略设计与高校教育管理结合,树立学校形象,创造学校品牌。

    In recent years there has been some efforts to integrate CIS design into college education management .

  8. 第六部分为多元化发展战略设计,主要包括对多元化战略思路与构成、SWOT分析、战略设计等内容。

    The six part introduces the diversification strategy design , including the strategic ideology and formation , SWOT analysis and strategy design .

  9. 战略设计阶段:首先运用SWOT分析企业的优势与劣势、行业的机会与威胁以确定公司发展的方向,制定战略目标及态势;

    Strategy design phase : firstly , use SWOT to analyze the company 's strength and weakness , the opportunities and threats of this industry ;

  10. 另一方面,据美国研究机构Frost&Sullivan的最新研究报告显示,由于CRM的实施缺乏企业级CRM战略设计,从而造成技术未能很好地与企业级战略相结合,导致了CRM项目的成功率降低。

    On the other hand , according to the latest research paper of the American research institution Frost & Sullivan , because the implementation of CRM lacks enterprise strategy , cause technology to fail to well combine together with enterprise strategy and the success rate of CRM project to reduce .

  11. CIS战略设计是一个有机的整体,作为塑造企业形象的重要工具,已为国内外企业在树立企业形象、打造企业品牌时广泛采用,许多企业也因此走上了脱离困境或快速发展的道路。

    CIS - Corporation Identity System design , which is an integrated system by itself and also an important instrument in designing the image of business companies , has been widely applied , within or outside the country , to increase the publicity of finished products .

  12. 商业银行的营销战略设计:案例与启示

    To design the marketing strategy of commercial bank : Case and inspiration

  13. 农村经济知识化发展战略设计

    The Strategic Design of Making Economy Knowledge-incentive in Rural Areas

  14. 基于公理化设计的农业供应链战略设计

    Approach for Agricultural Supply Chain Strategies Based on Axiomatic Design

  15. 强化专利战略设计提升企业竞争优势

    Strengthen the Patent Strategy Design and Reinforce the Core Competence of Enterprise

  16. 义乌中国小商品城国际化经营的战略设计

    A Strategic Scheme for Internationalized Management of China Commodity City in Yiwu

  17. 论苏北地区扶贫战略设计

    Design for Regional Poverty - support Strategy in Northern Jiangsu

  18. 在此基础上,本文对云南磷化集团有限公司的发展进行了战略设计。

    Based on these , YPC designed its development strategic .

  19. 基于动态能力的企业投资扩张战略设计

    Design for strategy of investment expansion based on dynamic capability

  20. 金鹿客运总公司经营战略设计

    The Managing Strategy Design for Jin Lu Passenger Traffic Company

  21. 济南移动品牌化市场竞争战略设计与实施

    The Research of Competition Strategy of Mobile Communication in JiNan

  22. 企业内容服务的战略设计与实施

    Strategic Methods of Establishing and Implementing Enterprise Content Service

  23. 联想:企业战略设计

    The Legend : A Strategical Plan of the Enterprise

  24. 中国家具业与企业战略设计

    Plans of Chinese Furniture Industry and Enterprise Tactics

  25. 关于邯郸经营城市的战略设计

    The strategic design about urban businesses in Handan

  26. 虚拟石化企业技术创新战略设计与实践

    Technological Innovation Strategy Based on Virtual Petrochemical Enterprises

  27. 本文认为,这对于我国专有技术型小企业的竞争战略设计是具有借鉴意义和参考价值的。

    The solution would be instructive to the strategy formulating of know-how small business .

  28. 比较劣势与比较优势同为经济发展战略设计的两个基点。

    Both comparative advantages and disadvantages are the starting-point for designing economic development strategies .

  29. 信息经济条件下民营企业组织战略设计与调整

    Study on design and adjustment of organizational strategy in private enterprises under condition of information economy

  30. 以流程为中心的战略设计

    Design of Process-centered Strategy