
  • 网络Strategic Marketing
  1. 我们在战略市场营销硕士课程是为准备在你的营销成功的职业生涯。

    Our MSc in Strategic Marketing is designed to equip you for a successful career in marketing .

  2. 介绍了战略营销的基体特点,战略市场营销更加注重企业的竞争优势、环境变化、长远未来、传统营销以及消费者需求这五个方面的平衡与协调,提出了推行战略营销的对策。

    This paper introduced the basic trait of theories of strategic marketing . Strategic marketing pay more attention to five factors , the advantage of competition 、 the variety of environment 、 farsighted future , traditional marketing and the need of consumer .

  3. 雷小山是战略市场情报公司中国市场研究集团(ChinaMarketResearchGroup)的创始人兼董事总经理。

    Shaun Rein is the founder and managing director of China Market Research Group , a strategic market intelligence firm focused on China .

  4. 中国已经成为很多跨国企业的战略市场。

    China has become strategic market for many multinational organizations .

  5. 国际市场是中兴通讯的战略市场。

    The international market is becoming ZTE 's most important strategic market .

  6. 对酒产品价格战略市场反映效果评估方法研究

    Study on Evaluation System of Market Feedback about the Price Strategy of Wine

  7. 中国聚碳酸酯市场正在成为全球第一大市场,成为各竞争对手的战略市场。

    Nowadays , China is becoming the biggest polycarbonate market in the world .

  8. 此后中国一直都是雅芳公司的重要战略市场。

    Since then , China has remained a major strategic focus for the company .

  9. 中国品牌吉利汽车也将俄罗斯市场作为其全球战略市场的重要组成部分。

    Another Chinese carmaker Geely also sees the Russian market as an integral part in its global strategy .

  10. 不过,我们认为,我们需要有不同的工作,以执行我们的战略市场经济的过程中移动到相邻的多个这样一个脆弱的全球时间较长。

    However , we believed that we needed to work differently in order to execute our strategy of moving into multiple market adjacencies during such a tenuous time in the global economy .

  11. 目前,上海奢侈品家具市场成为世界上增长最快的市场之一,上海已经成为国际顶级家具品牌扩大全球市场份额、提高国际竞争力而争相抢滩的必要战略市场。

    At present , Shanghai luxury furniture market has become one of the fastest growing markets in the world , and it has become a necessary strategic market that many top international furniture brands want to enter so as to expand global market share and improve international competitiveness .

  12. 她还担任过IBM全球服务部战略、市场与销售运营部总经理。

    Rometty also has served as the general manager of strategy , marketing and sales operations for IBM Global Services worldwide .

  13. 在企业战略和市场竞争方面,FDI主要起到了为国有汽车企业体制改革提供示范以及加剧国内竞争的作用;

    In the fields of firm strategy and market competition , FDI provides demonstration for Chinese State-owned firms to make a reform and enhances the domestic competition ;

  14. 本文从客户关系管理的概念及其核心思想入手,引出CRM的战略以及市场现状和发展预测。

    This dissertation starts with the nuclear conception of CRM , from which the standard CRM model is educed with enterprise strategy , market research and revenue forecast .

  15. 最后从人力资源战略、市场营销战略、基于EVA的集团管控战略等三个方面入手,制定了一系列战略目标实现的保障措施。

    Finally from the strategic human resources , marketing strategy , the group control strategy based on EVA such three aspects , formulated a series of strategic target realization safeguard measures .

  16. 客户关系管理(CRM)作为近年来数据挖掘技术在企业决策支持系统中又一新的应用,使企业在经营模式、销售战略以及市场服务等多元领域都突破了传统框架。

    Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ), as a new application of data mining technologies in DSS recently , has made a breakthrough to the framework of traditional business management and merchandise planning .

  17. 随着竞争者的加入和经营环境的变化,YL公司的营销战略和市场策略渐渐不能适应市场的要求,销售问题日渐突出。

    As the business environment change and competitors to join , YL marketing strategies and marketing policy gradually cannot meet the needs of the market .

  18. 其次,根据7S模型的研究框架,论文分析了金星集团所存在的战略、市场、技术、人员等方面的困难;

    Thirdly , according to the study frame of7S model , this paper analyzed difficulties about the strategy , market , technology and personnel existed in Jinxing group .

  19. 作为一个RSC的咨询顾问或分析师,你将参与包括企业战略,市场战略,产品与技术战略和运作的改善在内的各类项目。

    As an Analyst with RSC , you will be involved in projects encompassing : Business Strategy , Market Strategy , Product & Technology Strategy and Operation Improvement .

  20. 本文分七个部分,分别从公司概况、市场环境、竞争环境、产品和技术发展战略、市场营销战略、投融资策略、以及财务预测等方面加以分析,以论证TS公司融资项目的可行性。

    This thesis consists of seven chapters , Corporate Overview , Industry Forecast , Competition Analysis , Products and Services Development Strategy , Sales and Marketing Strategy , Financing and Investment Strategy , and Financial Forecast , from which to analysis the company 's financing project .

  21. 企业非市场战略与市场战略整合互动研究

    A Study on Integrative Interactions of Corporate Non-market Strategy and Market Strategy

  22. 因此技术创业型公司必须权衡公司的创新导向战略和市场导向战略。

    So the tradeoffs between innovation orientation and market orientation are very important .

  23. 竞争战略是市场营销战略中的重点内容。

    Competitive strategy is the core of strategic marketing .

  24. 目标市场战略和市场营销组合策略共同构成了华柴公司市场营销战略。

    The target market strategy and marketing mix tactics form the marketing strategy .

  25. 宽带业务的经营战略和市场营销策略亟待调整。

    The marketing strategy about broadband service desiderate adjustment .

  26. 接管其他投资方开发建设的码头发展战略(市场集中化战略和战略联盟的组合);

    Take over other investor 's pier ( combine market concentration with strategy alliance );

  27. 众所周知,市场营销战略是市场营销的核心。

    Marketing strategy is the core of marketing .

  28. 上述期权战略让市场蒙在鼓里,激怒了全世界的投资者。

    The strategy left markets in the dark and infuriated investors around the world .

  29. 第二章就所应用的战略与市场营销理论进行阐述。

    The second chapter is on the use of strategy and marketing theory to elaborate .

  30. 分析了中国电信自身的发展战略和市场环境。

    It also analyzes the developing strategy and the market environment of China telecom proper .