
zhàn zhēnɡ xínɡ shì
  • war situation
  1. 甚至某些人在战争形势稍为好转的时候,就准备在国共两党之间加紧磨擦一下,把对外的眼光转到对内。

    There are even some people who , the moment a slightly favourable turn occurs in the war situation , are prepared to intensify the friction between the Kuomintang and the Communist party , diverting attention from external to internal matters .

  2. 但是随着越来越多其他少数民族的加入,有些农民起事的宣传动员方式越来越不适应战争形势的发展和战争环境的变化,甚至导致了农民起事的失败。

    But as more and more other minorities took part , some insurgent propaganda and mobilization mode were not more and more adapt to the changes in the development of the war situation and circumstances of war , and even led to the failure of the uprising .

  3. 这一胜利使战争形势为之改观。

    This victory changed the complexion of the war .

  4. 在国与国之间,敌对情绪的日积月累终会以大规模的没有人性的战争形势爆发出来。

    At the international level an accumulation of hostile emotions finally finds expression in large-scale impersonal warfare .

  5. 随着战争形势的快速发展,提高单兵间的通信能力已经受到了各国的重视。

    With the development of the ways of war , communication capability improvement single soldier has been highly valued by all countries .

  6. 在伊拉克战争形势不利的情况下,支持向伊派驻更多军队的确是大胆之举。

    It was indeed courageous to back the idea of sending more troops to Iraq , at a time when the war was going so badly .

  7. 同时,阿富汗状况恶化,美国情报部门表示,战争形势螺旋状下滑,派往阿富汗的指挥官要求增援部队。

    At meantime , Afghanistan is dramatically worse , US intelligence says the war there is spiraling downward , and commanders are scrambling to send in more troops .

  8. 战争形势的恶化,国民政府面临严峻的经济形势并及时调整了战时政策,第一次全国生产会议的召开就是调整战时经济的具体表现。

    Facing the worsening situation and severe economy , national government adjusts the wartime policy . The holding of the First National Production Conference is specific performance of the economic adjustment .

  9. 战争形势很快迫使美国放弃中立,但是国联思想却沉淀下来成为威尔逊外交的主要目标。

    Soon the situation forced America giving up neutral policy and involving the war , but the League of Nations idea was left to be main purpose of Wilson 's diplomacy .

  10. 虽然伊拉克战争形势好转,但是布什总统在那里开新闻发布会时发现,许多伊拉克人仍然愤懑不平。

    And if that weren 't enough , though the Iraq war is going better , many Iraqis still smolder as Bush found out during a year and a news conference there .

  11. 尽管这一行动有象征意义,但两岸的政府官员都承认,阿富汗已成为北约的重要问题&且战争形势并不乐观。

    Despite the symbolism of such a move , however , officials on both sides acknowledge that Afghanistan has become Nato 's defining issue – and that the war is not going well .

  12. 伴随日本侵华战争形势的变化和日本国内战时经济统制体制的确立,战时日本在华直接投资策略和投资内容也在不断调整之中。

    With the change of Japanese aggressive war circumstances in China and the establishment of Japan 's wartime controlled economy , the tactics and items of Japanese direct investment in China were in frequent readjustment .

  13. 苏德战争形势的发展打破了日本待机北进的计划,日苏关系虽受到动摇却未陷入破裂。

    The development of the Soviet German war disrupted the original plan of Japan to advance into the north when the opportunity came and the relationship between the Soviet Union and Japan was shaken and yet not destroyed completely .

  14. 完颜昌的对宋态度经历了一个由主战到主和的转变过程,主要是由宋金战争形势发展变化所决定的。

    Wan Yanchang 's attitude towards the Song Dynasty had experienced a course of transformation which was from advocating war to standing for making peace . It was mainly determined by the development and change of the situation of war between the Song and the Jin Dynasty .

  15. 他还读《对外政策》(ForeignPolicy)杂志上的文章,以及兰德公司(RANDCorporation)对镇压叛乱的研究,努力跟上由他肇始的恐怖主义战争的形势。

    He also read Foreign Policy magazine articles and RAND Corporation studies on counterinsurgency , trying to keep a handle on the war on terrorism he had set off .

  16. 从现代战争的形势来看,各军种联合作战,是未来高技术条件下战争的主要模式。

    The position of the modern war shows that the main pattern of the modern war is the association of several army services .

  17. 1942年,战争的形势发生了一定的变化,英国根据这一情况出发就英国对西班牙政策进行了相应的调整。

    In 1942 , the situation of World War II changed , and the British Churchill government adjusted their policies on Franco regime accordingly .

  18. 伊拉克战争对国际形势和国际关系全局及其走向产生重大而深远影响。

    The Iraqi War will exert great and deep influence on the international situation , the overall international relations and its direction .

  19. 他们曾十分犹豫要不要让马拉克上战场,但是曼达洛人战争吃紧的形势只留给他们有限的选择。

    They were hesitant to unleash Malak onto the battlefields , but the strains of the Mandalorian Wars left them few options .

  20. 20世纪30年代,在世界安全制度无法有效应付战争危机的形势下,苏联及时提出了建立集体安全体系的正确主张。

    When the security system of the world could not deal with the crisis of war in 1930s , Soviet Union raised the idea of establishing the collective security , and this policy assigned Britain an important role to play .

  21. 战争的到来使形势更为严峻。

    The advent of war led to a greater austerity .

  22. 伊拉克战争与世界石油形势

    Iraq War and World 's Petroleum Situation

  23. 5年来,在美国挑起的两次战争之后,世界形势在经历了9•11撞击后比本世纪初几乎任何人预料到的都要糟。

    Five years and two American-led wars later , the world created by the September11th hijackers is a darker place than almost anyone predicted at the start of the new century .

  24. 伊拉克战争后的石油形势凸显我国能源安全方面潜伏的危机,主要表现为我国未来能源需求与能源资源储量不足之间的矛盾。

    After the Iraq War in this year , the potential crisis in China 's energy security has been emerged . The situation is that the energy resources deposit is in short supply for meeting the domestic energy demand .

  25. 但反过来看,在中国的文学作品中,和韩国有关的小说却很少,主要有东北作家群以及一批以韩国战争和流亡的形势为主题的创作。

    On the contrary , there is few works about Korea in Chinese literature . The very few works about Korea are written by a few writers of the northeast China or focus on the Korean War and exile situation .

  26. 作为主要参战国之一的中国,在战争初期面对着相对劣势的战争形势,迫切地需要动员国内可以动员的力量来支持这场战争。

    China , as one of the major belligerent , facing the relatively inferior situation of war at the beginning of the war , needed to mobilize the domestic forces that can be mobilized to support this war .

  27. 意大利的战争将成为一场艰苦的持久的战争。国会成员并不愿意承担战争形势变坏的责任,但是他们还想支持我们的军队。

    The battle in Italy will be hard and long . Members of Congress do not want to have to take the heat for a war that goes badly , but they also want to appear supportive of our troops .